Villain Retirement

Chapter 1024 Luck

Chapter 1024 Chapter 1024: Luck

"It's not like that, relax."

Although Viel's tone was incredibly friendly, both Talia and Karina did not budge at all. Both of them fully knew what Viel was capable of, and yet neither seemed to care as they protected their father who probably didn't even need their protection.

As for Riley, he just remained in his seat, seemingly not even bothered by the sudden development happening around him.

"Relax, chill. Okay?" Viel was still completely not apprehensive at all as he took a step forward with his palms still raised in the air, "I am aware of your father's abilities — that he could absorb the ability of those who killed him. Quite unfair if you think about it, but I'm not really one to talk since I was already this strong the moment I was born, and I could also absorb souls if I want to become stronger."

"Then what do you want!? Stob beating around the bush and just tell us!"

"I want Riley to absorb my abilities, and in turn, maybe he could kill me using my own abilities plus what he already has," Viel smiled, "That is the simplest way I could explain it."

"That… why?"

"I've lived a very long amount of time, Karina," Viel let out a small sigh, "And I also want to free the souls inside me if I could, maybe my death could fix that."


"No, it's okay," Viel spoke before Karina could say anything, "We've already talked about this, Mom. I want all of you to finally live your lives again."

"...You're talking to them? If they are listening, then tell them you're fucking stupid."

"Oh…" Viel let out a small chuckle, "...They like you. But that won't change my mind at all, I'm—"

"It is impossible, Mr. Viel." And as the server arrived to serve their orders, Riley finally spoke up while he gestured to everyone to take a seat, "Your abilities stem from a different place, and I can already feel that I will get nothing if you kill me."

"It won't hurt to try," Viel once again smiled as he approached Riley; being the first to join him at the table, "Although the illegal immigrants inside my head are also saying it won't work. But, hey — how about it?"

"I do not think so, Mr. Viel," Riley shook his head, "I would prefer to just eat and discuss some things about you and your existence."

"Me…?" Viel let out a small giggle as he glanced at Karina and the others, "I don't really have that kind of interesting life, I'd rather like to know about you."

"My life is not that interesting too, Mr. Viel," Riley shook his head, "Perhaps it would be better for us just to eat, then?"

"I guess so, but I feel really bad about revealing something that made you sad — I need to make it up to you somehow," Viel let out a sigh.

"Then how about you really join us in our adventure?" Karina was the second to join the table as she sat beside Viel, "You said you'll join us, that'll make things easier."

"Nope, no can do," Viel let out an awkward chuckle as he scratched the back of his head, "Now that I know this is a family matter, I'm too shy to insert myself in now."

"You… shy?" Karina raised an eyebrow as she saw the slightly cheeky smile on Viel's face.

"And my story has long been over," Viel breathed out, "It ended when the love of my life grew old and withered along with time. This is no longer my time."

"How about this, you guys clearly have no idea what you are even doing here — so, I'll grant you a wish, Riley Ross," Viel looked Riley in the eyes, "Any wish, and I will grant it as long as it is within my capabilities."

"Hm," Riley squinted his eyes before returning Viel's stare.

"No, not that. Choose another one."

"But Dad hasn't even said anything," Talia also joined in on the table and just started eating.

"Oh, I understand him," Viel chuckled, "We're both main characters — that means we understand things even though we shouldn't."

"...There is seriously something wrong with you, and I'm just not talking about you having several other people inside you," Karina scoffed.

"I could say the same thing to you," Viel just smiled as he leaned closer to Karina, "You are surrounded by beings of incredible power, beyond a single universe could handle — and yet you do not cower at all. Although, I suppose you are also abnormally strong."

"I've been surrounded by those abnormally strong people since I was born," Karina just rolled her eyes before just focusing her attention on the plates of food in front of her, "You get used to it."

"Can you bring someone from the multiverse here instantly, Mr. Viel?" Before Viel and Karina could once again talk over everyone else, Riley decided to take VIel's offer for a wish.

"I can — but are you sure that is the only thing you want?" Viel squinted his eyes before turning to look at Death, "But would it be alright for our friend here? The Outerverse is reserved for them — they used to complain about me being here, and then that short fast, beyond time guy came and they became even more stingy."

