Undying Warlord

Chapter 167 Powerful Weapon or Wielder?

Chapter 167 Powerful Weapon or Wielder?

“What the hell…”

Old Jeff couldn’t believe his eyes. He looked at Dilan feeling utterly dumbfounded.

When Dilan said that the three boars were extremely powerful, Old Jeff had become a little bit worried.

However, seeing that Dilan didn’t even bother to activate a single ability was even more baffling.

Everyone knew that their Leader was powerful. But even he usually used various abilities in order to overwhelm Silver Tier-1 monsters.

In a fight against a single Silver Tier-1 monster, he still activated [Thunder Step] or [Gale] to be certain of winning the battle.

After all, it was impossible for him to know the exact strength of his opponents.

One could only faintly perceive how strong someone else was. This was without a single ability activated and merely considering one’s brute strength.

And from what Old Jeff perceived, he could tell that each of the three humongous boars was stronger than Dilan!

That made things even worse for Old Jeff as he saw that the three humongous boars noticed Dilan. They didn’t hesitate for long before charging at him, their two-meter-long tusks pointing at him.

Dilan should have begun to run from that point onward, whether it was toward the boars or away from them. Yet, instead of dashing in either direction, he slowly made his way toward the three opponents, whose speed exceeded 150 kilometers per hour.-.

Old Jeff had wanted to warn Dilan but the bright smile on the young man’s face prevented him from doing anything.

To him, it looked like Dilan went looking for fights like the one that was about to happen at any moment; dangerous fights, where life-and-death played hide and seek with each other.

The excitement that flashed through Dilan’s eyes and the adrenaline that coursed through his body was more than enough for him to be overjoyed.

It had been a while since he had felt like that.

As such, Dilan enjoyed every single moment of it. With a total of three Units of Mana within him, Dilan could easily activate the Orb of Pyromancy, engulf the whole Blazing Serpentine Blade with it, and control the serpent-form for 10 minutes.

In Dilan’s opinion, a single Mana unit would have been enough to defeat the opponents in front of him.

However, he wanted to make sure that nothing went wrong, which was why he used [Bearer of Pain] to recuperate three units of mana.

Tightly grasping the Blazing Serpentine Blade, Dilan held it in front of his chest.

A moment later he slashed out to his right, providing the Blazing Serpentine Blade with enough space to unleash its entire length of 20 meters.

While unleashing the serpent-form its blade was engulfed in blazing flames.

This attracted the humongous boars’ attention as they could tell that the flames were quite lethal and would burn through their thick hide in an instant

Usually, that would be enough for the boars to change their means of attack.

However, after having been tossed around in Rian from one place to another for several days, they didn’t want to back off anymore.

They had faced more than 20 groups of stronger opponents and lost many of their brethren in the last six days.

Thus, they were unwilling to back off at the moment, even less if their opponent didn’t seem to pose any threat to them.

Despite being a rather intelligent species, the boars were unable to decipher that Dilan was not the one they should be scared of.

It was the weapon he wielded they should be focusing on. After all, it was something they should be terrified of.

But their ignorance about the lethality of external weapons was the cause of their misery. Dilan smiled brightly when all three humongous boars came within the range of his weapon.

His eyes gleamed in determination as he shook the Blazing Serpentine Blade before brandishing it in front of himself.

Dilan issued a seemingly ordinary slash, however, what only Old Jeff realized was that the height at which Dilan’s blade lunged out was way above the humongous boars’ upper body.

Dilan’s attack focused on crippling the humongous boars, all at once at that.

However, what even Dilan didn’t expect was that the Blazing Serpentine Blade was mighty enough to cut and burn through the first humongous boar’s legs.

His attack cut off two of its legs at once without losing its momentum.

While a painful roar reverberated through the entire street, Dilan’s eyes widened in excitement.

He felt exhilarated to see that the Blazing Serpentine Blade was fully under his control and working as he had hoped.

Not only did he cut off two limbs of the first humongous boar but he had also injured the other two boars.

Their legs had been burned and cut as well.

Yet, contrary to the first boar, their legs were still intact, just injured a bit.

But that was not something Dilan was concerned about.

He kept smiling like a madman as he used the momentum to pull back the serpent form.

Retracting the Blazing Serpentine Blade left a second impact on the humongous boars as Dilan didn’t leave out a single chance to attack his opponents.

In a mere second, Dilan had already severely injured one humongous boar, while its other two brethren were inflicted with mild injuries.

To their misfortune, their injuries wouldn’t stay mild for long.

The blade danced like a ferocious viper in his hands that shot straight toward one of the mildly injured boars.

Without any resistance, the blade pierced straight through the boar’s neck before penetrating deeper into its huge body.

Retracting the weapon from this point was slightly more troublesome but by increasing the flame’s heat with the use of more mana, the blades’ resistance was barely noticeable.

Moving backward, Dilan retracted the Blazing Serpentine Blade, only to see that the second boar had collapsed on the ground.

One was dead, one was severely injured and one was mildly injured.

Dilan smiled faintly before he advanced to the humongous boars with rapid speed for the first time. With a simple move he emerged more than ten meters to the right side of the mildly injured boar.

It had noticed him but the rapid speed with which it was running and its large turning radius prevented it from evading the sudden attack of the Serpentine Blade that cut off its head at once.

The mildly injured boar was not even able to let out a whimper before its head rolled over the street.

The thumping noise of a heavy body collapsing on the ground followed suit.

But Dilan didn’t pay any attention to this. He turned to the severely injured boar, who had already collapsed on the ground.

With only two legs left, it was impossible for it to move, forcing the mutated animal to helplessly watch its brethrens’ death.

It could only scream in anger and fright as Dilan appeared in front of it, thrusting his longsword into the boar’s heart, and ending its life for good.

The humongous body of the boar twitched for several seconds and only when it stopped moving was Dilan ready to pull the Blazing Serpentine Blade out of its body.

He looked at the weapon with gleaming eyes as if he was holding the nation’s treasure. In fact, he truly felt as if he was holding an invaluable treasure in his hand and that he was lucky to be able to wield it.

“What a powerful weapon…!” Dilan was baffled as he smiled at the weapon that lay like a beast that was resting after having massacred a horde.

Meanwhile, Old Jeff could barely swallow his saliva.

‘Powerful weapon…my ass…This is just a weapon wielded by a demon!!’


[A/N: If you like the Novel, leave your golden tickets and powerstones with me. If you like my writing style, test out my other novels. All of them belong to one big Multiverse. You might find the characters and hints about certain events in other novels :P.

Link to my Discord is in my profile]

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