
Chapter 66 - His left hand

Chapter 66: His left hand

The reaction was interesting, to say the least. After a few moments of silence, all three of them charged toward Dohyuk. He was expecting of it, of course. He didn’t expect to have friendly interactions after asking his questions. All in all, enemies tend to back off from aggression. They did not know anything about the opponent, so acting aggressive would make them wary.

That’s why Dohyuk used the opposite method. He spoke as if he was trying to talk things out.

‘Two with weapons.’

Hwang Kangmin had a fist weapon, and Jang Byungil had a long pole. Yoo Giwon was empty-handed.

The two with weapons approached Dohyuk from both sides, and Kwangmin first rushed up to Dohyuk with his right fist. Dohyuk raised his hand to block it. He felt his bones snapping from the attack. Then came the left fist and Dohyuk took a step back, trying to evade the attack. Yet another attack came from the opposite direction. It was from Byungil. Dohyuk then knelt with his two hands barely defending his face and the top half of his body.


Two men glared at Dohyuk, but they did not scoff or snort. They knew that Dohyuk was strong. He had just withstood their joint attack and he had a way to heal himself. The glanced at each other and looked back.

“I guess you’re giving up your share?”

“We won’t give you any credit for not joining us.”

Yoo Giwon, was still standing behind them without any weapon in hand. Giwon raised both hands and spoke.

“I think it’s too much of a risk to take.”

If they finished fighting, they would have to compete with each other for the outcome even if they were injured from this fight. Yoo Giwon decided to give up on this rather than taking the risk.

“…A wise decision.”

“But a wrong one.”

Kwangmin and Byungil then looked at Dohyuk. He was strong, but not enough to injure any of them if they attacked at once.

If it was only for the two of them, that would be great. They could agree on ‘sharing’ the reward, and they wouldn’t have to put themselves in danger to take everything as their own.


Dohyuk demanded. He felt pain from his left.

“The answer is who will ‘survive’ to become a dog…”

Dohyuk continued, “The wisest is the one who always stands behind…”

“Cut the bullshit.”

Kangmin jumped again. He threw his pinch, but Dohyuk did not ‘block’ it this time as he flipped back and dodged it.


Kwangmin was shocked by the fact that Dohyuk could still move in that state. But it wasn’t over. Dohyuk quickly took a step and charged toward Kangmin. Kangmin then threw his not-fully-ready left arm at Dohyuk who took the blow to his face.

He felt the pain from the damage to his nose bones breaking and his face crushing.

“He’s mad!” Kwangmin shouted.

“He’s trusting his healing skill…”

No, he didn’t think that. He just realized that Kwangmin’s left-hand attack was weaker than the right. That’s why he took it even if it destroyed his face to shorten the range.

He couldn’t see anything, but his two hands were now grabbing Kwangmin’s head.

And he kicked with his knee. The skill from his Flying Master Kicks.

The kick destroyed Kwangmin’s chin, and Dohyuk landed another knee kick, which destroyed the bones above his chin. Dohyuk then pushed Kangmin away. The kicked that followed struck his face.

<<Killed human>>

<<Acquired 15323 coins>>

It was less then Changkun, but before Dohyuk could think about it, he lost his balance and fell down. His leg was struck by a pole. He then was thrown back and he saw the pole coming down on him again. He quickly rolled to dodge, but as he got up, the pole ‘sliced’ his thighs. At the end of the pole was a blade formed by a skill. As it consumed blood, the blade part began to take shape and grew larger.

“It becomes more powerful as it damages you. You won’t be able to defend against it.”

“…I…I get it that you need to hit it multiple times to make it work… but it’s crap.” Dohyuk taunted. He wasn’t sure if it worked, but Byungil quickly swung his pole again.

Dohyuk then realized that this man was skilled in using poles, just like how Dohyuk had the Flying Master Kicks. The pole, or a spear, was swinging rapidly. He was too powerful in his current state. It would’ve been hard to fight even if he was his normal self. Dohyuk then fell to the ground.

“It’s over.”

Byungil then came down on him. Dohyuk tried to dodge, but his hand was caught up in the attack.


His five fingers were cut and they fell onto the ground.

“So, you can only heal once?” Byungil spoke with a smug look on his face. He stood at a distance, but the tip of the spear pressing againstDohyuk’s neck.

“The outcome… would’ve been the same, but you could’ve fought longer if you did it.”


“What?” Byungil asked. The word that came after was too small to hear-

“…Then he… would not have done it as I wanted him to…”


He couldn’t understand, but it didn’t matter. He then felt pain coming from below, and looked down.


It was too late, but he regretted his mistake. He hadn’t been careful about the one man that he had to be wary of the most.

Yoo Giwon.

“I’m sorry.”

The man had kept his distance, but he would surely be tempted.

“I didn’t become a winner this way.”

A dagger penetrated his heart.



Yoo Giwon then twisted his sword, destroying the heart completely. Byungil fell to the ground and Giwon waved his hand. The dagger was somehow pulled out from the body by itself and it came flying into his hand.

“..Y..you’re alone,” Dohyuk smiled at Giwon.

“I know an opportunity when I see one.”

“So… you… think of becoming my dog?”

Dohyuk was taunting him, but he wasn’t acting about the shivering. He was hurt, and fatigued. The reason why he did not ‘Digest’ was because it was part of the plan. He was going to utilize his injuries to overpower the three opponents.

“Y-you look smart…”

Dohyuk flicked his finger at Giwon, gesturing him walk closer. Dohyuk would recover with the fist weapon that he took from Kwangmin and kill him. That was the plan.

“You will be… a good dog…”

“I always wished to have a chance like this before I died.”

The man in his late twenties, Giwon, looked at Dohyuk in contempt.

“I would’ve agreed right away if it was then. Not many on this side knew it back then.”


It seemed like he wasn’t taunting him.

“You know me?”

“Of course, Yoo Dohyuk,” Giwon nodded. He was the one who was called the left-hand man of the Tyrant in the previous world.

“You’re the one who killed me.”

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