Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1495 Facing Wraiths Once Again

Chapter 1495 Facing Wraiths Once Again

In the blink of an eye, the wraiths materialized all around Eren, Naya, and Alephee, forming an encircling barrier.

These wraiths bore grotesque resemblances to humanoid rankers of various races. However, their flesh was in a state of decay and disarray. Many of them had missing flesh on their faces and limbs, exposing the skeletal structures beneath.

Hollow eye sockets stared out, some with yellowish-white remnants where eyes once were. Bald crowns, missing teeth, fractured and twisted limbs - the wraiths were a haunting collage of deformities.

Draped in tattered, disintegrating garments, some clutched old, dilapidated weapons that appeared non-threatening at first glance. Yet, Eren sensed an ominous mana signature unique to these creatures. It cloaked both their weapons and their abilities, making it challenging for him to gauge their true potential.

Eren recognized that these wraiths were a creation of forbidden magic, crafted from the remains of rankers. Observing them more closely this time, he began to comprehend their origins better.

"These fucking wraiths," Eren spoke with gravity, connecting the dots based on the familiar Sin Series Mana he detected within them. "They're the result of Eliza's Sin Series Ability related to necromancy. It explains how she managed to extend her own life. She must have used her Ability on herself to keep her ass from dying."

Alephee concurred, adding her insights.

"Back then, I was limited in my ability to use Soul Sense, so I couldn't discern these nuances. But now, it's becoming clearer.

You're right, Eren. These wraiths are connected to Eliza's Sin Series Ability. With that seven-headed serpent statue in her possession, it's likely she gained access to the Sin Series Ability at a young age. She must have mastered it to control these wraiths even after her physical presence is no longer here."

As they conversed, the wraiths steadily advanced, closing in on the trio.

Eren possessed an acute sensitivity to Wrath Mana, and he discerned a formidable concentration of it within several potent wraiths amidst the surrounding horde. It was evident to him that Eliza wielded the Sin of Wrath Mark, but he detected more complexity beneath the surface. It seemed that Eliza, due to her indomitable soul, could harness another Sin Series Mark simultaneously. This revelation startled Eren.

Previously, Eren believed that at least in Anfang, no one could bear more than one Sin Series Mark without grave consequences. Even an accomplished Ranker like Ivor could only bear the Sin of Pride Mark without his soul succumbing to its repercussions.

Eren swiftly activated a defensive array formation that he had stored on an array disk, creating a barrier to keep the encroaching wraiths at bay. While effective for the moment, he knew this barrier had a limited lifespan, expected to dissipate in a matter of minutes.

In this brief respite, Eren carefully observed the wraiths, pondering the plan he had meticulously devised. He couldn't help but draw parallels between this current situation and his previous encounters with Eliza.

It wasn't that Eliza's powers had surged since their last meeting.

Rather, he was only now beginning to fathom the true extent of her abilities, thanks to the knowledge and experiences acquired over the past decade. It was akin to revisiting a seemingly simple painting after gaining a wealth of understanding and life experiences, suddenly perceiving its intricate nuances and depths that had eluded him before.

"I underestimated her talents," Eren admitted wryly, realizing the incredible power Eliza must have wielded in her prime. Despite having read records about her, it was only during his second visit to the Purgatory that he grasped how inadequately they portrayed Eliza Samael, this enigmatic and monstrous figure.

Eren deduced that Eliza's Sin Series Ability allowed her to reanimate slain Rankers who perished in her vicinity, or as a result of her actions. It was a domain-type Ability, and she apparently possessed two, synergizing to enhance the wraiths' lethality.

Her capability to accumulate power through death explained her success against the Titans. Eren muttered to himself in a grim tone, "Witch of the Enderflames is truly an abomination amidst the ordinary."

It was also because of her Abilities that Eliza often felt an excitement whenever she was in a battle or approaching one. And it was also because of her Abilities that the Anfang Alliance was scared of her.

Naya, her senses alert and ready for combat, inquired cautiously, "What's our plan now?" She was well aware of the daunting task ahead. Eren needed to locate the Seven-headed serpent statue to obtain the remaining Sin Series Marks.

