Videogame: I Can Turn Waste Into Treasure

Chapter 327: The Extremely Difficult Second Last Stage!

Chapter 327: The Extremely Difficult Second Last Stage!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio                                      &

However, the HP of these Elite Demon Wolves was astounding. Even if Star Rebel used his lightning skills, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. The situation became more and more troublesome. Everyone began to doubt Star Rebel’s strength, believing that he was destined to fail here.

“Haha, Star Rebel is just a joke. How could he challenge so many Elite Demon Wolves?”

“He just wanted to hype himself up. I didn’t expect him to reveal his true colors so quickly.”

Some players who were jealous and unhappy with Star Rebel began to gloat, thinking that Star Rebel’s challenge was destined to be a joke and that he would only fail here.

However, the real God Gamers had a different view.

They knew very well that Star Rebel had once dominated Version 1.0 and would not be defeated so easily.

They firmly believed in Star Rebel’s strength and believed that he would not easily admit defeat in this dungeon.

They focused their eyes on the live broadcast screen, full of anticipation and confidence.

“Star Rebel won’t lose. He definitely has his own way of fighting.”

“This battle isn’t over yet. Don’t rush to conclusions.”

Even though some people were talking about it, more players were nervously watching Star Rebel’s every move.

After all, a former legendary player would not be easily troubled by the situation. He always had a way to win by surprise.

Star Rebel was in a difficult situation, but he didn’t panic.

He kept releasing Lightning Balls and lightning skills, trying to erode the Elite Demon Wolves’ defense.

Although the HP of these Demon Wolves was shockingly high, Star Rebel’s skill could still cause considerable damage.

His tactic was to use multiple light attacks to gradually deplete the Elite Demon Wolves’s stamina.

Star Rebel continued to challenge the monsters. He cleverly used the lightning array skill to expand the heavenly lightning bolts to the center of the Demon Wolves, creating waves of lightning.

This strategy successfully reduced the number of Demon Wolves, while also reducing their HP, giving Star Rebel a slight advantage in the battle.

On the live broadcast screen, the spectating players were in a frenzied discussion.

“Look, Star Rebel’s strategy is working!”

“He’s constantly reducing the number of Demon Wolves. His patience and methods are really rare.”

“I didn’t expect him to have so many trump cards. No wonder he’s a legendary God Gamer!”

The players watching the battle were amazed by the incredible adaptability and patience displayed by Star Rebel.

His unique tactics and skill usage caused a subtle change in the situation.

However, even though Star Rebel was constantly reducing their numbers, he still faced a huge challenge when dealing with this group of powerful Elite Demon Wolves.

The Demon Wolves’ attack and HP made it seem as if they were immortal. They were never defeated by Star Rebel’s attacks.

Time passed by as he continued to fight in the dungeon.

Star Rebel’s aura grew increasingly tense as he faced the increasing number of Demon Wolves.

In the live broadcast room, the players watching the battle began to get excited.

They stared at every scene, feeling excited for every successful dodge and attack by Star Rebel.

The players who had mocked Star Rebel in the past also fell silent. They began to think that Star Rebel might really be able to make a comeback!

As time passed, Star Rebel continued to release his skills. Accompanied by violent lightning and flames, the scene in the dungeon became unusually spectacular!

His strength began to gradually suppress these Elite Demon Wolves. Some of the injured Demon Wolves also began to fall, and their corpses disappeared in the light!

The spectators became even more agitated. Some began to bet on whether Star Rebel could complete this counterattack, while others began to predict his next move on the forums.

As for Star Rebel, his eyes shone with determination as he faced countless Elite Demon Wolves. He was looking for an opportunity to break through.

Star Rebel continued to fight in the dungeon. He tried to use his lightning skills to continuously drain the Demon Wolves’ HP, but the situation was still very dangerous.

Dozens of Elite Demon Wolves surrounded him, and each of their attacks reduced his HP, while his attacks also consumed his MP.

“Star Rebel is too stubborn. Under such circumstances, there’s no way he can defeat these monsters.”

That’s right. Looking at his HP, it’s not enough to support more battles.”

The spectating players began to doubt whether Star Rebel could really make a comeback.

The situation in a dungeon was simply too difficult for a single person!

Even the God Gamer would find it difficult to deal with so many powerful monsters alone!

However, at this critical moment, Star Rebel suddenly displayed a different combat style!

He used Lightning Steps to quickly move to a corner of the dungeon, trying to spread out the Elite Demon Wolves.

The spectating players were stunned. They did not expect Star Rebel to use such a tactic!

He seemed to be looking for a breakthrough, or waiting for a specific opportunity.

He frequently used Lightning Steps to wander around the dungeon, trying to break through the monsters’ assembly.

As time passed, Star Rebel began to display more precise moves.

He no longer fought the monsters directly. Instead, he constantly used the terrain and skills to avoid the enemy’s attacks. At the same time, he used Lightning Ball and other skills to specifically eliminate some Demon Wolves with lower HP.

This tactic changed the situation.

Although the Star Rebel was still in a passive position, he was still trying to turn the tables!

The spectating players saw that he was gradually taking the initiative in the battle and began to rejoice!

They no longer looked down on Star Rebel’s determination and strength. Instead, they cheered for his exquisite operation.

Star Rebel’s strategy caused the Demon Wolves to gradually disperse. At the same time, he began to use skills on each of the Demon Wolves, intending to reduce their HP one by one.

Under the careful use of skills and frequent changes in tactics, he gradually controlled the rhythm of the battle.

Although Star Rebel’s HP and MP were decreasing, he didn’t seem to have the will to stop fighting.

He was constantly looking for opportunities. Despite the difficulties, he was still fighting for a breakthrough.

This kind of tenacious spirit motivated the players who were watching the battle. They began to cheer for Star Rebel.

The battle in the dungeon continued, and the situation remained tense.

However, Star Rebel’s will remained unwavering, as if he was waiting for the final critical moment.

The spectating players were also looking forward to seeing if Star Rebel could create a miracle.

Star Rebel’s strategy was finally showing results!

After frequently changing positions in the dungeon and flexibly responding to the monsters’ attacks, his operation gradually turned into a shocking climax!

In the Demon Wolf Cave, dozens of Elite Demon Wolves had gathered around him, forming an ocean!

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