Undying Warlord

Chapter 72 Necessary Pain!

Chapter 72 Necessary Pain!

“Do you know a way in which I can injure myself lethally, but have the best prospects to heal? Like, is there a specific spot on the body where I can stab myself which would usually bleed me to death under normal circumstances, but I can heal rapidly if treated for the injury in time?”

While asking this question, Dilan’s expression never really changed.

He was still serious, and once he finished, his crystal clear sky blue eyes looked straight into Ella’s green eyes.

“Ehm…why…why would you need to know that?” Ella asked carefully after she had to fight the urge not to respond at all.

In her career as a nurse, she had faced numerous weird people, to put it nicely, but the question Dilan asked was certainly something Ella had never heard about nor expected to.

Dilan noticed that Ella was a little bit weirded out, which was why he thought of answering her in a simple manner.

Opening the upgrade requirements for his Origin ability within the Log of the Ancient, Dilan thought about showing it to Ella.

A moment later a blue screen manifested in front of her, which only Ella and Dilan were able to see.

“Because of these requirements, I need to know about it!”

[[Regeneration]- Tier-0 ★★

1) Survive <5> Deadly injuries(3/5)

2) Health of <10> units has been reached!(10.4/10)-.

Upgrade to Tier-0 ★★★]

Dilan didn’t realize that he had already met the second requirement.

With a Health stat above <10> units, he had not only surpassed the required threshold but also fulfilled a requirement for his [Lesser Immunity(Passive)] ability!

The only things left were to absorb one Bronze essence of an infected monster, and 60 Essences of infected monsters.

Dilan could fulfill this quite easily, but that could wait a little bit.

After all, his Origin ability was more important to be upgraded than his passive ability!

With slight astonishment and knitted eyebrows, Ella read through the requirements just to gulp nervously before she mumbled,

“Health of 10 units? And you have already reached that?”

Upon hearing her ask in wonder, Dilan couldn’t help but smile dryly.

“If that astonished you the most, it looks like you accepted the first requirement rather easily.”

Ella fell silent for a moment while Kathrine who was beside her was confused as well.

She knew that Dilan had a high Health stat, but after hearing Ella’s mumbling, even Kathrine couldn’t help but be a little bit astonished.

After all, her highest stat was currently approaching 6!

Dilan didn’t really mind if his entire Log of the Ancient were to be revealed to others.

It wouldn’t really help them because everything was bound to change in a matter of days either way.

That was also why he wanted every Survivor to list their occupation, special interests, what they were good at and also what kind of ability they had.

All of this might help him find some relation to the future choice of their occupation.

With that in mind, it was quite easy to figure out the similarities between the Ancient Paths of Advancement.

This would be quite interesting, which was why Dilan was willing to spend some more time getting to know everything.

It might help him to build up a powerful group of Elite fighters after all!

“Well, if you have to survive deadly injuries, I guess cutting open your wrist would be the easiest. But for it to be considered ‘deadly’ you would have to cut yourself deep enough and have to have a large quantity of blood loss…” Ella suddenly said.

Dilan had already thought of doing something similar, but the odds that his [Regeneration] ability would mess up tending to his sliced and cut veins on his wrist were present.

And if something major happened to his wrist as a side effect, he wouldn’t survive the Apocalypse.

That was something Dilan was certain of!

“How about I stab myself in the chest or maybe my abdomen? I just have to avoid injuring my organs, right? I think that would be the best…”

After giving it some thought, Dilan believed that it was the most logical to keep his limbs intact.

There was also the possibility to cut his neck, but that was also something Dilan didn’t really want to try.

Too many uncertain factors could cause permanent damage.

Looking at how serious Dilan was, even Kathrine got interested in the discussion between them.

She had already figured out what her ability’s requirements to upgrade it were, while her sister’s requirements were not yet unveiled.

With everything she heard, Kathrine was able to connect the dots and conclude that Dilan could upgrade his Origin ability.

Having seen the description of the [Angel of Death] Origin ability, she understood why Dilan wanted to focus on it.

But to think that he was ready to injure himself lethally was taking it too far in her opinion.

After all, it required an unbending resolve and willpower to injure oneself!

“Actually, there should be multiple ways for you to injure yourself lethally without damaging your organs. As long as you aim precisely, and you have a proper, straight weapon, there shouldn’t be a problem.”

Ella was deep in thought while trying to recall everything she had studied in her medical textbooks in her life.

“I will ask the others. Even if I think my answer will be helpful for you, what you are planning to do is way too serious. A single mistake and you might actually be unable to heal yourself!”

That being said, she pressed the small list they created in addition to a pen in his hand before rushing to the other nurses.

Ella gathered them around herself to have a serious discussion about Dilan’s question.

This took quite some time in which Dilan decided to help Kathrine to modify and update the list they created.

Some pieces of information they had asked from Survivors might not be answered because they couldn’t actually force them to reveal what kind of ability they had.

But that was fine. After all, asking the Survivors was more than enough for Dilan.

If they answered it just meant that he could trust them a little bit more than others.

“By the way, why are you willing to injure yourself, just to upgrade your ability? I mean it is kind of obvious that you will gain a lot from it, but if I understood it properly, you have to survive deadly injuries, right?

Isn’t that a little bit dangerous, and slightly crazy if you were to do that to yourself?”

Kathrine was curious about Dilan’s answer. She was not sure what to expect, but her ears were pricked because she had no way of knowing why Dilan would endanger his life for something as trivial as a few small enhancements in his ability.

He was bound to face more than enough dangerous times outside the cafeteria, either way! That would definitely make him advance and level up in the long run.

In the beginning, Dilan felt that it was crazy to even reconsider injuring himself in a manner where he could die.

After all, his mindset had changed now and he was infused with the will to live since the Primordial Ascension had occurred. Everything was crazily exciting and worth living now.

As such, death was actually something Dilan didn’t want to face right now. However, he figured out that the dangers outside the hospital were simply too high, and that he needed to improve as quickly as possible and as much as possible!

“If I can become stronger by enduring pain, why shouldn’t I give it a try? As long as it is possible for self-inflicted injuries to help me give what I want, I should make use of this small loophole!

My Origin ability and healing capabilities are good enough to recuperate in less than a day…maybe only half a day, if I focus on regenerating!

Some pain is necessary, and being able to feel pain just means that I’m still alive, which is everything that matters!

And in order to stay alive, you will have to be the strongest…because if you are weaker than your opponent, you will be killed whether it is for your Essence crystal or as trivial a thing as a slice of bread!”


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