Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 521 a decoy

The five black vehicles slow to a stop in front of the abandoned factory. Like a scene that had been practiced, all the doors push open and the figures inside emerge into view.

Gao Jie stepped out from the backseat of the leading car with two of his men in the front. The other four cars had four men in each one, giving a total of 23 men from Snakehead.

The man who stepped out from the passenger side of the car Gao Jie was in felt something was amiss.

He slightly purse his lips and scans around the place. Normally when they come here, Chu Li Xiang's men would be guarding the place.

However, no one can be seen.

Thinking this, he turns to look at the obese man in his sixties.

\"Boss, it's too quiet.\"

Hearing his subordinate's words, Gao Jie also furrow his brows. He did notice that the place was too quiet making it rather strange.

Even the usual laughter cannot be heard except for the birds chirping in the distance.

Could everyone have gone to sleep?

He purse his lip and signals to get his men's attention.

\"Weapons ready. Things are too suspicious here.\"

\"Yes boss.\"

The 22 men spoke at the same time. Quietly closing the door to the car they came out from, they all spread out to check around.

With the strange silence, no one dare to put their guard down.

As a man approach the entrance of the building, he sees that the door was left opened. He doesn't think much as the door was always open around this time.

However, he lift his hand and signal for the others to stop while he goes inside to check on the situation.

Watching the man enter the abandoned factory, Gao Jie leans against the car. He takes a cigarette out from his pocket and lights it.

He trusts the man will not disappoint him, because he (the man) is his righthand man and one of the strongest he had recruited into Snakehead.

Besides, if Chu Li Xiang or the men of Black Dragon sees him, they'll know right away that he (Gao Jie) is here.

Inhaling a mouthful of his cigarette, he continues to look in the direction of the factory entrance.

The man (we will call him Righthand man) slowly creeps inside the place. He grips tightly onto his gun with attentive eyes scouting the place.

Just as he took a step inside, to the right of him, he sees a dark figure from the corner of his eyes.

He turns his head to look at the person and sees a slender man wearing a dark motorcycle jacket.

The person was facing him. Their eyes met and he slightly furrow his brows.

It was weird for him as the rimless glasses the man was wearing made him look out of place.

He does not look like a biker or one of Chu Li Xiang's men. Instead, this person's facial features looked more like an office worker.

However, pushing the thought away, he turns his body to face the person.

\"Hey, where did everyone go? Why is there no one guarding outside?\"

Righthand man calls out for an answer, but the glasses man does not answer him. It was as if they were in a staring contest to see who will blink first.


Feeling annoyed now, Righthand man click his tongue and walks towards the other person.

\"Yah, are you deaf? I'm talking to you.\"

He raise his voice and scratch the back of his head in frustration. They were standing no more than six feet away from each, how can the man not hear him at all.

\"Sheesh, did Black Dragon start recruiting stupid people?\"

He growls under his breath with a look of irritation. Stopping two feet away from the figure, he spoke louder.

\"Are you deaf or are you stupid? Did you not near anything that came out of my mouth?\"

\"Dead.\" *Swoooosh—

Righthand man heard a faint word escape the glasses man's lips. However, before he could process his thoughts together, he sees the man stretch his arm out.

A flash of light blinds his eyes and he feels a sharp pain across his neck.

His eyes widen and he could feel the painful sting spread inside his body. He open and close his mouth to speak, but no words came out but blood.

The glasses man stares emotionlessly at the man before one corner of his lip slowly curls up into a smirk.

\"Your fate has been collected.\"

Hearing the sudden words, Righthand man's face turned red and blue as he raise his left hand to press the wound like it would save him.

Like his body had a mind of its own, he stumbles back in the direction he came from.


Unable to grab hold of anything for support, he loses his balance and falls onto the ground with a loud thud.

His head turns to look out the door as he enters death.

\"What the fuck happened?!\"

\"He's head!\"

Seeing the man's head poking out from the door, Gao Jie and everyone's eyes widen in shock and horror.


The same time Righthand man's body touched the ground, the sound of a loud exhaust resonated in the air and into everyone's ears.

Everyone's senses returned and their head dart in every direction to see where the sound was coming from.


Quickly as the sound came, a red sportscar sped through the dirt road they had come from and enters the dirt parking lot of the factory.

Seeing the car was not planning to slow down, everyone lunges to safety as they did not want to be hit by the lunatic driver.

The red car slows to an almost stop when it was the center of attention. However, instead of stopping, the tires screech loudly as the car circles in multiple doughnuts.

Massive amount of dirt flew everywhere as it blinds the eyes of Gao Jie and his men.

No one was able to see the red car anymore.

Inside the abandoned factory, Qi Li stood in front of a window after he took down Righthand man.

The reason why he didn't kill the man right away was because he was stalling time for a certain person to get down the mountain.

He was surprise to see how fast it took for the assistant to get here.

What is more surprising is the fact that Gao Jie and his men were the one who had hearing problems. He could hear the car from a mile away while they couldn't.


He stares with a complex expression at the red sportscar circling the dirt parking lot.

Heaving a low sigh, his head slowly looks down and he held his forehead.

His head lightly shook in shame and embarrassment for the driver of the nice looking car.

As someone who loves the racing life, those were the ugliest doughnuts he has ever seen in his entire life.

Instead of clean circles, they were crooked with slight jerking to the tired. It was like watching a child learn how to use a stick to draw a big circle on dirt.

Then again, he has to give Liu Shan some credits for not crashing the car by now.

As the dust fill the entire front of the building like a tornado, Gao Jie and his men continue to take cover.

Whoever it is, they couldn't wait to kill the person for putting them in this position. However, they had to wait until the air is clear.

Seconds turned to minutes and the dust around finally subdued a little.

Everyone could see a blurry outline of the red car as it had stopped and was parked nicely in the center.

One of the men (we'll call him Man1) standing closer to the car signals to another man for them to sneak up from behind the car.

Agreeing, the two carefully creep their way towards the vehicle. Their steps were quick, but they were on guard to not make a sound.

Reaching the car, Man 1 sees that the driver door was open. He increase his steps and jumps in front of the open door with his gun pointing inside to the lunatic driver.

However, it was empty with no one inside.

His brows furrow with a confused expression. His eyes met with the other man checking from the passenger side.

If someone was inside, he shouldn't be able to get out without them seeing.

It was as if the car was a remote-control toy car that was directed here.

Just as the thought came to their mind, both men widen their eyes when they realized something.

Could this be a decoy?

Man1 looks over to the others as the other man turned around to face them.

Both their mouth open in attempt to alert the rest.

\"It's a—\"

*Swoosh— Swoosh—

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