Alephee had discovered that Eliza kept the statue within the tower. The only way to reach it was to endure an unending assault of wraiths, potentially lasting for an unknown duration. Both Eren and Alephee were unsurprised by this strategy, as Eliza had subjected Eren to a similar trial when he was a mere Novice Ranker.

However, unlike the past, the wraiths this time were considerably mightier. Their strength didn't adhere to conventional Ranking Status, but rather was determined by the potency of corrupted Wrath Mana within them. The crowd contained at least nine wraiths equivalent to Grandmaster Rankers in power, with one ominously nearing the level of a Sage Ranker's adversary.

Naya couldn't help but feel a sense of tension creeping over her. It was her first time witnessing such powerful wraiths with their menacing mana signatures. The eerie appearance of these wraiths was unsettling enough, but what truly sent shivers down her spine was their formidable strength, rendering most elemental and conventional physical attacks ineffective against them.

Alephee, on the other hand, sported a reassuring smile as she observed Naya's anxious expression. She gently placed her hand on Naya's shoulder and spoke with a calming tone.

"The Witch of the Enderflames is undoubtedly an abomination, but we have an even greater form of abomination with us. Don't worry, we've come well-prepared for this," Alephee reassured Naya, her gaze shifting towards Eren, who stood resolutely ahead.

Eren responded to Naya's unspoken worries with a wicked grin.

"Kekeke. That old hag thinks she can still intimidate me. She either wanted me to fucking run from this tower after revealing her Sin Series Abilities in such grand manner, or she hoped to exhaust my strength and resources battling these wraiths.

But it seems she underestimated me more than I did her. Her wraiths were once the stuff of my nightmares. Did she truly believe I wouldn't be ready to confront them again?" Eren's emerald eyes glinted with unwavering determination as he spoke.

Alephee observed the relentless wraiths' attempts to breach the barrier with keen interest as she continued her commentary.

"Eliza was the most formidable Titan Slayer and a prominent participant in the Calamity War. It's likely she amassed thousands, if not millions, of these wraiths during that time.

This means that no matter how many we cut down, they'll keep coming, like an unending tide. So, it would be simply foolish to waste our efforts battling them.

Instead, we should focus on neutralizing her Ability, addressing the root cause rather than merely dealing with the symptoms. Eren I think there's no reason for you to wait anymore as there are no risks involved," Alephee advised Eren, her gaze signifying approval for him to proceed with his plan after ensuring it was safe.

Eren, without turning away from the oncoming threat, acknowledged Alephee's wisdom with a smile. He retrieved another array disk from his ID storage and promptly hurled it toward the wraiths. As the disk easily pierced the defensive barrier, Eren wasted no time activating it.

In the next moment, Eren deployed two of his Domain-type Sin Series Abilities at the same time. The Domain of Wrath as well as Domain of Gluttony spread all around him, overlapping each other and covering the entire region and taking wraiths into their field of effect.

"Eliza's puppets will become my minions."

Eren declared his intention to control Eliza's creations. As he advanced, his appearance underwent a dramatic transformation. His once-black hair turned an ethereal white, and his emerald green eyes shifted to the same ghostly hue. Intricate tribal tattoos manifested across his body, and his voice took on an otherworldly resonance.

"What was once hers shall now be mine. This is the kind of revival technique she wouldn't have imagined in her wildest dreams," he declared. An unsettling grin spread across his face as he released the contents of the array disk he had thrown.

Upon contact with the ground, the array disk unfolded, creating an intricate runic formation. It also summoned the lifeless bodies of various Rankers Eren had defeated over the past decade, some of whom were members of House Lancelot– his fresh kills.

With a swift change in his Ranking Class to Summoner, Eren tapped into his necromantic powers, invoking a repertoire of death-manipulating spells he had amassed over the years.

Before Naya's eyes, an incredible transformation occurred. The wraiths, once attempting to breach the protective barrier, had their souls wrenched from their decaying forms. These souls were then transplanted into the lifeless bodies of the fallen Rankers ejected by the array disk.

An ominous aura enveloped the surroundings as Eren simultaneously activated multiple Abilities and spells. He disrupted the very essence of Eliza's Purgatory, interfering with its soul-recycling mechanism. In a matter of moments, the grand-scale soul-related array formation representing Purgatory's structure displayed visible cracks, destabilized by Eren's relentless manipulation of souls and the undead.

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