Undying Warlord

Chapter 187 Tyrann?

Chapter 187 Tyrann?

“It looks like we have to go now. Everyone should pack up…”

It was merely afternoon when they had returned from hunting for the day.

Everyone was exhausted which was why his orders confused them extremely. They had been looking forward to resting for the day and catching on some sleep.

“I will exchange the Sacred points we’ve accumulated until now and finish the trade with the Sun temple as soon as possible. Everyone else should focus on packing up. We have a few Penta Item Pouches now, so everything stackable should be stored within them. If there is still some space left, the heaviest items should be stored as well.”

Because nobody said anything, Dilan continued speaking and giving instructions. He was currently wearing a light silverish armor over his clothes and looking at the others, who stared at him in confusion.

His order had been so sudden that nobody was able to instantly act on it.

Several minutes passed without a single soul speaking. Dilan had already averted his focus from the others to access the Sacred Shop of the Sun God Valgard.

They had more than 34,000 Sacred Points. This was more than enough to purchase hundreds of low-Tiered, yet powerful abilities but also to purchase other goods.

Without wasting too much time, Dilan purchased the goods they had already voted for unanimously. In addition, Dilan took charge of purchasing specific items that were also quite important while migrating to another place.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to use the Sacred Shop because Dilan was pretty certain that his access permission would be revoked soon enough.

Dilan made use of every single Sacred point and completed his purchase in no time. However, making the purchase and getting his goods were two different things because he had to go to the Sun temple in order to get his hands on the goods he had just purchased.

Closing the Sacred shop’s holographic screen, Dilan lifted his head for the first time in several minutes.

It was at this moment that he noticed that something was odd.-.

“What the hell are you guys doing? Pack up your stuff, help everyone else to move, and get the busses ready for the unleveled Survivors and low-leveled Ascenders.”

However, even then, nobody moved an inch, which forced Dilan to take a few deep breaths to calm down.

“Guys…Pack up…NOW!!” In an instant, Dilan’s entire pent-up frustration, and nervosity of the last days was released as he screamed his lungs out.

He didn’t want to leave either. The hospital was cozy and quite nice to stay at. That was a fact. However, he wanted everyone to survive…meaning they had to leave without any further delay.

Even he didn’t want to believe his own gut feeling, his Divine occupation’s warnings, and the things he had perceived from within the mountainside.

But it was a fact that their life would go downhill the moment they chose to postpone moving any longer.

While venting his emotions, he released his bloody aura that had accumulated from all the lives he had reaped. When he did so, Dilan looked like a ruthless dictator, who didn’t allow anyone to disobey his orders.

Everyone else would be slaughtered…that was what his aura was suggesting to him right now. It was not difficult to perceive that Dilan was serious with his comment about leaving.

However, nobody really felt like moving but then slowly they forced themselves to move their exhausted bodies.

Kathrine, Williams, Xenia, Sven, and Yvonne, were the first ones who had come back to their senses.

They had been talking about the possibility of Dilan ordering them to leave, to move away from the hospital for the last few days.

Thus, they knew what to do, and who was likely going to follow them.

Having spread the ‘rumours’ about them having to leave in the coming few days, everyone slowly regained their senses.

“Patrick, Miles, Nina, Killian, Ovir…you guys gather the others. Organize the goods of the Elite Combat Unit, and pack up our stuff. We will leave once Dilan returns!”

The five Ascenders, who had been called out, were still stupefied. But upon hearing their names, they felt a shiver run down their spine before they nodded their heads.

With quick steps, they disappeared in the hallway.

“Miriam, Hannah, Bianka, Phillip, Sandro, and Tarkan, collect as many mattresses, clothes, and other daily utensils and store them in the Penta Item Pouch. Hurry up!”

Kathrine threw one of her Penta Item Pouches toward the six young members of the Porters Unit after giving the instructions.

Following the second order, Sven and Xenia began to issue their orders as well. Dozens of Survivors began to move rapidly and finally got into action. They slowly got to know that the situation was real and that Dilan was far from joking with them.

He would leave the Rian Mountainside Hospital, and the Elite Combat Unit, followed by the strongest Ascenders who would follow him…that was certain.

That was why even many Survivors and Ascenders, who didn’t think that it was necessary to leave, began to move.

