Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 253 - Failed Negotiation

Chapter 253: Failed Negotiation

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The steam airship boomed across the sky, leaving a trail of black smoke behind.

Angor intended to enjoy the outside on the deck while thinking over his past life. But soon, the greasy smoke invaded the area, causing everyone who was out enjoying the fresh air to retreat inside.

Prome returned to his own room, while Angor followed them back and stayed in the main hall to chat with Dave. They could see through the glass around the hall, and one direction was already taken over by the terrible pollution.

Angor looked at the smoke outside and could still sense the sharp smell. Also, he was getting worried that the airship might scatter apart any moment, considering how the floor beneath his feet was trembling ominously.

Dave noticed his look and chuckled. “Don’t worry, the airship has always been like this. I mean the big smoke and terrible mobility with the engine always running wild… but nothing serious will happen.”

“The Savage was a lot better than this.” Angor frowned.

“Well duh, The Savage was a customized ship we ordered from Floating Mech City while this one is just a private airship managed by some individual. The difference is huge.”

Dave explained something else about the airship.

It seemed that the airships parked in Windmill Town were mostly private ones. The one they were currently traveling on was owned by a level-3 apprentice, who planned to earn ticket money from the travelers. It could not go very fast, so it only chose the shortest routes.

Dave pointed to the window. “Look at them.”

Angor looked his way and saw several people flying past the sky outside. Some of them were using spells, while some were sitting on different vehicles. There were also people on the ground traveling through the terrain on their familiar pets.

“Those who can do that will never use an airship,” said Dave. He sighed and continued, “I guess I’ll get a vehicle from the resource hall later. It’s not that fast, but still better than a steam train. A vehicle can take us from Brute Cavern to Midnight Sovereign in less than a day.”

“You’re not going to learn flying spells?”

Dave shook his head. “It calls for a lot of effort. I’ll probably need some years if I start from zero. And the books are expensive too. I’m not going for that before turning level-3.”

“But you can make your own vehicle, right?” Angor remembered Dave’s flying propeller. “Maybe you can create something really nice if you keep working on that flyer of yours.”

Dave blushed for some reason.

“That’s… too simple a machine. It can’t carry people.”

“You should keep trying,” said Angor as he was also interested in doing something similar. However, it was mostly an ambition for now. He had to check out Encyclopaedia: Basic Alchemy first for something useful.

“I’ll do that if I have enough time. But the Moonfrost Passage which leads to the outer Abyss Plane will be closed in another three months. I need to get there before then, and I must buy a vehicle for that.”

They spent some time chit-chatting over random things.

Angor spoke, “I stayed up late again yesterday and I haven’t slept yet. I’ll retire to my room. Let’s talk later.”

Dave nodded. “Alright. Good luck sleeping in this terrible noise though.”

Angor walked on unstable floors towards his room and felt a bit dizzy.

Inside his cabin, Angor took Toby out from his pocket and placed the bird on his hand.

Toby flapped his wings and began to tidy his feathers. Angor helped Toby smoothen his feathers a little, and the small creature moaned in pleasure.

“Where’s your music box?” Angor suddenly asked.

He remembered that he did not see the item in the attic this morning, which meant Toby took it away.

Yet Toby did not have the box with him when it came back at noon. Angor was waiting for a chance to ask about it. Now was a good time to communicate with Toby about everything on Angor’s mind.

Toby froze up when hearing the question. Then he blinked innocently and pretended “I can’t understand anything” again.

And whenever this happened, Angor could do nothing to get the bird to talk.

Angor sighed. “To realize my dream, I’ve been spending every day on stuff that helps me with it. Meditation, alchemy, study… they almost take up all my time. I don’t even have time to eat properly. You must feel bored around me, right? Hey, I’m sorry for that… Lady Greya asked me to take good care of you, and I’m kinda a failure.”

Toby chirped once when hearing the name of Greya.

Angor learned about the information that Greya was in trouble in Haunt World, and he had been keeping it a secret. For this reason, he always felt sorry for the bird. When he discovered that Toby did not listen to him in the morning, Angor did not blame the bird so hard.

“That’s why I’m glad you can find some fun outside, and I’ll not prevent you from making friends,” said Angor. He paused a little before continuing, “But you should know, this place is full of evil and bad guys. Almost all supernaturals only pursue personal gain. Even those that have not done any crimes might not be the kind type. You can’t trust them just because they promise something.

“I won’t worry about your safety since you know the sequence of gravity, but I’m concerned that someone might use you to their advantage.”

Toby kept his head lowered.

Angor thought that his “gentle talk” was working. “You have no idea how cruel the human world can get. When we get back, show me who your new friend is and I’ll help you find out more about him, alright?”

Angor waited for an answer with a kind look.

Toby lifted his head in the same innocent manner: What are you talking about? I don’t get it!

Angor groaned and collapsed on the bed.

“Man. Do as you will then. I give you the music box and you’re free to do whatever you want with it. Just throw it away or give it to people, I don’t care. But remember not to easily trust someone, and stay safe.”

Toby fluttered his wings and tweeted.

“You mean you only lent it to someone?” Angor understood Toby’s language.

Toby nodded.

“And your little partner will return it when we get back?”

Nod again.

Angor did not say anything further. However, in truth, he was not really convinced. The music box was nothing too important, but it was still a piece of artwork which received high comments from someone as powerful as Lady Mirror, which meant it at least held some value in this world.

Would whoever get his hands on something valuable easily return it?

Not likely.

Still, Angor only nodded to Toby. “Glad to hear that. I spent some good effort in making it, better get it back.”

Angor made a new plan that he would buy more Echo Flowers in Twilight Well, so he could make a new music box for Toby after the bird was disappointed by the “hard truth”.

Toby was Angor’s best friend. Letting his best friend learned the way of the wizarding world by losing a music box was not a bad deal.

And Angor would wait for Toby to discover the truth by himself instead of lecturing him right now.

Their communication today was mostly a failure. However, Angor did not really mind. Some reasons were only learned through the hard way.

Several hours later, the airship arrived at their destination when the skyline was dyed in red dusk.

Angor managed to catch some sleep. He felt a lot better when walking off the airship.

The airship landed on a flat area located in the middle of a gentle mountain slope. When leaving the airship, Angor trembled a little due to the cold outside.

It was still summer, but the Parmigi Highlands was always shrouded in cold air. The slopes around the mountains were all covered in white.

Angor saw several bunker-like structures with round tops scattered around the flat ground. There were also two caves near the cliff and a railway running through them.

Dave and Prome joined him.

“The train will get us to Midnight Sovereign in half an hour through that core tunnel. Let’s wait a bit. The owner of the airship already contacted the train runners. A train will be here soon.”

Soon enough, a trail of smoke appeared from one of the caves along with the sound of train wheels and steam whistle.

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