Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 543 make you stronger

The trees lightly rustle with the small breeze as all turned quiet. Liu Shan remain in silence. Even when she was done talking, he did not say a word.

If it had been someone else, they would have laughed and tell her that she told a great story. So great it could probably be turned into a film.

However, not him.

From the moment he met Yue Ling, he had become familiar with the underworld and knows how things work.

It's no wonder Ling Ni's father fell into Red Moon's scam. The former leader was just as disgusting as Ti Lung from Ghost Gang. The two bastards find pleasure in other's misfortune but knows how to play the hero and offer lies of helping.

"Why didn't your family go to the police?"

Hearing his question, Ling Ni sighs and shook her head.

"Even if my family wanted to report it, Tao Meng's uncle had many officers secretly working under him."

Her words fell and she thought back to the past. She learned that after the people of Red Moon took her away, her father had tried to go to the police station despite his life being on the line. However, when he got there, two officers cuffed him and threw him in jail.

They secretly beat him up more and when nightfall came, they tossed him out in the streets and left him for dead. He only survived because her mother went to search for him after not coming home.

Ling Ni close her eyes and sharply inhales inside.

"I used to think that where there is police officers, you would feel the safest, but sometimes, they are the one who scares me the most."

Liu Shan stares out to the lake, but his mind was lost in his own thoughts about her words.

He hated to admit it, but what she said is true. There are good cops and there are also bad cops. You really don't know which one to trust, because even the most understanding person can be your enemy.

However, that was all before the new Chief came to Imperial. From what Grandfather Ji told him, the new Chief had done a little spring cleaning, but was still unable to clean all of them.

Thinking this, he couldn't help but think back to the tragic incident that happened to Ting. The boy had gone to the police station for help, but ignoring his pleads and cries for help, they just laughed at him and told him to go home.

After they saved Ting, he had done a little research and he found out that the officers who had turned the boy down were working in the dark with Ti Lung.

Knowing that his boss was busy, he informed the matters to Grandfather Ji. Together with the Chief, the two old men were able to clean those disgusting people out.

Ling Ni has no idea that Liu Shan thoughts had sidetracked elsewhere. She turns to look at him and pain flash in her eyes. She always thought he was the most handsomest man in her heart. Not only that, he had a great and caring personality that fitted him so well.


"Liu Shan, I am terribly sorry for hurting you. I really am. I thought that if I found my own happiness, Tao Meng would understand and let me go. However, it was all my wishful thinking."

Tears welled in her eyes the more she gaze at him, but she force herself not to cry.

"I was genuinely happy in those moments I spent with you, but when he threatened to kill you, I couldn't do that to you. I never want to see you go through what my father had to go through."

Liu Shan was brought back to his senses by her words. He really didn't know what to say to her.

Angry? Of course he physically is. She played him for a fool. However, his heart no longer felt any anger. Instead, he actually sorry for her.

Exhaling deeply, he leans against the backrest of the bench and tilt his head back to look up at the clear blue sky. After a long moment of silence, he finally spoke.

"I'm not as weak as I look."

Which is the truth. If she had told him from the beginning, he would have understood instead of being led on by false hopes. Not only that, if Tao Meng were to come after him, he really wants to see that man even try.

However, he will never tell Ling Ni this. There was no point in doing so.

He tilt his head forward and stares at the lake view in front of him.

"From now on, we'll go back to how things used to be before we met."

His words feel and he stood up from the bench. He really has nothing more to say to her.

"Liu Shan, wait."

Just as he stood up, Ling Ni reach out to grab the sleeve of his shirt to stop him.

"I know this is too much to ask, but can… can we still be friends?"

Her eyes shook with tears forming more and more. She held tighter onto the hem of his sleeve as if she didn't want him to leave.

"I-I won't ask for anything else. I just want to remain friends with you."

Liu Shan's hand that was out of her view curls into a tight fist. The word friend, was that even how they started off as?

Slightly turning his head to look at her in the eyes, he gently pulls his arm away from her grasp.

Using that hand, he pats her on the head and a sympathetic smile curls on his face.

"We're only neighbors."

He knows that his words now must have crushed Ling Ni's small bit of hope, but it is better this way. They are better off returning to being neighbors because they never started off as friends.

Watching Liu Shan's figure walk away from her, Ling Ni did not stop him, nor did she follow after. She remain seated on the bench as her hand that was once holding onto his sleeve froze in midair.

As his footstep grew further behind her, his words repeated in her mind. The tears she had tried so hard to hold in finally let loose.

She curls against her knees and quietly sob as she can never return to how things used to be with Liu Shan.

"I'm so sorry… I'm so sorry… I'm sorry…"

Hearing her quiet sobs, Liu Shan slowed down in his steps. He wanted to turn around and run to give her a hug. He wanted to tell her that they can still be friends, but…

His lower lip trembles and puts on a stern expression to not cry. However, the more he fought back his tears, they fought against him and won.

He clench his fists tightly and despite the tears sliding down his cheeks, he force his legs to walk away.

"You got this, Liu Shan. You are a wonderful man. This is not your lost. This is her lost. She let someone as great as you get away."

More tears slid from his eyes, but he continues to move his legs and comfort himself.

"She is not the only woman out there. The sea is so big, you will meet a better fish. Come on, stop crying. Walk away with your head high and go proudly."

However, the more he tries to comfort himself, the more he felt the pain he thought had disappeared return. It was so painful like someone had shot a bullet inside him.

Ignoring all the people and cars that pass by him, he continues to let his tears run however they want.

As he arrives at the parking lot of his apartment building, he sniffles and wipes away his tears, but it was to no avail. The more he did so, the more tears came out.

Ignoring his tears, he lifts his head and makes his way home. However, his entire being froze and his lower lips trembles even more.

Unable to hold back anymore, he cries even more and chokes a stutter.


Sitting on the stairs leading to his place were none other than Lin Hui, Xu Long and Qi Li. They were the last people he wanted to see him like this, but they are also the people he wanted to see right now.

All three men were at a loss for words seeing the assistant this way. However, even if they didn't ask, they already knew that Liu Shan must have had his broken into zillions of pieces.

Xu Long was unable to contain his tears and he cries with and for Liu Shan. He stood up and run to give the man a big brotherly hug.

"Our family's poor Liu Shan! Don't cry! Your brothers are here for you!"

Lin Hui and Qi Li quickly follow in pursuit. After they left the hospital, they had all parted ways, but feeling that Liu Shan was little off, they decided to come check on him.

Good thing they came or else who knows what the man would be like the next time they saw each other.

Lin Hui wraps his arms around both Liu Shan and Xu Long. He wanted to cry too but decides to try his best to stay strong for his brother.

"Don't worry Shan! Cry all you want! Let it all out! Let these tears disappear together with these feelings until there is no more!"

Qi Li who is always expressionless walks to stand next to Liu Shan. He pats the man on the head then lightly tap the side of their head together.

"It hurts now, but with time, it'll make you stronger."

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