Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 071

Chapter 071.Conclusion

"What were you thinking? You could have hurt yourself!"

Wade frowned, looking down at Aiden who was sitting in a hospital bed. After the scene, he was quickly dragged off to the hospital for a checkup.

Though Aiden was mostly fine aside from the bruise that he had got on the back of his head, a checkup was the least the crew could arrange to ensure that the injury wasn't too bad.

"I just wanted the scene to be perfect. A couple of days ago, Ray told me to try to think how Kai would think in certain situations and then I wanted the scene to be a bit unexpected. I thought that Kai would try to get in the mind of Charlie to a huge extent and in anger, he would throw him off. So, I asked him to throw me to the wall at the end of the scene."

Aiden explained it a bit to try to calm Wade down.

He had just done it to make the scene better. He accepted that he was taking a huge risk as they had not rehearsed the scene at all.

Even Zavier wasn't aware of it but because of that, it had come truly unexpected, increasing the charm of it.

"Ray was irresponsible too. I will talk to him personally about it. Even if you got a crazy idea, he should not have agreed because of the risk." Wade said in an angry tone. He had truly gotten worried about Aiden after the scene.

"He didn't throw me heavily and he didn't agree to throw me off when I first proposed it. Only after I requested him to do it multiple times did he agree. We were both being careful and the doctor did say I'm fine, right?"

It was only after that Wade seemed to accept his words. After that, he left the hospital room, saying he would inform the crew that Aiden was okay and there was no need to worry.

When Aiden was finally alone, he finally opened up his system to check out his new skills.

He had not gotten the chance yet.

[You have been awarded the skill 'Character affinity'.]

[You can now access 'Character list'.]

Aiden clicked on the second notification and a bigger prompt suddenly opened up. It had all the characters he had played till now listed up in an order.

[Character list:

*Nameless Indian Soldier

-65 percent affinity.

-You played the role with all the basic characteristics but failed to bring forth the soul of the character other than a few scenes.

-Affinity could be improved for the role.

*Kai August

-75 percent affinity.

-Your acting gives a certain edge to the character, bringing forth a certain devilish aura. However, you fail to show a certain vulnerable nuance in the required places.

-The character affinity is the utmost you could do at the moment.

-The boost has been applied as the character is identified as a negative one.]

Reading through the whole list, Aiden felt a bit happy that he had gotten 75 percent character affinity. Even that much was a good number for him as he had expected way less.

But he also understood the places he could improve to increase the affinity with the characters he's playing on the screen.

The other thing that caught his eye was the permanent boost he had received on all negative characters.

This was certainly the best reward for him as just like a game system, as he reached a high level in his skills, it would get harder and harder to improve.

At that point, the boost would help him greatly.

'Should I just choose more negative roles from now on?'

He thought, thinking of a famous actor who had based his whole career on just grey and negative characters.

He was so good in those roles that no one could consider him for something else.

Though, it was just a case of being stereotyped in the same role which Aiden wanted to avoid If he could.

"Playing negative characters is fun but I don't always want to play them."

He muttered. No matter how distinct negative characters look, he would feel like he was just playing the same character if he overdid it.

So, he decided against it and shifted his focus on just taking one role at a time.


In front of Zavier's eyes, Aiden was sitting on the ground, his eyes covered by his hair. An extra actor that was playing his subordinate was standing beside him.

The cameraman was spinning around them, trying to take a curve shot. While another camera shot him from long range, focusing on the faces of both the actors.

"Project Anarchy must begin now."

He muttered, like he was giving an order. His subordinate looked surprised for a second before eventually nodding.

"It's the city to acknowledge its ruler."

Hearing that, the subordinate hastily left and the scene ended.

After a while, Zavier smiled and finally shouted the word that finished Aiden's shooting schedule for the movie.


Everyone on the set, from the actors to the crew, clapped when they heard Zavier's shout.

With this scene, Aiden's scenes were done and it was a wrap for him. Though, the other actors would keep shooting for another 20 days.

"Thank you everyone."

Aiden said, getting up from the ground. The final scene of Kai was in a prison where he would just sit with his eyes closed before giving an order to one of his subordinates who had managed to sneak into the prison.

This would come in the first half of the movie but 'Project Anarchy' would truly be shown in the climax.

A climax that everyone who had read the script knew would make the audience shocked.

The whole shot was only 1 minutes, so the audience would even forget about it as after this, Kai would be killed off screen.

More like, his character would commit suicide, knowing that he wouldn't get out of the prison ever because the politicians and Black Saints were trying to have him killed in the prison.

So in the end, he killed himself.

"Aiden, you did a great job."

Zavier said as he hugged Aiden for completing his shooting. The other actors, including Ray and Graham, also chipped in.

"Yeah, Rookie, you were really good. You nearly scared us in the interrogation scene too."

"You are a good actor but don't pull up crazy stuff like that from now on."

"You did a good job!"

Aiden smiled, basking in the applause. He wouldn't have gotten it normally but after the interrogation scene, he had got a reputation as an actor who was willing to do anything to make a movie better.

As a result of that, he was receiving respect from actors who had already achieved a lot in their lives.

"It was great shooting with you all. Let's hope the movie breaks all the records."

Everyone cheered at those words.

[Black Saints] was a special movie for many of them and they truly hoped the audience would like it too.

Seeing their reactions, Aiden felt like all his troubles to get this role was worth it. His conflict with Tyler and how he had finally got the role - everything was on his mind.

At the same time, he also felt a bit tired. He had been working non stop for the last few months and it was almost the end of the year too.

He felt like he needed a break. At least for a while.

'I guess I can take a short break. Maybe a week.'

He thought on his last day on the set of [Black Saints].


"We aren't getting anything good. I don't think these guide tracks are going to fit the show."

A middle aged man with a ragged beard frowned as he looked at the group of people in front of them. His name was Stephen Greg.

He was looking tired, like he had been working constantly for a long time. He was one of the producers from Animeroll.

Animeroll was an animation studio and a big one at that, which frequently licensed Japanese anime to distribute in American and European markets.

"But we only got these from the singers we contacted. The Japanese title track for [Attack for Freedom] is very popular in Japan and a lot of the audience who watches subbed anime already like it, so we tried to bring the best tracks we could."

One of the people from the A&R department said but Stephen clicked his tongue with a bit of annoyance.

"These are clearly not enough!" He shouted. "If we use this, people would say that they don't match the theme of the show. Anime fans are hardcore, even in America, so we need to find something better."

Stephen said and few people in the meeting room nodded while others tried to get ideas on how to go with the title track for the anime.

"What if we try to contact some famous bands? 'Dragons of Fire' would be good for the title track. They have composed songs that suit the anime in the past."

Dragons of Fire was a very famous rock band that had over 10 million subscribers on MeTube and a lot of their songs had topped the charts.

"Aren't they in the middle of a world tour?" Stephen questioned before shaking his head. "Moreover, they belong to a big record label. Those bastards would try to take most of the profits away."

If the anime did well, the title track would be streamed a lot too, so Animeroll would obviously try to get in the scheme of profits.

It was then that a timid, female employee raised her hand.

"I have an idea."



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