Tsuyokute New Saga (LN)

Volume 3 Chapter 8

Volume 3 Chapter 8

“In fact, Milena-sama has ordered us to leave everything to Kyle-dono if things end up this way.”

After the higher-ups of the Empire left the room, and Kyle had returned to his senses, Orgis spoke up with an apologetic tone, explaining everything.

“End up this way…When the negotiations end in a stalemate?”

“Yes.” Kirlen nodded.

Just as much as Zilgus would not back down, Galgan would not let them back off either. Naturally, the wise Princess Milena had expected this to happen and came up with a way to break through the stalemate. Namely, hammer down on them until they understand it. The Galgan Empire valued strength over everything, and although it may sound like bad-mouthing, the opinion of the strong counts the most. Showing ultimate strength was enough to silence the other party.

This very method was often used by the Empire in negotiations with other countries. That’s why Milena guessed they would immediately jump on the idea of resolving this with the creed of absolute strength. The location of Kyle to prove himself would be the Martial Arts Festival, showered with attention, and no way to cheat himself out of it.

“Basically, this possibility existed from the very beginning…and you just kept quiet about it.”

“Yes. I do feel terrible, but we couldn’t let them take the lead during the negotiations, so we kept it a secret.”

Hearing Kirlen stating it with no hesitation, Kyle let out a sigh. He knew how effective this method was. However, because he wasn’t informed at all, he could not enjoy it at all.

“Naturally, even in the event that you lose, you won’t bear any responsibility. Of course, you also have the right to decline after learning about the circumstances. What do you say?”

It seemed like Kyle had the freedom to choose at least, but as his goal was to become a hero, he could not run away before a battle, as that would leave a bad spot in his history. Milena probably judged that this was Kyle’s predicament, which is why she decided on this method in the first place. Kyle could even see her devilish smile, as he let out another sigh.

“I doubt Kyle-dono will have much trouble acquiring victory, personally.”

Kyle felt a vein pop in his head after hearing Orgis’ statement, but this was equally convenient for him.

Now that it’s also a request from Zilgus, there’s no way I can back out.

Kyle had always considered participating in the festival. If he managed to defeat stronger individuals here in Galgan, it would raise his honor and spread his fame. If he managed to win at the festival, even someone from Zilgus like him would be regarded as much more popular.

However, he planned on doing so in two years once Maizar became the Emperor, as that would bring him closer to the Emperor. It was a bit earlier than he had planned, but participating in the festival was still beneficial for Kyle. At the same time, as it was Kyle’s goal to become a hero that could influence the whole world, he needed the assistance of Zilgus. At the very least, this was another plus point on the Zilgus affinity level.

I’m using her myself…Not to mention that this is how the relationship between a princess and a commoner would work. I should just earn bonus points while I can.

Kyle convinced himself.

“Leave it to me, I will definitely bring victory to Zilgus.” Kyle responded with a confident smile, and swore to get back at that princess at some point.

Inside the imperial palace of Galgan stood the guardroom of the knight brigade. Inside of that was the training room. It was a robust, stone-paved room, with various weapons hanging on the walls, used for the knights to train. Normally, this would be the time for the Empire’s knights to gather and train their skills, but right now no person could be seen present—Except Princess Angela and Seran, facing each other, as well as a few of Angela’s maids.

Angela wore a white light and flashy armor that prioritized looks over defense. At the same time, Seran held a dull training sword. After Angela let out a faint breath, she pulled the rapier from her waist, stepping forward to slash it at Seran. From pulling her sword to the actual attack, it looked like one smooth motion, resembling less of an actual sword technique and more like the scene of a theatre play, as it possessed beauty to charm everybody watching.

However, despite its outer appearance, there was no mercy to be found in this strike. If she attempted a feint only to then aim for a place that was hard to defend, Seran would immediately retaliate with a counterattack. She showed swift and sharp swordsmanship you wouldn’t expect from the princess of a country. However, Seran evaded all of that, dealing with it quite easily. After Angela grew hasty and forcefully went for a hit, Seran moved, as if he had been waiting for that. Not to mention with a speed greatly outmatching even Angela’s first-class attack.

As Seran had only been defending up to this point, he now saw an opening in Angela’s reckless movement, and stabbed his sword at her, twisting it for further attack. A moment later, Angela’s weapon dropped to the ground, and her eyes opened wide. They had further matches after that, but Angela never even managed to touch Seran once, and the mock battle ended.

“Thank you very much for listening to my request.” Angela flashed a smile with her reddened face while wiping off her sweat, putting away the rapier.

Immediately after, a maid approached Angela, changing her appearance into something worthy of a princess.

“I’m glad you’re satisfied.” Seran sighed in relief that this mess was finally over, but he kept up a flawless smile.

During the previous night’s banquet hall, Angela asked Seran for a sparring match. Seran responded that maybe if he could manage to find the time, but he was immediately summoned early the next morning.

Thank god this is over. I’m really not good with this sort of stuff…

From Seran’s point of view, this was a person he had to always be on his mental A-game, always careful what he was saying or doing. He couldn’t afford to go easy on her, but if he got serious, he’d definitely injure her. Adding all the other circumstances into the mix, and he was mentally exhausted. Now that this straining mock battle finally ended, Seran could sigh in relief.

“But, it pains me that I couldn’t even graze you once. I wanted at least one attack to connect.” Angela pouted in disappointment.

