Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 547 Only I can have you

The days passed in ease as a week flew by with the air. Yue Ling awoke at her usual time and prepared herself for the day.

Although Doctor Dong had not given approval for her return to work, she decided it was time to get out of the house. Of course, she would had just stayed home with Inu, but Madam Lu, Madam Zhao and Zhao Ya'Er invited her for a little outing.

Finished getting ready, she steps out of her closet room wearing a simple black midi dress. In her hand was her dark gray wool coat and a pair of black heels. She also applied a bit of make up to help her look more awake.

As she made her way down the stairs, she set her coat and heels by the door, then makes her way to the kitchen.

"Mm. Smells delicious."

She spoke as she could smell the delicious aroma of the breakfast Lu Tian cooked and a smile curled on her lip. To wake up every morning with such delicious food, the aloof man is indeed too good to her.

Lu Tian had woken up early as usual and went for a jog with Inu. After washing up, he changed into his usual work attire and came downstairs to cook his wife breakfast.

He had just finished setting the table when he saw her enter. A chuckle escapes his lips and he takes off the apron with the pink heart before pulling a chair out for her.

"Good morning, Mrs. Lu. Would you like coffee or tea with your breakfast?"


Yue Ling stares at the man with an unexplainable feeling inside her. She wanted to say she could get it herself, but seeing how much he is into his role, she decides not to ruin it for him.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu. I would like a cup of coffee please."

Like her own personal butler, Lu Tian nod his head and kept his cool. However, deep down, he was grinning from ear to ear in happiness. He helps her sit down, then goes back into the kitchen to prepare the coffee.

However, what he did not see was the white fluffball sitting near the corner of the dining room.

Inu witnessed the entire scene unfold in front of him. Even if the evil peasant did not show how happy he was, Inu was able to sense it all. He rolled his eyes as if to say, 'What a loser.'

It didn't take long before Lu Tian returned with a cup of coffee in hand. He place it in front of his wife, then takes a seat across from her.

"It's hot, so be careful."

Yue Ling smiles thankfully to him and picks up her chopsticks. As she took her first bite, Lu Tian also picks up his chopsticks. However, just as he was about to eat, he pause and turn his head to look at the Samoyed.

Lu Tian narrows his eyes, 'What are you looking at? Eat your food.'

Inu rolls his eyes, 'Yea, yea, loser.'

Although the morning for Yue Ling, Lu Tian and Inu was blissful, in another part of Imperial, a luxurious bungalow stood its ground. The house was very pretty, but inside, a heated argument was taking place.

"Get out of my house! You are not welcome here anymore!!"


A woman's voice cried out in anger then a thunderous crash quickly follows after.

Inside the bungalow, Wei Hongyi stood in the middle of the living room. His handsome face was red in rage and eyes full of fury. Blood trail down his hand as he had just smashed a flower vase when the woman told him to get out.

He press his lips tightly together and force down his urge to hit the woman. Forcing a crooked smile, he takes a step forward.

"Ya'Er, sweetheart, listen to me. You're the only for me. Can't we just let this all go and start over?"

Standing against the living room wall, Zhao Ya'Er was scared for her own life. However, the only thing that kept her calm was the baseball bat in her hands. Each time Wei Hongyi tried to get close to her, she would swing it to scare him.

Staring at him, she wanted to strangle herself. The reason he is able to get inside her house is because of her carelessness.

She had just finished her makeup when the doorbell rang. She thought it was Yue Ling, so without checking to see who it was, she opened the door.

If she knew that it was going to be this bastard, she would have never opened the door for him.

Thinking this, she heard his words and she scoffs a sneer at him. If it had been the past her, she would have believed his words, but now…

"Don't speak such disgusting words to me."

She points at him with her trembling finger and raise her voice louder.

"You disgust me! If I'm really the only one for you, why do you sleep with other women?! Not only that, out of all the women in the world, why go after those so-called friends of mine too?! Do you know how stupid I look every time I see them?!!"

Hearing her lash out at him, Wei Hongyi didn't know how to respond to her questions. He swallow a difficult gulp and takes another step towards her. He puts on a pitiful face full of regret.

"Ya'Er, I really mean it when I said you are the only one for me. Those women meant nothing to me. I haven't contact them in months. Right now, I just want to show you that I am a better man."

Zhao Ya'Er chuckles sarcastically at the man. After all these years, does he still think of her as a fool?

Holding the bat with one hand, her other hand reach for her phone on a nearby table.

"You said it has been months since you last contacted those women?"

Her question fell as she unlocks her phone and press on an app icon. Stretching her arm out, she shows her screen to him.

"Then what is this?! Why would she send this disgusting photo to me?!!"

Wei Hongyi was even more shocked when he heard the anger and pain in Zhao Ya'Er's voice. Throughout their entire relationship, she had always been sweet and listened to him.

However, he quickly came to understand why she suddenly snapped.

Displayed on her phone screen at this moment was an image of him and Ning Mei from a few nights ago. He knew Ning Mei must had secretly took the photo, because in the photo, he was sleeping. However his cheek was pressed against the rookie model's barely covered chest.

Staring at the photo, he press his lips together. Out of all the women he slept with, Ning Mei is the only woman who would do something like this, but why? What would she achieve by doing this?


Usually he would be quick to come up with some lame excuse, but his mind went blank. His mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out except for a stutter.

Zhao Ya'Er inhales a deep breath, but her eyes remained glaring. She cannot believe she had once loved this filthy man. If she knew how to fight, she would have beat the living crap out of him and Ning Mei.

"Get out."

She spat out a growl and held her tears back. She will never cry in front of this man again. He is not worth her tears.

"I said get out!! Go find Ning Mei! You both are despicable and are meant for each other! Leave!"


Wei Hongyi wanted to get closer to her, but before he could take a step forward, Zhao Ya'Er started swinging the bat. It was not aimed at him, but he knew that going near her was not an option.

"Fine, I'll leave."

He clench his fists tightly at his side. Even when the wound on his hand opened more, he ignores it.

"I'll leave you alone for now, but that doesn't mean I will stop."

Looking at her one last time, he turns away and walks to the front door. As he opens the door ajar, he looks back at her.

"Only I can have you."

His words fell and he leaves her alone inside the house.

Its true that he sleeps around with different women, but Zhao Ya'Er is different. When he sees the other women with other men, he doesn't care at all. However, Zhao Ya'Er is the only one he cannot bear to see happy with someone else.

Zhao Ya'Er watched as the door shut and everything inside her broke like dam. She falls onto the ground and cries her heart out.

How long will this continue? Why can't he just leave her alone?

As Wei Hongyi entered his white Mercedes-Benz and drives away from the bungalow, on the opposite side of the road, a black Maserati Gran Turismo pulls up in front of Zhao Ya'Er's house.

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