Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1476 Manipulating Sages

Chapter 1476 Manipulating Sages

Regrettably for Saisha, his attempt to flee the battlefield bore unfavorable results.

The Grandmaster Ranker who caught up to him hailed from the kingdom of Edinburgh. As soon as he closed the distance, he launched an assault on Saisha.

"Saisha Goren, I must exact revenge upon you for slaying the Duke of Edinburgh," declared the Edinburgh Grandmaster Ranker, who happened to be none other than Zethos de Montmorency, a recently ascended A-Ranker from House Montmorency with close ties to the White Raven Guild.

"First Arthur and now you… Un fucking believable!"

Saisha's agonized voice resounded through the air as he confronted Zethos. He sounded like he felt wronged by the circumstances he was facing. And that life had been unfair to him.

Zethos appeared thoroughly prepared for their encounter, from his formidable armor to the gleaming saber gripped tightly in his hand.

Saisha couldn't fathom that Arthur's assault on the Layos army base had been a unilateral decision after witnessing Zethos's swift arrival on the battlefield following his prior skirmish.

It was as if the stage of a grand theatrical production had been meticulously arranged, where one actor gracefully exited, allowing another to seamlessly take their place and advance the plot. In this dramatic play, Saisha felt relegated to a supporting role, a mere backdrop to emphasize how the main character had schemed behind his back.

"Who... who sent you here?" Saisha's voice was laced with frustration as he fixed his gaze on Zethos.

The most exasperating aspect of this situation was Saisha's lack of knowledge about the puppeteer orchestrating events from the shadows. This unseen figure was neither naive nor egotistical enough to reveal themselves.

"You should…" Zethos began to respond but halted mid-sentence as if receiving additional instructions that prevented him from engaging Saisha in conversation.

"I... I apologize," Zethos sighed, clearly conflicted. "I've been instructed not to waste time talking."

Saisha had a noticeably higher Ranking Status than Zethos, and his grasp of Elemental Attainments was far more profound. Unlike Zethos, Saisha had spent considerable time as a Grandmaster. If Saisha had not been injured, Zethos wouldn't have been his match.

Zethos had enjoyed the privilege of Eren's accelerated Rank-up Program through the White Raven Guild. He was one of the lucky members of Levine's faction who had benefited from the program.

It wasn't a charitable offer, though. Eren asked Zethos to repay him through his involvement in this plan and his confrontation with Saisha.

Without delay, Saisha and Zethos clashed in a fierce battle, their confrontation marking the creation of a new Grandmaster-level battleground.

Once again, the very elements around them surged with power, giving rise to formidable attacks as the two Grandmasters engaged in combat. The battle clearly showcased one Grandmaster's dominance over the other, primarily due to the latter's weakened state from the prior encounter.

As the battle raged on, Saisha and Zethos found themselves gradually departing from Layos' territory, heading towards a neutral region that neither kingdom had yet to lay claim to. Zethos had a dual purpose: defeating Saisha and driving him out of Layos' domain.

Amid the fight, Saisha received an unexpected voice message, which served as a lifeline amidst the intense battle.

'Saisha, hold your ground. I'm on my way,' an aged yet authoritative voice resonated through the communication channel, offering a glimmer of hope to Saisha in the midst of battle. Recognizing the voice, relief washed over Saisha, and a smile broke across his face.

'Sage Gregory! Thank the heavens. I'll send you my location. Please arrive as swiftly as you can,' Saisha implored Gregory, his voice a blend of hope and gratitude. He was determined not to fall victim to the conspiracy plotted against him.


"Hmm? Would you look at that smile? He is practically farting sunshine and rainbows with how happy he seems. Eren, why does that bastard Saisha appear as though he's just received a stroke of good fortune? He's battling with Zethos with newfound determination. It's clear he's buying time."

Sirius cautioned Eren, his eyes fixed on the unfolding battle between Saisha and Zethos as he stood beside Eren.

Eren wore a knowing smile as he replied to Sirius's query. "Keke. Saisha's delight likely stems from a voice message he received from Sage Gregory Grant," he offered, his smile hinting at his understanding of Saisha's rekindled resolve in the battle.

Sirius was taken aback by Eren's revelation. He swallowed hard as he contemplated the implications of Sage Gregory Grant's impending arrival. Casting a troubled look at Eren, he carefully voiced his suggestion.

"In that case, we should leave this area immediately. We've already achieved our goal of eliminating Arthur. Staying here serves no purpose."

Eren shook his head, refusing Sirius's proposal. "This area essentially falls within Layos' jurisdiction. No matter how many restrictions we put on Saisha, it was only a matter of time before he received reinforcements. I merely accelerated the process by alerting Sage Gregory Grant in advance."

Sirius was stunned by Eren's audacity. He regarded Eren with disbelief, his voice trembling as he spoke.

"Wh…. what? What the… You tipped off Grant?

Eren, no offense, but are you fucking out of your mind? Why take such a risk? Has success gone to your head to the point where you underestimate the power of a Sage?

Regardless of Gregory's tarnished reputation and his injuries, he remains an S-Ranker. Tell Zethos to withdraw. LIKE RIGHT NOW. We must leave immediately."

Sirius implored, a sense of urgency in his tone. He felt that Eren was unnecessarily gambling by involving a Sage Ranker. While Eren and Sirius shared the goal of sparking a full-scale conflict between Edinburgh and Layos, manipulating a Sage Ranker was a line Sirius wouldn't dare to cross, despite his higher rank than Eren.

"Hm? Sirius, my friend, do you think I don't have Sages at my disposal to counter Gregory? That's precisely why I alerted him to Saisha's situation in advance."

Eren replied, his eyes still fixed on the battle between Zethos and Saisha.

"Nevertheless, you're free to leave if you wish. However, come what may, I got to see this through.

The night will be long, that's for sure. Rest assured, though, that both kingdoms will wake to a new reality with the dawn of a new day.

I, Eren Elijah Idril, promise this in my name."

Eren concluded with an enigmatic tone, the chill in his voice palpable as he turned away from Sirius. The winds howled, and the night sky underwent a spectral transformation, as if the very region itself clamored for more violence, demanding a somber climax to the Rankers it hosted within its confines.


AN: Zethos was first mentioned in chapter 908. Gregory Grant was mentioned in chapter 1135. Gregory was the same Sage who had been caught by Garos Renar and was later handed to Layos in a prisoner exchange program mentioned in chapter 1187.

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