Undying Warlord

Chapter 137 One vs 200 (3)

Chapter 137 One vs 200 (3)

Like a silver flash, Dilan��s saber swept through the large space, cutting and slashing through flesh and bone and leaving behind a trail of spilled organs and splattered blood.

Dilan was death personified, reaping the lives of the Ascenders, who had the misfortune of being the first set of opponents with his reach.

Even if he didn��t make use of [Aegis�� Shield] until its time would run out, Dilan used [Gale] for the second time the moment smoke had covered him.

The fireballs and other attacks that were thrown at him had been blocked by [Aegis�� Shield] before Dilan had disappeared from his earlier position.

Afterward he had immediately activated his Balrog��s leather gloves�� ability [Momentary Strengthening]. By using five units of mana, he received a ten second boost in his Strength stat by 10 Units!

After activating [Momentary Strengthening] Dilan was only left with a single unit of mana.

In less than a minute Dilan had used up 36 units of Mana to finish off 30+ Ascenders in one go.

However, that was perfectly fine in Dilan��s opinion because he gained a terrifying advantage.

By activating [Bearer of Pain] he sacrificed some of his life force to replenish a single Unit of mana at a time.

This was enough for him to prolong the duration for which [Thunder Step] would stay active which was everything he needed.

Dilan was not yet done with the utilization of his special trait.

On the contrary, Dilan had sacrificed a total of 74 Units of his Health to restore his entire mana.

The endless pain of seeing more than 80% of his life force being drained at once was almost unbearable.

However, Dilan grinned maniacally while blood trickled out of his eyes and nose, making him look like a freak.

��It works!!��

[Bracing Pain]-.

Pain will be turned into power! Overall amplification of the host��s prowess the more pain the host feels!

Limited amplification up to 50%.

[Bracing Pain] was one of the abilities he deemed exceptionally powerful but equally dangerous.

After all, he had to be severely injured in order to utilize the full effect of a 50% stats amplification!

However, this amplification included not only his Strength, Agility, and Stamina, but also his Mana and Health!

With the use of 10 Units of mana, Dilan activated his Origin ability [Regeneration].

His natural regeneration would be drastically boosted for 30 seconds, and his life force would quickly replenish.

Dilan could clearly feel how his Health was recuperating rapidly. His already bright smile turned even more vibrant because his strength increased drastically without him actually losing anything.

The seemingly unbearable pain of having his life force drained made him not want to repeat the process again.

However, it was not actually life-threatening because one Unit of his Health would regenerate every two seconds.

With the 50% amplification [Bracing Pain] provided, Dilan��s health soared to more than 170 Units, further accelerating his recuperation.

On the other hand, Dilan��s Agility soared above 100 Units, crossing the norms of an ordinary Tier-1 existence by far and large.

��So that is what a Divine occupation looks like?��

Dilan��s mind was currently a mess. Most of his focus was forcefully put on trying to control his body.

However, this was easier said than done because his anger for the Death Beatles gang and his excitement to fight the gang of Tier-1 Ascenders with his current strength exceeded the norms of ordinary humans as well.

He was tightly grasping Gray Slayer and turned into a purple flash the moment Pyro and Melanie got wind of his new location.

To their misfortune, it was impossible for any of the present existences to keep up with his movement speed.

The Agility stat did not only increase his running speed, and his flexibility but also boosted his razor-sharp reflexes by another notch.

Others might not understand what this meant, but after Dilan received the knowledge of True Weapon specialists, he was fully aware of what kind of horror existences with rapid reaction speed and high attack speed could instill in the minds of their opponents, or rather, prey.

Not only was it possible for them to change their attack trajectory within milliseconds, but as long as their attack speed was high enough, they would be able to attack several times in one go.

Due to the experience he was granted through the passive ability [True Weapon specialist] Dilan began to attempt all kinds of things.

However, he quickly noticed that he was going overboard by inflicting more than a dozen injuries on certain opponents when just a single slash was more than enough to kill them.

That was also why he changed his way of attack, turning into the incarnation of a ferocious predator as he reaped the lives of the Tier-1 existences that had instilled fear in the hearts of more than a dozen small gangs and hundreds of innocent human Survivors.

With an Agility around 100 times the average human before the Primordial Ascension, Dilan currently exceeded the realms of all beings in the former corporate building and the entire outer district.

However, only he was able to tell what kind of strain his body was currently undergoing.

His body was on the brink of collapse and faced a near-death state all of a sudden, while his mind was overwhelmed due to the usage of several abilities he had never used before.

Adding the fact that he lost some of his sense of reasoning, Dilan could clearly tell that his mind was in a muddled state, and it was beginning to affect his movements. Luckily, the last remnants of nutrition in his body were used up by his Origin ability to heal him and keep him invigorated.

As if that was not enough yet, his body was not accustomed to enduring the stats of a Peak Tier-1 existence, otherwise, the system wouldn��t have awarded him with the Blessed Curse [Will of the Primordial] to begin with.