Even if their current life in the Rian Mountainside Hospital was far from dangerous, they knew that all of this was owed to the constant efforts of Dilan, the closest people to him, and the strongest Ascenders that allowed them to stay in a secure place with food in their bellies.

If all of them were to leave, they would be alone, which was not something they wanted to be in the time and Era they had entered…being alone and weak was a death sentence after all!

Thus, even if they were unwilling, many Ascenders moved, followed by numerous Survivors, who could clearly understand what was going on.

“I thought he was nice…but he just wants to order us around however he pleases. There is literally no reason for him to order us to relocate… If we were to face a beat tide with dozens of Tier-2 monsters, I would understand it, but right now? What a tyrant! I vote for dethroning Dilan from his position as a leader!” A certain Karen said, speaking up as if she was the representative for everyone.

However, merely a moment after she finished speaking, a hoarse voice could be heard from Karen’s left side.

“You dumb bitch. How valuable is your shitty vote? Strength determines everything. Furthermore, how f*cking low is your IQ? The moment we face a beast tide with dozens of Tier-2 monsters, all of us will be dead. What do you even think are TIer-2 monsters? Some plushies? Your IQ is truly that of a brick…what the hell…!!

You can only spew nonsense because Dilan is around, otherwise, some horny blind men would have probably f*cked you by now. Well, maybe not because we don’t have anyone blind in our group.

That means we have only men, who can see your face that resembles a construction site.”

In the beginning, the bulky Ascender didn’t want to waste his time speaking to that idiot of a woman. However, he could not hold himself back from wanting to put some sense into her.

After he had been saved by Dilan, the young and bulky Ascender had noticed that Dilan worked relentlessly, not for his own sake but for everyone else.

He might be merciless and cruel on occasions, to the extent that he may seem like a dictator, but if Dilan wanted to, he could have just left everyone to fend for themselves.

It was not like creating a huge group and taking care of close to 3000 Survivors would actually help him in any way. Forming a small group of 10 powerful Ascenders would be more than enough for him to survive, to become stronger and to escape all kinds of dangerous situations.

The bulky young man trusted Dilan fully, which was why he felt the need to support him with all his might, and lecturing the braindead woman was the best way to do so.

“But why…” Oliver suddenly mumbled, acting as if he was a sulky little child.

He couldn’t understand Dilan’s reasons for making them leave their home even after four days had passed since he announced that they might have to leave soon.

Oliver was slow-witted and didn’t notice many small hints that should have made him realize what was going on.

The young and former nerdy Oliver was not able to see the fear in Dilan’s eyes. Many could see it after looking at Dilan for some time and they also sensed his aura that was wildly fluctuating.

The majority of Survivors could sense his fear…and if Dilan feared something, it was time to get the fuck out of there!

“Because I said so, do you understand?! If you want to die, don’t drag others with you! Act according to your age, will you?!” Dilan was fuming when he finished his comment. His eyes gleamed coldly as he diverted his attention from Oliver.

Dilan knew that he had been mean to Oliver but that was not something he could care about.

There were more important things to take care of than treating a sulky adult.

“I’ll start the busses. You three, follow me!” Nick, a young but dependable young man, who had become the new vice-leader of the Porter group suddenly stated.

He could ignore Dilan’s comment and his anger toward the sulky Oliver. He had assessed the situation correctly and could tell that time was running out.

A few Survivors and Ascenders seemed to be creating trouble but they quieted down quickly.

Dilan’s presence was terrifying enough to prevent anyone from doing anything.

Even after Dilan left the hospital, nobody dared to say anything openly against Dilan.

The situation was quite odd.

Most Survivors were not even sure why they were suddenly moving. They only regretted leaving the place they had started to call their home.

However, because Dilan told them to move, they followed his orders. The reason for this was simple and exactly as the young and bulky Ascender had said.

Dilan was the strongest and strength determined everything. They needed Dilan’s strength to protect them…and the fear in his eyes caused an unexplainable feeling within the deepest parts of their conscience.

Without actually knowing what was going on, the Survivors felt as if they were currently facing a situation that would decide over life and death…and that was exactly what was going on.

While packing their stuff, the Survivors didn’t even realize that doom was slowly crawling towards Rian, reaching out with its claws of despair and destruction.


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