Undying Warlord

Chapter 144 Security or...?

Chapter 144 Security or...?

Despite his weakened state, Dilan killed every single monster that had surrounded him.

He had already been enraged about the resurfacing memories of his painful past.

As such, there was no way that he could show them any mercy, not in his current mental state.

After collecting more than close to 100 Essence crystals, Dilan stored them in the featherlight backpack before he continued his way through the outskirts of Rian.

The potency of his abilities and stats was halved but that was still not worrisome enough for Dilan to hide somewhere until he recovered from his overly exhausted state.

Rather, he wanted to test his limits and get more familiar with the memories and knowledge the passive ability [True Weapon Specialist] had imprinted in his mind.

Doing so while fighting all kinds of monsters was quite useful.

If he could search for more Survivors at the same time, it was even better.

Killing three flies with one stone was what Dilan attempted to do.

Thus, he kept marching forward and hours passed in which he found several locations where he presumed Survivors to be hiding.

Simultaneously, he hunted monsters in the outskirts. The massive numbers of ordinary and tierless monsters slowly began to dwindle.

They were replaced by ordinary Tier-1 existences, or Bronze monsters as their strength slowly increased.-.

‘In a few weeks, there won’t be many ordinary Tierless monsters left. Only newly emerging monsters might remain ordinary that way…’

Dilan could tell that monsters from within Gates were mostly gathered in groups of only a few different types.

The situation on Milarn was different as all beasts were thrown into a limited space with humans and mutating animals, forcing them to fight, advance, and evolve.

This was why Dilan predicted that the importance of Gates would keep rising. They provided the opportunity to procure treasures and came with a rather stable supply of ordinary monsters.

For now, this was not of immense importance but this could change in the future.

But instead of minding this too much, Dilan took a glance in his backpack consisting of hundreds of Essence crystals before he made a mental note about another building.

Dilan didn’t want to trespass the territory of another group while it was still night. This could lead to misunderstandings that might be hard to solve.

That was why he was only creating mental notes about all the buildings he would have to visit in the following days while calmly continuing to hunt monsters.

When it was nearing sunrise, Dilan noticed that his weakened state had dispersed.

He regained his strength and his abilities retrieved their might, increasing his combat prowess by several times.

In the end, Dilan had spent five hours killing monsters and running through the surroundings, yet, the number of overly powerful monsters he faced was rather low.

The city’s outskirts were one of the places he could gain and maintain control over as long as he wanted to.

But that was not what Dilan planned. Being in charge of the Rian mountainside hospital was already more than enough for him.

With the hospital in mind, he returned to it when the sun started to rise over the horizon.

A few rays of sunlight shone through the windows on the first floor. This allowed Dilan to see how dozens of people kept themselves busy by working hard as he walked towards it.

The entrance of the hospital was bustling, and several Ascenders could be seen walking out of the cafeteria.

When Dilan entered the hospital, his arrival immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

It was known that Dilan had been out hunting monsters. However, it took him much longer than anyone expected, which was why many people sighed in relief.

His current appearance could be described as a mess but that was nothing new to see when looking at Dilan.

After all, it was almost as if he was bathing in blood on a daily basis.

Dilan just smiled when he saw the relieved expressions on everyone’s faces. He returned to his room and took off his clothes before using a freshly filled bucket of water to take a quick bath.

Some survivors were told to refill the water inside the buckets in everyone’s room on a daily basis. They didn’t have a water shortage anymore, after all.

After he had washed and scrubbed himself, Dilan cleaned his equipment before putting on a fresh set of clothes.

When he was done, he returned to the first floor, and Oliver was the first one to take note of him.

Ailee, Xenia, and a few other leaders were currently holding a meeting to talk about their current situation, what they should focus on, and other important topics.

With Dilan’s presence, this would be even better as they knew about his attack against the Death Beatles gang.

Only a few were aware of what Dilan had done the day before. As such, they couldn’t know how happy Oliver and the others were when they heard that Dilan was back and totally unscathed.

“Dilan, we’re here!” Oliver even shouted while waving his hand.

Dilan couldn’t help but smile at this sight and approached the small group before he took a seat at their table.

They looked over Rian’s map, where a few areas were already marked.

Either huge crowds of zombies or extremely powerful monsters were situated in these areas.

Other than the monster marks, there were a few other places that had been marked as dangerous, such as the supermarket near the hospital.

Dilan was quite intrigued about the map, which led him to pick up one of the pens before he added a few more marks.

“In that area is a group of Tier-1 monsters… Around here is a large group of more than a thousand zombies, with more than 20 being Tier-1… this area gives me the chills, so I wouldn’t go there if not necessary…”

He kept pointing out areas between the outskirts and inner areas of Rian, only to pick up a different marker before he marked several buildings.

“There should be survivors in each of these buildings. After sleeping for a few hours, I’ll bring them to us as long as they want to join our group.”

Dilan had already come up with his schedule for the day. The others wanted to say something at first, but rescuing more survivors sooner rather than too late was always a better option.

Oliver kept quiet and merely nodded his head while Ailee smiled faintly. She liked the fact that Dilan didn’t even have a second thought about leaving the groups of human survivors alone.

He had given them the chance to join his group and they could simply reject.

For some time, Ailee had feared that leading a group was too much for Dilan. That was why she wanted to give her best to support him with everything she could.

However, this was easier said than done.

Williams was of a similar opinion but his mind was currently somewhere else. His gaze was still fixated on the city’s map, and a frown appeared on his face.

“There are too many large monster groups in our surroundings… we need more weapons and other equipment, otherwise, the Ascenders will have to fight bare-handed against the swarms of zombies the moment they get note of us!”

It was only obvious for Williams to be worried. The more humans in a group, the more noises they would make.

Furthermore, the scent of living, moving humans would attract zombies much easier the more humans they were. Their smell would be much more intense as well.

Thus, it was quite dangerous to take in more human Survivors while they had yet to strengthen their group’s security.

Dilan understood Williams but he was not really worried. He picked up the featherlight backpack and smiled confidently before he said,

“Of course, it’s important to provide enough security for everyone, and to find a solution to the scarcity of equipment but that can be solved easily.

After all, if I help you to advance to Tier-1, it shouldn’t be an issue to procure the necessary resources for Old Jeff to take care of the equipment shortage, right?”

Saying so, Dilan emptied the backpack right in front of everyone, causing thunderous clinking noises as hundreds of Essence crystals landed on the table.


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