His Health stats was currently at around 170 Units, meaning that it was more than double the limits of an ordinary Tier-1 existence.

In fact, it was nearing the standards of a late Tier-2 existence!!

That his body was currently not being torn apart was already a wonder, and only Dilan could barely grasp that keeping [Regeneration] activated was the only reason for his body to not suffer a breakdown.

However, Dilan also knew that he needed the amplification of [Bracing Pain] and that he had to use the [Bearer of Pain] in order to injure himself severely without putting himself in grave danger.

Right now, Dilan was feeling endless pain. Whether it was his feet, his hands, or even his head, every single part of his body felt as if it would stop working the moment he stopped moving.

That was also why he never stopped moving, and why he kept killing the Ascenders in the surroundings, one after another.

Nobody was able to block his path, turning the large room into a place that was filled with nothing but blood, guts, and corpses.

Death ran rampant through the room, feasting on the corpses as Dilan��s kills made with Gray Slayer exceeded a three-digit figure.

Less than 100 Tier-1 Ascenders were left, but not a single one was willing to keep fighting.

Terror struck their minds and hearts at the sight of their fallen comrades and the sight of a blood-smeared Dilan made them rapidly lose whatever confidence they were left with. They were scared�� scared to death

While most of the blood that smeared his entire body didn��t belong to him, his skin had already burst open and was covered in blisters.

He was unable to keep fighting like this.

Even if it was physically not possible anymore, Dilan forced his entire existence to keep going, and only permitted himself to stop when the remaining gang members had been killed.

Dilan was not sure how much time had passed but at some point the duration of [Thunder Step] ended.

But as he threw a look around himself, it was the first time for him to realize that only five Ascenders were left alive.

Upon seeing this, he was dumbfounded. He was panting and halted in his tracks for a second to catch his breath.

However, just when he stopped moving, several fireballs were fired at him.

Pyro was still alive, giving Dilan a headache, who had been unable to close the gap between himself and the annoying Pyromancer.

He was unwilling to fight at a close range and made use of every means to fight him from a long distance.

That meant after evading the fireballs, Dilan had to take care of the three petrified Ascenders before he could focus on Pyro and Melanie.

They were the strongest and simultaneously the only ones, who had been able to evade or block one of his attacks.

Unfortunately, the others were not as fortunate, and their corpses were littered on the floor.

Slashing out three times, he swiftly finished off the last three weak Tier-1 Ascenders.

All of a sudden, a shocking sensation spread through every single cell in Dilan��s body.

It was a burning sensation that spread through his entire being, affecting him severely.

At that moment, Dilan knew that his body would be unable to move with the same power as before.

��I��m not done yeta�|fuck!��

That was the only thought in his mind as he noticed that his Berserk Mana was also losing its effect. His entire body seemed to switch to an energy-saving mode.

This was terrifying because the strongest Ascenders were still left behind.

He felt that the seemingly perfect fight against the Death Beatles gang was going down the hill, only for the overflowing mana in his body to start circulating through him, soothing his mind.

It was only then that he realized something which allowed him to smile once again.

However, this smile was far from showering others with kindness and gentleness.

On the contrary, it was the smile of the Devil himself.

After giving the idea that formed in his mind some thought, Dilan pierced out with Gray Slayer in a perfect straight line.

Meanwhile, his distance to Pyro was still more than twenty meters.

As such, only the saber��s tip pointed at Pyro, that was it.

But even then, the devilish smile on his face widened when he saw that Pyro had not moved.

Pyro was smiling as well, activating his Original ability to form a dozen fireballs at once.

He was sure to win the fight against the infiltrator. Pyro wanted to win by all means, he wanted to torture Dilan, and kill him slowly in the cruelest possible ways!!

Dilan��s sky blue eyes which were currently crested with a crimson tinge turned ice-cold as a beam of mana shot out of the tip of Gray Slayer, piercing forward with a terrifyingly high velocity.

Having activated [Mana Slash] with the use of 10 Units of mana, Dilan wanted to finish the fight at once.

However, in order to do so, he had to kill the biggest annoying pest on the battlefield- Pyro!

Even though Melanie seemed to be stronger in terms of stats and technique, Pyro��s Origin ability was too cumbersome for him to see make use of.

He was able to manifest and control fire at will, which was a hassle to counter.

Pyro was in possession of many abilities that were too dangerous for Dilan to face head-on in his current state.

As such, the only way to defeat Pyro was to stop attempting to close the distance to the Pyromancer, and to attack him via long distance.

Against all odds, the Mana slash that turned into a beam-like attack blasted straight at Pyro before piercing through his skin and bone, giving him no opportunity to retaliate.

Just like that Pyro succumbed to his ill-fate much like the entire gang he had built up with the efforts of a dozen years.

��Devila�|A true Devil!!��

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