Videogame: I Can Turn Waste Into Treasure

Chapter 317: Han Xing’s Plan!

Chapter 317: Han Xing’s Plan!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

North Star nodded, “We want every member to be able to take on more missions and challenges after the update.”

The entire guild seemed to be in a tense and energetic atmosphere. In order to adapt to the changes brought about by the version update, the members worked hard and confidently faced the unknown challenges.

In this tense and exciting training atmosphere, the guild members gradually understood the decisions of the higher-ups.

They began to devote themselves to training their skills and improving their items. They believed that this was to deal with the huge challenges brought about by the version update.

This brand-new training mode greatly improved the skills and abilities of the guild members.

They gradually realized that the version update was not only a change in the game but also had a huge impact on how the game would be.

Only by being fully prepared could one deal with the challenges and opportunities brought about by this revolution.

As the version update approached, the members of the guild went all out to improve their skills and abilities.

They believed that as long as they worked together, they would be able to stand firm in this wave of version updates!

While the Mad Dragon Guild was preparing for the update, Han Xing did not stay idle either. He found the company personnel that China had planted in the Second World.

If he remembered correctly, in his previous life, to deal with the imminent fusion of the two worlds, the company had established the ‘Mysterious Incidents Handling Department’ in Version 2.0. This was also the predecessor of the ‘Security Bureau’ after Version 3.0.

This was specially used to deal with the strength of the Second World affecting the real world.

Therefore, by contacting the people from the Mysterious Incidents Handling Department in advance, he could build a good relationship with the company early on so that he could better deal with the changes in the next version update.

Han Xing sat in his office and opened a document. It was clearly marked ‘Mysterious Incidents Handling Department’.

He contacted an employee who was planted in the Second World and arranged a low-profile meeting.

A few company officials in plain uniforms mysteriously appeared at the Han Xing’s guild base.

“Guild Master Star Rebel, very few of us have ever come into contact with you,” said an employee of the game company.

“This time, it’s for an important matter.”

Han Xing smiled, his attitude cautious but firm. He said, “The version update is coming soon, and I need to understand some things. 1 hope we can have a deeper cooperation.”

The game company employees were slightly surprised, but they still nodded in acknowledgment.

“Version updates are not only changes in the game but also in real life. I wish to know what preparations and plans the company has in place to deal with the Second World’s strength on the real world.”

Han Xing went straight to the point.

“This is a sensitive topic, but it’s also something we need to pay close attention to.”

An employee frowned and replied, “We are actively establishing a response plan to ensure that the strength of the Second World will not cause uncontrollable effects on the real world.”

“What are your plans? I hope we can cooperate in this area.” Han Xing said firmly.

“We plan to strengthen our real-life monitoring methods. After the version update, there will be more technology to detect and limit the influence of the Second World’s strength.” Another company employee explained.

Han Xing pondered for a moment and said, “1 can provide you with some in-game information that might help you better understand how the Second World works.”

The employees were pleasantly surprised. One of them exclaimed, “That would be very important to us!”

“We’ve been looking for clues about the influence of the Second World’s strength on the real world. If you can provide us with useful information, it will be of great help to us.”

The game company employees had not expected Star Rebel to be so capable!

They could be considered the first batch to come into contact with the Second World, a year before the open beta!

They could be said to be a true beta player.

But even so, they were unable to study this mysterious world well.

They only knew that the final outcome of this world was to completely merge with the real world!

And the version update was a sign of the progress of the fusion!

Han Xing nodded and said, “After the update, we may face many unknown challenges. This is a time when we need to work together.”

“We are willing to establish a deeper cooperation with you.” The game company employee said solemnly.

The two sides began to communicate in-depth, discussing the possible scenarios after the version update and how to better deal with the potential impact of the Second World’s strength on the real world.

“This is a long-term cooperation plan. 1 hope to keep in touch and exchange information in a timely manner.” Han Xing looked at the company employees.

“Of course, we will also try our best to provide support to the Mad Dragon Guild,” said the game company employees.

After the meeting, Han Xing felt relieved.

He knew that establishing contact with the company was a crucial step. This kind of cooperation might provide strong support for the guild’s firm foothold after the version update.

Time passed quickly, and a week passed in the blink of an eye.

Han Xing stood in the control room of the guild base, staring at the countdown on the display screen.

“Guild Master, the countdown to the version update has begun!” North Star walked over excitedly.

“Yes, we’ve already made all the preparations.”

Han Xing took a deep breath and said, “This is a new era and an unknown challenge.”

The atmosphere in the guild base was tense and excited. The members were busy with the final preparations for the version update.

“Everyone seems to be a little worried.” North Star observed his surroundings and could not help but say, “There are always some uncertain factors when the new version is implemented.”

“This is inevitable.” Han Xing smiled and continued, “But we are fully prepared. No matter what happens, we will face it.”

At the same time, the Second World was also busy.

In this virtual world, version updates meant new challenges and opportunities.

Fourteen Continents stood in the hall of the guild headquarters, and many members gathered there. Their expressions were filled with anticipation and excitement. He asked, “Is everyone ready? The version update is coming!” “Of course, we have been preparing for this for a long time!” A mage puffed out his chest.

The Li family, Zhou family, and Pan family of Rainbow City were all making the final adjustments and preparations within their sphere of influence.

Li Xian stood in the family conference room and said in a deep voice, “The update will bring uncertainty, but we have to be prepared.”

“We are the most powerful family in Rainbow City. Nothing can stop us!” Mr. Zhou encouraged his family members.

The Pan family head said solemnly, “There may be drastic changes in the update, but we must remain vigilant and respond at any time..”

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