Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 2483 The Tri-cone Savanna

Chapter 2483  The Tri-cone Savanna

"So why's this called as Tri-cone Savanna again?" Daoist Chu asked looking at it. "It just looks like any common savanna." He stated.

"It's due to these three mountain peaks, isn't it?" Lin Mu pointed on the map.

"Oh?" Daoist Chu took a closer look and saw them.

"That's right." Crown Prince Feng Shun confirmed. "Due to the position of the mountains, it looks like a claw trying to grip the savanna within them. Though some also say that it was named like that because it looked like a Drill head." He explained.

"Interesting…" Daoist Chu muttered. "And where exactly are we supposed to go?" to him the savanna looked rather plain.

Almost entirety of it looked the same, having yellow grass and bushes with similar shades of colors. A few acacia trees grew here and there which added a tone of green to the mix, but it was still dominated by yellow for the most part.

There were actually streams and some small rivers running through it too, but the tall grass of the savanna hid them quite well.

But what didn't hide were the herds of beasts that grazed on the grass or ran around.

"The Decrypted message didn't give exact coordinates, but we do know the starting point which is a river that coils." Crown Prince Feng Shun read the information again.

"A river that coils… Hmm… I suppose we have to search for it." Lin Mu thought to himself before calling someone. "Little Shrubby, go out and see."



Before the others could even comprehend it, the beast had already turned into a red blur and flew away like a thunderbolt!

"That'll help quite a lot." Crown Princess Shang stated. "He can cover a lot more area than us."

"Indeed. He was a great help in the Expedition too." Crown Prince Feng Shun replied.

"Anyone wanna bet how long it'll take for him to find it?" Daoist Chu said as a smile appeared on his face. "I'll start first, with ten—" before he could even finish his words, though Lin Mu interrupted.

"And it's found." Lin Mu said with a chuckle. "It's that way," he pointed to the south east.

"Hahaha, perhaps next time we should bet if Daoist Chu can finish setting up the bet first." Ziran laughed. "Dammit, I gotta be faster." Daoist Chu smiled wryly.


The ship changed direction and soon arrived at the location which was barely twenty minutes from their location. "Oh yeah, that's surely a coiled river." Daoist Chu said upon looking at the unique river that was seemingly sinking into the ground.

The river flowed in a coiling pattern and made circles, going deeper with each turn and finally disappearing into the ground at the end. The location almost looked like a quarry, but there were no signs of it being mined by anyone.

"To think the river carved out a path like this." Lin Mu found it to be quite interesting. "We now follow the river, if I remember correctly?" "Yeah, I think that's more of your expertise Daoist Lin Mu." Crown Prince Feng Shun agreed.

"Alright." Lin Mu said as he gave a glance to Little Shrubby. "Guide them along." He said before jumping down.

Little Shrubby could sense Lin Mu, thus he could easily guide them above the ground. It would be easier and more convenient than giving instructions through a communication jade slip anyways. After all, there could be many twists and turns, so this was a more direct method.

Lin Mu quickly fell down and instead of crashing, he easily sank into the ground as if it were water.

His immortal sense tracked the flow of the water and he began following it.

'At least it doesn't go too deep.' Lin Mu thought to himself.

But after about ten minutes of following it, he realized that it had taken a downward turn. A few more minutes later, the incline of the river was getting steeper until Lin Mu sensed what was pretty much a straight 90 degree fall.

"Is this a cavern system?" Lin Mu wondered as he stood above the holes.

The gap was very narrow and a normal person wouldn't be able to pass through the rocks. There were hundreds of gaps between them through which the water was falling through. Lin Mu though, had no problem and phased through it, arriving at the bottom.

It was about four hundred meters deep and from here on the river slowed down, eventually reaching a large natural reservoir which was probably just the water table of this region.

'The third clue was about a path on the shore.' Lin Mu remembered and tried to look for one.

This was a bit hard to find as the moisture had made everything slick and moss was also growing on most of the rocks. But after scanning for a bit with his Immortal Sense Lin Mu found a series of rocks that had been cut by humans to form a paved path. Following that, he soon reached the end, which was just a straight wall.

He flew up and soon reached the top which had a small cave.

"Hmm… this should be close enough for others to enter from the top too." Lin Mu reckoned and scanned the ground.

He found the thinnest place and punched out.


A large hole was punched out, and light fell through it allowing him to see the ship above.

"Come on down!" Lin Mu shouted.


The Crown Prince and the others came down, while the soldiers waited above to secure the area. "They certainly hid this well." Crown Prince Feng Shun was sure that without the clues there would be no way of finding it.

"We still have a bit to go," Lin Mu said and took the lead. They entered the small cave and walked through a narrow passage before arriving at a wide open cave. "This… aren't these all…" In there they saw thousands upon thousands of carvings.

"Shamanic Script."

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