“No no no, I was quite surprised at your swordsmanship, really. I didn’t expect that at all…” Seran showed another vague smile, hiding his true feelings.

“Thank you very much. It’ll make my teacher very happy.”

“Huh, and that teacher is…”

“That would be me. Angela-sama is a disciple I am most proud of.” A voice suddenly spoke up, belonging to Darius who had entered the room without anybody noticing.

“So you’ve arrived, Darius.” Angela called out to him with a bright tone.

“Oh, when did you…”

“You’ve already realized for a while now, haven’t you?”

Seran tried to play dumb, but Darius showed a wry smile. In fact, the bigger problem of his mock match with Angela was that he couldn’t shake off Darius’ presence in the back of his head, which made him feel restless as he was watched so one-sidedly.

“What exactly? I don’t enjoy being watched by men like that.” Seran threw a teasing comment at the smiling Darius.

“No, I was simply admiring you. I knew you were skilled, but to think you possessed such talent. It makes me wonder how a fight with you would play out…” Darius’ expression seemed dubious, but he at least wasn’t admitting his immediate defeat. “So, between you and that Kyle, who is stronger?”

“I feel like I’ve been asked that a lot lately…I don’t really care who is stronger, okay.” Seran complained.

“Come on, having someone so strong next to you, there’s no way you wouldn’t be curious who is stronger, right? It’s something that plagues you as a swordsman…Or, are you admitting defeat?” Darius clearly aimed to provoke Seran with that statement.

On the surface, Angela looked at the two with a worried gaze, but deep down, she seemed to be excited. Right as Seran was about to say something, another voice called out to him from the side.

“I genuinely couldn’t care less myself.”

“Oh my, Kyle-sama!” Seeing Kyle’s arrival, Angela was delighted.

After the negotiations ended for Kyle, he was curious about Seran being summoned by Angela, and went on the lookout for him. Now, said Angela looked at the three men, truly delighted.

“This is such a wonderful opportunity, so I’d like to have a sparring match with Kyle-sama as well. And then, we’d find out who the strongest out of you three is…”

“Angela-sama, it pains me to spoil your fun, but Prince Eldorand has been calling for you.” Darius stopped Angela’s excitement, to which her expression grew a bit more gloomy.

“Is that possibly…”

“Yes, it’s related to that.”

Angela looked up at the ceiling, sighing.

“I would have wished to talk like this a bit longer…but it appears as if some urgent business came up…” Angela spoke with true regret in her voice. “If possible, let us meet again tonight.” She told Seran, and left after being pulled along by her maid.

“Seems like she took a liking to you, huh.” Kyle told Seran while looking after Angela.

“Unlike you, I’m not good at dealing with important people like her.” Seran simply held his head, wishing for the torture to be over soon.

Everybody close to him knew that he was a woman-chaser and playboy. In that regard, Angela was undoubtedly a beauty above others. However, no matter how much the princess of the Empire may have taken a liking to him, one wrong move could turn the whole imperial family against him. Seran at least understood the pressure from that, so he decided to keep an adequate distance from Angela.

“Not to mention that she’s just hard to reject in that regard…”

“Well, keep it up, chief…” Kyle could only sympathize with Seran.

As Kyle had nothing more to talk about, he excused himself, and Seran followed after. However, before they could leave, Darius called out to Kyle.

“Is it true that you were the one who struck down Zentos?”

The moment Kyle heard Zentos’ name, his feet stopped abruptly.

“…What might you be talking about? Zentos died because of a monster’s attack. Well, since I was the one who defeated the Hydra, I guess you could say that I bested him.” Kyle kept up his poker face as best as he could.

“I fought Zentos only once, but I lost back then. I know it might sound petty, but I believe it was a close loss on my hand. However, I’ve trained quite a lot, hoping to have a rematch…It is a shame.”

“You’re not even listening to me…”

It seemed like the failed assassination of Princes Milena, ordered by King Remonas, had already reached the Empire. Once again, Kyle had to admire the reliability of their sources. Of course, they shouldn’t know that it was King Remonas who plotted the assassination…or so Kyle hoped at least.

“Well, it’s true that a question of who is stronger was only valid if both participants were alive. The only way to find out would have been a direct battle. If I won against you, it’d indirectly mean I won against Zentos, after all.” Darius smiled, creating an awkward atmosphere.

Kyle was forced to flash a smile himself.

“…Oh, my apologies. There’s no need to rush anything. I’ve received orders from Eldorand-sama to participate in the Martial Arts Festival.” With that comment, the lukewarm atmosphere vanished instantly.

“Oh, so it really ended up like that.”

Naturally, Kyle had expected as much. The other side definitely can’t afford to have Kyle win the tournament, so they sent their strongest warrior. Basically, this year’s tournament would be a battle of representatives.

“Originally, I planned to never participate again after my victory…but if I can become the next one to secure a consecutive victory after the [Crimson Ogre] it might not be so bad. Let’s try our best to end up in the same match. I’m looking forward to it.” Darius showed an excited smile and walked away.

“What? You’re participating in the festival?”

“Yeah, it sadly ended up that way,” Kyle answered Seran’s question with clear displeasure in his voice.

“Hmmm…the festival that my old hag won…”

“You interested?” Kyle asked Seran with a serious expression.

“…No, not really. With you participating, I can’t be getting in the way.” Seran crossed his arms behind his back, walking away.

Kyle watched Seran’s back distance itself with complicated feelings.

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