Turns Out, I’m from a Real Aristocratic Family!

Chapter 101: Feeling Like Shit

Chapter 101: Feeling Like Shit

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Do you have any evidence, President Fang?” Li Guang ground his teeth and exclaimed, “If not, I’ll take legal action against you for defamation!”

“It’s difficult to determine who will sue whom, Mr. Li. Let’s not jump to conclusions too quickly. If you find yourself in a tight spot, don’t expect me to bail you out,” Fang Yuan retorted with a cold tone.

Li Guang seethed with frustration, his temper flaring. “You!”

Fang Yuan raised her gaze and fixed it on him. “By the way, there’s stir-fried beef on the lunch menu. Are you sure it’s real beef in there?”

Li Guang’s expression cracked. “What are you insinuating?”

Fang Yuan responded calmly, “1 just had a look. You’ve substituted chicken that died from illness for the beef.”

Li Guang smirked, attempting to downplay the accusation. “President Fang, your imagination is quite vivid. You’d better have evidence to support such absurd claims!”

Fang Yuan turned to her assistant and instructed, “Fetch the kitchen trash can, please.”

Wang Ning promptly complied, rolling the large trash can in front of Fang Yuan. With a swift kick, Fang Yuan overturned the trash can, causing its contents to spill out onto the floor.

Zhao Quan and Li Guang hastily took a few steps back, wary of getting their clothes soiled.

Among the discarded kitchen waste lay chicken heads, chicken claws, chicken innards, and more.

“1 didn’t consume any chicken for lunch, yet the trash can is brimming with these…” Fang Yuan remarked casually. “Healthy chickens have open eyes after they pass away. Only chickens that succumb to illness have closed eyes.”

The onlookers examined the chicken heads more closely. Upon inspection, it was evident that all the chicken heads had closed eyes!

“Have any of you been to the market? When slaughtering chickens, blood needs to be drained, but dead chickens can’t bleed, resulting in red-colored meat. Additionally, the skin of chickens that died from illness takes on an unhealthy dark gray hue. It looks dry and lacks elasticity. Clearly, this isn’t meat from a healthy chicken,” Fang Yuan explained, her tone unwavering.

The employees in the vicinity immediately felt nauseated. Who would have guessed that the meat they had consumed, thinking it was beef, turned out to be chicken that had perished due to illness? They now desperately wanted to purge their lunch from their stomachs.

Li Guang, taken aback, hadn’t anticipated someone as young as Fang Yuan to possess such keen observation and knowledge. How could someone her age distinguish between a deceased chicken and a healthy one?

“Alright, even if the chef did accidentally purchase a chicken that died from illness, it’s not their fault,” Li Guang defended. “At most, they were deceived by the supplier who sold them the chicken. Moreover, you claim that you can turn a sick chicken into beef. That’s absurd! If you can do it, show me!”

Fang Yuan couldn’t help but find it amusing that Li Guang was only willing to believe when he saw it with his own eyes.

“What’s so challenging about that?” Fang Yuan responded calmly. “Simply cut the chicken into strips, add some roasted meat essential oil and beef essential oil, and stir-fry it with oil and seasoning. As long as it doesn’t look like caramel coloring, it will immediately resemble beef.”

Li Guang’s face froze. He hadn’t expected Fang Yuan to be so well-versed in the production process, and she didn’t miss a single detail.

“The evidence is… All the additives 1 mentioned can be found right here in this kitchen!”

Upon hearing Fang Yuan’s words, the surrounding employees felt as though they had consumed something truly repulsive.

One of the employees patted his chest in relief. “Thank goodness I didn’t have those two dishes for lunch. 1 dodged a bullet!”

Fang Yuan glanced at him and found it amusing. “Do you think there’s something wrong with just those two dishes?”

“President Fang, you mean…” the employee didn’t quite grasp the situation and appeared flustered.

Fang Yuan clarified, “The cafeteria prepared 13 dishes for lunch today, and not a single one was made with fresh ingredients!”

The people present were shocked when they heard this revelation. Could it be true? None of

the 13 dishes were made with fresh ingredients? This was beyond alarming!

“President Fang, what about the sausage? Surely the sausage can’t be fake, can it? Is it possibly made from deceased animals?” The employee voiced their concerns with a hint of worry.

Fang Yuan remained composed. “1 wonder if everyone here has heard of starch sausages? You mix various powders, add food additives, roasted meat essential oil, and finally, some carrageen. Pour the mixture into the kitchen machine, stir it well, and then squeeze it into sausage casings. Steam it, and you’ve got yourself a sausage.”

“Ugh…” Several employees couldn’t bear it and rushed to the garden to vomit.

Fang Yuan continued, “As for the evidence…” She walked over to the kitchen machine. “There’s still some minced residue on the inner wall. You can have it tested.”

Initially, there had been concerns that the sausages might also contain deceased animal meat, but as it turned out, there was no meat at all; it was all seasoning!

Fang Yuan then addressed the group. “Have any of you noticed that the color of the fish soup you had for lunch seemed off? Normal fish soup isn’t so white unless you add a spoonful of carnation milk. You can make delicious, fresh, and flavorful fish soup with the right ingredients.”

One person rushed outside to vomit again. No one had expected such deceitful practices from the cafeteria.

“I also spotted concentrated lamb in the kitchen. Do you know what that is? Just one spoonful of water, and it tastes like mutton bone soup.”

Only one employee seemed relieved. “Thank goodness 1 wasn’t feeling well during lunch, so I only had some rice with sesame sauce…”

Fang Yuan interjected, “The sesame sauce you were eating is actually made from sesame essence.”

“…” The last employee also couldn’t hold back and vomited..

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