Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1512 Inheriting the Fallen God’s Legacy

Chapter 1512 Inheriting the Fallen God's Legacy

Eren discerned a tinge of melancholy in Aleph's voice, despite the noble purpose behind these deeds.

He surmised that Aleph's complex relationship with the slumbering goddess likely played a part in this endeavor.

Aleph appeared to shake himself free from the depths of his reminiscences, returning his focus to Eren with newfound determination. He pierced Eren with an intent gaze as he addressed the pressing matter at hand.

"Anyway," Aleph began, his voice now infused with renewed purpose, "I understand your motive for asking. You want to deal with Samael, correct?"

Eren met Aleph's scrutiny with a resolute expression, clarifying his intentions. "It's not that I want to eliminate him," he replied, shaking his head slightly. "But I won't permit anyone to obstruct my path, and it seems he may pose such an obstacle. So I should stay prepared to address the issue at its root," Eren stated matter-of-factly.

Aleph couldn't help but chuckle in response to Eren's pragmatic approach.

"I see. You do have a penchant for meticulous planning, But… I must say that you are still significantly underpowered when compared to Samael. It would be wise to maintain a considerable distance from him.

Thanks to the safeguards my sister has implemented, he and our other adversaries won't be able to locate you anytime soon. This, of course, hinges on your continued discretion," Aleph cautioned, urging Eren to exercise caution and avoid proximity to Samael in the immediate future.

Switching to another topic, Aleph imparted his guidance to Eren.

"As for the Sin Series Marks, I'm confident you can unravel their mysteries on your own. Disclosing them to you would actually hinder your personal growth, so I shall refrain. However," Aleph paused briefly, pondering his next words.

"With the Seven Sin Series Marks and the Elder Ichor bloodline, you indeed possess the capability to confront and vanquish practically any demon you encounter. That is any demon you encounter and can win against.

The combination of the Sin Series powers and my bloodline grants you the ability to devour demons and assimilate with the infernal energy, thereby accelerating your progression in the Rankings.

To achieve this, you'd simply need to sever their coagulated souls using Shallot's Mirror and absorb the infernal energy that constitutes their essence. This process would propel your advancement in the Ranking Journey more effectively than any divine treasure you could acquire at this juncture. At the same time, it will allow you to "kill" demons," Aleph provided Eren with a method to swiftly elevate his Ranking Status.

However, he cautioned that such opportunities wouldn't be readily available within the confines of Anfang. Eren would need to venture into other worlds, where demons abounded, to seize these prospects for advancement.


Eren and Aleph engaged in a lengthy discourse concerning the origin of demons and the myriad ways Eren could leverage these infernal creatures to his advantage. As Aleph continued to expound upon these topics, Eren's mind became clearer and he started forming new ideas.

At this juncture, Eren was glad for the opportunity to converse with Aleph. Without the wisdom and guidance imparted by the fallen god, Eren was certain he would have squandered considerable time and effort discovering the true potential of his inheritance.

After a moment of contemplation, Aleph shared his profound aspiration with Eren. "I wish for you to surpass me, Eren. And in due time, I hope you will surpass my 'Mother,'" Aleph declared. "I desire for you to reach heights that even eluded me in my prime. To support you in this endeavor, I have a gift for you." Aleph moved closer to Eren, his form fluid and ephemeral.

With a gesture that defied physical laws, Aleph passed his hand through his own chest as though it were composed of nothing more than a shadowy illusion. From within, he withdrew an unassuming shard, resembling a fragment of crystal-clear glass. The shard was diminutive, fitting comfortably within Aleph's palm, and seemed inconspicuous at first glance.

"With this, I shall make you the true heir to my throne," Aleph proclaimed, his voice imbued with a mystical resonance. He held the shard aloft, and its translucency took on a subtle luminescence as he spoke. Aleph turned his piercing blue gaze upon Eren, and the shard's radiance intensified.

At this moment, Aleph transcended his role as a mere Echo of his former self. Eren felt as though he stood in the presence of a god, akin to a boundless ocean that, though still and tranquil, concealed within its depths profound mysteries and unfathomable horrors.

Aleph's offer hung in the air, and Eren was faced with a pivotal choice: would he accept the mantle of this divine legacy?


"I do," Eren responded with a deliberate and contemplative tone. He had taken ample time to weigh the implications of accepting Aleph's offer. Eren understood that becoming Aleph's true successor was akin to wielding a double-edged sword.

On one hand, it promised a multitude of advantages, expediting his Ranking Journey and unlocking numerous boons. On the other hand, it meant that he would paint a target on his back for all of Aleph's adversaries, who would undoubtedly perceive him as a threat.

However, Eren also recognized that these foes would pursue him whether he embraced Aleph's legacy or not. His mere qualification as Aleph's successor had already marked him as a formidable adversary in their eyes, regardless of his future choices or affiliations. Consequently, Eren discerned virtually no disadvantages in accepting Aleph's inheritance.

A smile graced Aleph's countenance as he observed Eren's response. Without further ado, Aleph thrust the glass-like shard deep into Eren's chest, as if he were integrating his legacy into the very core of Eren's soul.

The moment Aleph initiated this process, Eren's consciousness was abruptly seized by an intense, searing agony that radiated from every fiber of his being. He crumpled to the ground, writhing in anguish, his cries of pain echoing through the ethereal realm.

"Aaaaargh!" he bellowed, using the vocal release as a meager outlet for the excruciating soul-deep injuries he suffered. The world around Eren blurred, its once-distinct contours melting into an amorphous haze. It felt as though he were being forcibly expelled from this dream-like realm, his senses jarred by waves of torment.

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