"Well, while it is true that I am trying to completely limit the people that are in our supposed domain…" Death drank her tea which she ordered earlier, "...I do not really think it matters anymore at this point — all these people are here already. Although, you should have perhaps just told me you wanted to bring someone else, Riley Ross."

"Would you have allowed it at that point, Death?"

"Probably not," Death shrugged, "As I said, I was trying to limit the people — but there is no point in that now."

"Then, I want you to bring in a woman called—"

"Oop!" Viel raised his finger to interrupt Riley, "Say less. I got you."

"Do you not need anything else to summon her, Mr. Viel?" Riley only blinked his eyes in response.

"No," Viel looked Riley straight in the eyes for a few seconds, "That's all I need."

And then, with a snap of his fingers, the ambient noise and the whispering mouths of all the other people in the inn instantly faded away.

"Woah…" Enel then quickly pointed at one of the drunk diners who seemed to be trying to bathe himself with mead, but the mead was completely still in the air — no, everything was completely still and frozen, except for the people at their table.

"And then…" Viel then twirled his finger, and as he did so, a portal started to appear right behind Karina and Talia, causing the two of them to just move away from their seats as they looked at what was on the other side—well, who was on the other side.

"...Who the fuck is that?" Karina raised an eyebrow as she saw a small girl with long rabbit ears.

"Ah! Aunt Miss Pepondosovich!" Enel quickly jumped off of his seat as he ran toward the portal.

And while Karina seemed completely confused as to who it was, Miss Pepondosovich was probably even more.

"What the… why did everyone just suddenly stop moving?" Miss Pepondosovich seemed to have still not noticed the portal as she was completely locked in on teaching her class, who was also completely frozen.

Yes — it wasn't only the people in the bar in the Outerverse who were frozen, but also the people on the other side.

"What the — Enel? Where did you suddenly pop out from!? What in the—a portal?" And as Enel leaped into the portal and straight on to embrace her, Miss Pepondosovich finally noticed Riley and the others looking at her,

"Of course, this has something to do with you, Riri."

"Miss Pepondosovich," Riley raised his hand, "I need you to come with us, please."

"Am I going to get paid?"


"Okay then," Miss Pepondosovich then tried carrying Enel, but as he was practically already the same size as him, it did not really create a very endearing picture — cute, perhaps, but even more weird as Miss Pepondosovich just casually went through the portal,

"I'm seeing a lot of new faces here. Wait, this one looks like you — is she your firstborn I keep hearing about?"

"Yes, Miss Pepondosovich."

"Oh, this is an interesting one," Viel crouched down as he looked at Miss Pepondosovich, "A lucky rabbit, extremely rare. I would have loved to have had someone like you as a companion during my time, would have saved me all the heartaches."

"...And who is this?" Miss Pepondosovich gently dropped Enel, "Looks… sort of familiar."

"The Eternal Child, Miss Pepondosovich," Riley introduced Viel, "Viel." fre𝚎w𝐞bn𝗼v𝗲𝐥.𝚌𝗼𝚖

"W…" Miss Pepondosovich did not really say anything else and just quickly went to Riley's side, but as soon as she saw Death sitting beside him, she just opted to go behind Riley, "I'm supposed to be a god of luck… but I've never felt so inadequate right now surrounded by giants."

"Do you want to call someone else while I still have the portal open, Riley Ross?" Viel then shrugged as he walked beside the portal, "A lover, perhaps?"

"...No," Riley shook his head, "Miss Pepondosovich is the only one we need."

"Well, okay then," Viel once again shrugged before snapping his fingers. And just like that, the portal disappeared and everyone else started moving again,

"Let's eat. I'm actually quite hungry, I haven't—"


And before Viel could even return to his seat, a group arrived in the inn, with one of them quickly recognizing Riley.

It was a group of knights who had different colors of armor, and right in the center of them was an old, almost seemingly dying man.

The Pope and his paladins.

"As expected of Miss Pepondosovich," Riley then turned to look at the paladin donning a red armor,

"Bringing us an individual who we might just need right now. It has been a while…

…Miss Angela, and to think the Pope would still be alive despite looking like a corpse, I knew you were a Super."

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