Videogame: I Can Turn Waste Into Treasure

Chapter 323: Where Did Star Rebel Go?

Chapter 323: Where Did Star Rebel Go?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In every corner of the game, the discussion about Star Rebel gradually heated up.

The once top-ranked expert seemed to have lost his former liveliness, which made many players curious and puzzled.

“Star Rebel seems to have become less powerful after the update.”

“I’ve always had him as my goal, but now I feel like he can’t keep up.”

“Has he really gone downhill?”

Such discussions filled every corner of the game.

Some players were surprised and disappointed because Star Rebel was once the object of admiration for many people, but his performance today was different from his previous glory.

Within the Mad Dragon Guild, which Star Rebel belonged to, Han Xing heard such discussions from time to time.

“Guild Master, there have been more and more discussions about your status in the game recently.” North Star said to Han Xing worriedly.

“I know, this is normal.” Han Xing replied calmly, “The changes brought about by the update will affect everyone.”

“But many people feel that you haven’t adapted to the new version.” North Star said with some difficulty.

“I don’t need to blindly pursue high levels or perform well on the rankings.” Han Xing smiled and continued, “That’s not my only goal.”

However, even though Han Xing appeared calm, the outside world’s doubts about his status in the game gradually spread.

“Could it be that Star Rebel was really knocked out by the update?”

“He was so strong before, how could he not adapt now?”

“Perhaps he really wants to withdraw from the rankings this time.”

Amidst the discussions, some players began to pay attention to Star Rebel’s actions.

They wanted to know how Star Rebel would deal with the challenge of the update, and they were also curious if he still had the ability to make a name for himself in this new version.

After the version update, Han Xing did not rush forward like before. Instead, he chose to explore the insides of the game world more deeply.

He continued to explore and challenge in the game, but he did not publicly display his strength as he did in the past.

However, some players had their own guesses and opinions.

“Maybe he’s undergoing some kind of special training.”

“Maybe he’s actively adapting to the new version, but he’s not willing to show it for the time being.”

“Star Rebel has never been the kind of person who would surrender without a fight the moment he is knocked down.”

Han Xing’s behavior sparked more speculation. Some players thought that he had some special strategy to deal with it.

However, some people began to doubt whether he could stand out again.

In the fierce competition brought about by the update, Star Rebel’s status became a hot topic among players.

The silence of the former dazzling star aroused more speculation and curiosity, but it also made many people’s expectations and attention more focused on him.

On a global scale, the top guilds and guild members of various countries were all madly rushing after the version update.

Every guild wanted to occupy a higher position in the new version.

However, they also noticed that Star Rebel, who had once shone brilliantly in China, had fallen silent.

“What happened to Star Rebel? He hasn’t made any moves.”

“I thought he would be the leader of this version update.”

“Yeah, his performance in China was too amazing. Why is he so low-key now?”

This kind of discussion appeared frequently among the upper echelons of the guilds in various countries.

The once popular Star Rebel’s performance today was a stark contrast to his previous dazzling performance, which puzzled and surprised many people. “Although Star Rebel is one of the top players in China, he might have some problems adapting to the new version.”

“I think he’s undergoing some special training or planning something.”

“No matter what, his performance will have a huge impact on the entire game.”

The top guilds of the various countries began to pay attention to Star Rebel’s situation, and they were curious about his silence.

They felt that Star Rebel’s performance in China was too outstanding, and he should be outstanding after the global update. However, his lack of activity was hard to understand.

At the same time, the top guilds in the various countries were also working hard for their members.

They were also constantly rushing to the new version of the level rankings, trying their best to challenge higher-level dungeons and fight for more resources and territory.

Every guild wanted to gain a foothold in this update and become the best in the new version of the game.

“We have to adapt to the new version as soon as possible and strive to make a difference in the leaderboard.” A high-ranking member of a large guild said. “Although Star Rebel is quiet, we can’t let our guard down.”

The changes brought about by this version update made every guild excited and busy. They believed that this was the best time to show their strength.

Although Star Rebel’s status had become the focus of discussion, it didn’t slow down the various guilds.

In this version update storm, Star Rebel’s silence made everyone confused, but the torrent of the entire game world did not stop because of this.

Every guild was fighting for new glory, and whether Star Rebel had some sort of strategy was one of the topics that many players were talking about.

After the update, the families and guilds that had been hostile to Star Rebel, such as the Shangguan family, the Murong family, the King’s Guild, the White Rainbow Guild, the Great Wave Guild, and the Divine General Guild, were also closely observing Star Rebel’s actions.

When they realized that Star Rebel had not appeared in the various leaderboards and events in the new version of the game, these competitors began to show a mocking attitude.

“Looks like the Star Rebel is nothing more than this.”

“Has his former brilliance faded long ago?”

“Maybe his previous achievements were due to some accidental factors.”

The representatives of these families and guilds discussed in private, showing disdain and contempt for Star Rebel’s silence.

They had once had a conflict with Star Rebel, and their hatred for him was deeply ingrained. Now that they saw that he seemed to have lost his former glory, they naturally gloated.

“Maybe he’s just a has-been celebrity.”

“Star Rebel has always been a star in China. It’s no wonder he can’t adapt to the global competition.”

“His golden age seems to have passed.”

Their words were filled with disdain and sarcasm toward Star Rebel as if they no longer had any expectations or respect for him.

These competitors felt that Star Rebel had lost his former glory and was no longer the powerful opponent in their eyes.

However, while they were talking, Han Xing did not stop in the game world.

He was secretly carrying out his own plan. Although he was silent on the surface, he was secretly working hard..

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