Undying Warlord

Chapter 117 Distribution&Leaders

Chapter 117 Distribution&Leaders

After having a rather lengthy discussion about everything, Dilan announced the final decision of who would become the leader of which subunit in their community.

“So to sum it up, Oliver will be in charge of the Hunting Unit, Williams will take care of the Elite Combat Unit, Xenia will focus on the Scouting Unit, Ailee will be in charge of the Combat-training Unit until we find a martial arts instructor in the batch of Survivors.

Bianne will pay attention to the Chores Unit, Old Jeff and Sarah can focus on the Auxiliary Unit and both Kathrine and Sven will share the workload by leading the Porter Unit!”

Because both Ailee and Oliver owned a basic mastery ability over one weapon, they were the best at training new Ascenders.

Ailee had some memories about dagger-wielding as she had received the knowledge of an Archer, who was proficient in wielding both a bow and dagger.

Meanwhile, Oliver’s basic dagger mastery was more focused on daggers, which was only obvious.

Both were suitable to become Instructors and the leader of the Hunting unit, but Oliver was quite straightforward with his demand to become the temporary leader of the Hunting Unit.

Dilan and Kathrine understood that this was mostly for Ailee’s sake so that she wouldn’t have to fight against too many dangerous monsters alone.

But that was not something Ailee understood.

“While we become the leaders of the subunit, you will support all of us, I guess?”

Ailee was a little bit worried about teaching new Ascenders. After all, her teachings might prove to be a major factor in determining the course of their future.-.

If she were to impart wrong lessons to the newcomers, they were more likely to die, while good teaching would help the Ascenders to survive.

This meant Ailee had a huge responsibility, which became quite frightening the longer she thought about it.

However, Dilan simply smiled before nodding his head.

“Everyone will give their best to support you. Splitting up the group into several subunits is mostly to avoid confusion and have better control over everything. In the end, I’ll still take all the responsibility because I forced you guys to become leaders without seeking your opinion about it first!”

Dilan knew that he demanded a lot from his people, but there was nothing he could do about it.

He needed them, and their help to lead the group of Survivors.

This was something they could clearly grasp, which was why they chose to support Dilan.

It was better for him to share his burden, and to trust others, instead of shouldering all the responsibilities alone.

“Dilan, you know that this is no problem. If we didn’t want to help, we would not have attended this meeting. In fact, some of the survivors would have already left if they didn’t like it here, so don’t worry so much!”

Kathrine consulted Dilan all of a sudden. She was trying her best to make him feel more comfortable.

She could clearly notice the stress that was weighing him down was clearly noticeable by her. Thus, Kathrine had felt as if she should help him a little bit.

Dilan nodded to her with a faint smile on his lips before he returned to the main topic of the meeting.

“Now that we have completed the first step, how about we start distributing the missions to each Unit? We have lots of things to do, and very little time in comparison!”

Everyone nodded when Dilan spoke, just for Sven to point out the reasons why this was the case.

“That’s true, we have to hurry a little bit! After all, we cannot be certain that winter won’t get worse. The speed at which monsters grow stronger is also not known, let alone the fact of how many hostile groups of human Survivors reside in Rian.

The Death Beatles, for example, may become a major headache if they can grow even stronger. Their ‘surprise gift’ would have been enough to annihilate us, if not for you, Dilan! So… how do you propose to handle them?”

It was not necessary for Sven to speak about all of this because everyone had a rough idea of what dangers awaited us.

However, there were still some small pieces of information shared by Sven, which some people in their group had missed out on earlier.

Dilan understood Sven’s worry about the Death Beatles gang. The information Xenia had procured and the known facts were already worrisome enough.

That was why Dilan could clearly understand everyone’s worry.

The Death Beatles gang was completely different from the Shepherds. Not only were they known for torturing people, but there were many bounty hunters in their group.

Apparently, the Death Beatles even consisted of infamous murderers in their group, which was quite astonishing.

After all, if that was something Williams and his people had already known before the Primordial Ascension, it was likely for the police to know that as well.

Thinking about the police made him cringe.

‘Isn’t it quite funny that it looks like the officers of the police have abandoned the city and the police station which they could have used as a hideout, while the Shepherds gang made use of the police station to take in more Survivors?’

Dilan could only shake his head at this thought before saying,

“Instead of focusing on tackling the threat of the Death Beatles gang right off the bat, I want to focus on our group’s strength first. This would be the easiest by providing a smithy for Old Jeff while using the Porter Unit to mine for metals and ores in the Krendel’s Underground Valley Gate.”

In the end, Dilan felt that it was more important to increase the strength of his group, rather than to destroy possible human opponents around him.

Dilan knew that the latter was also possible, but that wouldn’t help to increase the strength of his group.

Rather, everyone would become even more dependent on him than the Survivors were already.

And that was not what Dilan wanted because he was in need of a powerful group that could survive on their own if necessary, instead of scared Ascenders, who would ask for his help if the situation would spiral out of control.

“I will take a more detailed look at the workshops to see if they’re usable for forging purposes…we need a group to start mining soon as well. For that, we need people to enter the Gate.

I can help everyone level up, but will that be enough? Unfortunately not! The requirements to enter the Krendel’s Underground Valley are to be Level 10 with a minimum of -4- and above points on all stats.

That means, everyone who wants to enter the Gate will have to hunt by themselves to gain the necessary status points!

After reaching the requirements, everything should be quite easy. The Krendels’ Underground Valley is good to farm status points, essences, especially metals and Lumina crystals!”

Dilan’s analysis was quite decent. Searching for a workshop would take less time than preparing everything to start the forging process.

Old Jeff had already pointed out that there are only small workshops in the hospital’s proximity, which meant that he had to work quite a bit before everything would be in a ready-to-use condition!

Simultaneously, the leveling up of several Ascenders to be eligible enough to reach the requirements and enter the Krendel’s Underground Valley would take a while.

Thus, even if Dilan wanted to hurry up, Sven presumed that it would take 3 days before the forging process could be initiated!

In the meantime, Dilan could complete other tasks, amongst which scouting, and possibly hunting down the Death Beatles gang was a priority.

Sven felt that their leader was a little bit more secretive than he was willing to admit.

This shrewdness was certainly not something bad because not disclosing the dangers he was bound to face would allow many Survivors to keep their calm.

After all, being oblivious to the fact that Dilan might die if he were to do a small mistake in the next few days, saved the survivors from lots of worries!


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