Villain Retirement

Chapter 1062: Finally, Rampage

Chapter 1062: Chapter 1062: Finally, Rampage

It wasn't a dark day at all, not even a cloud in the sky. And yet right now, the people could see nothing, because they choose to see nothing. All of them had their eyes closed, wanting to escape the dread crawling upon them.

They covered their ears too, but it wasn't enough.

It wasn't enough to silence all the booms, and to silence all the screams that came before and after. The screams of help, despair, and hopelessness.



David was hiding with his family on the rubbles of New York, or more specifically, hiding underground on the subway; compressing themselves in what he could really only guess to be a part of a train. A train that was suddenly plucked out from the tracks right in front of him. He saw it, his family saw it. They were about to board the train when it suddenly lifted up into the air; it started slow, but then just suddenly violently slammed into the ceiling several times. He watched, his family watched as the people inside started to get squashed, mangled, and twisted before the train finally penetrated the ceiling and was plucked away.

He could remember someone's eye even poking out of the shattered glass of the train, squirting its contents right at his face - but of course, it didn't matter. He knew he had to hide his children for whatever it was that did that. For him, it has only been a few days since Megawoman had died at the hands of Darkday, and there was nothing for him to do but hide. "Are you... are you a hero?" David was about to cover his children because he thought the one that found him might be Darkday, but the young man was the opposite of Darkday; he was clean, his hair and skin as white as snow.

"I was."

"Please... please, take my children, please!" David smiled as soon as he heard the young man's words. He then picked up one of his sons, who was probably just 8 years old and handed him

to the young man.


"Thank you, thank-" And before David could finish his words, he saw the young man grab his son by the head... and then just twist it around. The sound... there really was no sound when it happened, the only thing David could do was stare at the eyes of his son who no longer held any life at all of a sudden.

"Have you never heard that you should not hand your children to a stranger, Mister?" And of course, the young man was none other than Riley; not even wearing his Darkday outfit as he completely wreaked havoc across the city,

"That is why I find it strange that Americans always leave their children alone with babysitters."

"You... why... why did you—"

"I also killed your other children, by the way."

"Huh...?" David could really only very slowly look back, only to see both of his daughters' limbs twisted; their heads hanging from their necks, "Wh-why did..."

"You truly seem hurt," Riley placed his hand on David's shoulder and sighed, "Perhaps one day, I would also experience the same; my children, killed right in front of me and I could do nothing and I would deserve it. My children, your children, however, are absolutely innocent of this and did not deserve what happened to them."

"Then why... why did you kill them!?"

"Well..." Riley sighed again as he stood up and walked away from David, "...Because I want to."

"Then just fucking kill me too!" David bared his teeth; his saliva spitting out from his mouth as all of his anger escaped his lungs, "Or I swear, I am going to hunt you down for the rest of my life!"

"Hm," Riley just shrugged and walked away; just casually stepping up the subway even though David started following him from behind, holding a pipe he got from somewhere. Riley just glanced at him for a few seconds before shaking his head,

"You should truly mourn and be with your dead children instead of trying to follow me, Mister."

"I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you!" David's screams echoed through the entire subway. "Okay," Riley, however, just once again shrugged and sighed, "Please do that."

David did not leave Riley alone at all, even hastening his steps as he chased him up the stairs leading to the city. As soon as they reached the surface, however, the only thing that David could do was let go of the pipe he was holding - because what waited for him there was not New York at all, but another version of hell.

Most of the buildings were completely ruined; those that were not had people all jumping down from different floors - no. In the other buildings, there was someone pushing them...

...a person who looked exactly like the person in front of him, and there were probably hundreds and hundreds of them.

"Oh...?" Riley then noticed a couple hiding behind one of the toppled cars. He just very casually moved toward the car, before pushing it toward the couple hiding.

"Stop... stop!"

"Agh... my leg!"

The couple started screaming, yet all they could do was crawl as Riley pushed the car toward them until they reached a wall... and yet Riley did not stop, no. He just slowed down his steps so that the couple could feel the metal and the wall pinning their bodies ever so slowly.

"Please... plea-gkh!"

And almost like cockroaches, the couple were completely squashed behind the car; their blood just exploding everywhere on the wall.

"Hm... I think we are done here," Riley then let out a small sigh as he raised his hand. And as soon as he did so, all of his clones quickly gathered around him, but not before killing all of the people they were torturing, "...Everyone, let us go to Canada next. Go."

And as soon as Riley said that, all the clones flew away, leaving Riley alone with David.

"Who... who the fuck are you?"

"You do not really need to know, Mister," Riley just smiled in response before snapping his fingers. And as soon as he did so, David exploded... along with the horizon; erasing everything for a thousand miles erasing the entire country.

"Well then, I suppose I will go to Asia and-"

And before Riley could finish his words, he stretched his palm to the side and caught

someone's hand - Tempo's hand.

"Impressive," Riley smiled, "I always knew you were the strongest member of the group - excluding Hera, of course. You-"

And once again, before Riley could finish his words, a hand emerged from the ground beneath his feet and without even any warning, Empress popped out and started slamming him

back and forth on the ruined ground.

Empress, however, quickly stopped as soon as she recognized Riley.

"You... Riley?" Empress quickly let go of Riley, "You... you did all of this?"

"Yes, Empress," Riley just nodded while still lying on the ground, "I am surprised that you

are still alive - no. I am surprised that a lot of you are still alive."

Riley then turned his eyes up, only to see probably hundreds and hundreds of heroes slowly gather around him and surround him.

"This will be fun," a wide smile soon started to crawl on Riley's face, "This is the thing I could not do back then- I will make sure to savor each and every last moment...

....before I proceed to Theran."

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