Weapon Master

Chapter 280

Chapter 280 - Great Elder

"Brother Tang Huan, let me do it!"

Tang Xiong's face congealed, and he roared. He took a step forward against the incomparably tyrannical aura, and on the spear in his hand, a golden luster flowed around like water, as a tip of the lance sprayed out a condensed gold light, straight at Tang Mochang who was a few meters away.

A peak Martial Lord of the eighth step was indeed not an easy opponent.

Tang Huan's heart skipped a beat as he similarly took a step forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Tang Xiong. What surprised him was that although he could sense the terrifying aura whizzing out from Tang Mochang's body, that aura did not have any effect on him.

Perhaps it was because after fusing with one hundred and eight "Sword Seal", his soul had become incomparably strong and solid!

had never been so calm before. At this moment, the Dragon and Phoenix spears in his right hand were also shining with a bright light, the heat waves continuously surging outwards, condensing into wave after wave of heat waves that were activated by the Genuine Qi.

But Tang Huan's left hand had already quietly shrunk into his sleeves, and the Grandmaster's Badge had already flashed out from the "Sumeru Magical Ring".

Once Tang Mochang took action, he would immediately activate the Grandmaster's medallion.

As long as he left, Tang Xiong naturally wouldn't be in any danger. Even if he stood against the Tang Family, after all, he was still the Thousand Generals of the Great Tang Empire. He was the King's trusted aide, and also a member of the royal family who had spent a great deal of effort.

"Old Senior Tang, you've been cultivating for decades, why are you worrying about such things?"

Just at this time, a voice resonated out, it was Mu Kui's figure that appeared at the entrance of the training grounds, like Xu Shiji, in an instant, he had already stood between Tang Mochang, Tang Huan and Tang Xiong with his sleeves fluttering, his short and skinny body also releasing an extremely tyrannical Qi.

"Senior Mu Kui."

Behind Mu Kui, Tang Huan quietly withdrew the Grandmaster Insignia on his left hand, while Tang Xiong secretly heaved a sigh of relief. The help he had sent people to seek had finally arrived, and as Mu Kui was also a Martial Lord of the eighth step, he would be able to hold on for a bit longer even if he could not defeat Tang Mochang.

"Mu Kui?"

Tang Mochang squinted his eyes, and said with a heavy tone, "What, does Divine Weapon Pavilion still want to meddle in my Tang Family's matters?"

Mu Kui smiled as he waved his hands, "No, no, Senior Tang misunderstood. Tang Huan is a middle stage Weapon Refiner accepted by my Divine Weapon Pavilion and is under the protection of my Divine Weapon Pavilion. If I were to interfere, I would only interfere with Tang Huan's business and not Tang Family's. "However, these are all matters between juniors. In my opinion, juniors should be allowed to handle the matters between juniors. How does Senior Tang feel about what I've said?"

Mu Kui was all smiles, but the meaning behind his words was extremely clear.

If Tang Mochang gave up, and the rest could decide for themselves, the Divine Weapon Pavilion would not interfere, but if Tang Mochang did, the Divine Weapon Pavilion could only do so.

Tang Mochang said in a cold voice: "Elder Mu Kui, Divine Weapon Pavilion is indeed powerful, but if you want this old man to stop, with just you alone, I'm afraid you are still lacking a little bit."

"Brother Tang, if you add me, I wonder if it's enough?"

Another hearty laugh rang out.

Everyone followed the voice and looked over. They saw a burly man walk into the training grounds with quick steps.

In an instant, that person appeared in front of everyone. He did not seem to be carrying any weapons, but the moment he appeared, a terrifying pressure enveloped the entire martial ground, causing everyone's hearts to tremble. Even breathing became a bit difficult.

"Shen Guan!" Tang Mochang's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Great Clan Elder of Divine Weapon Pavilion!"

Tang Tianren's expression also changed slightly as he exclaimed in a low voice.

When the rest of the Tang Family heard this, they could not help but reveal surprised expressions. Shen Guan, the Great Clan Elder, was said to be not only a Weapon Refining Grand Master, but also a Stage Nine Martial Saint. They did not expect that he was actually there, and had even come to the Tang Family.

In the midst of their shock, Tang Tianshi and Tang Tianfeng subconsciously exchanged glances.

He was delighted that after the appearance of Stage Nine Martial Saint Shen Guan, the Old Ancestor would no longer be able to resist and kill Tang Huan. As long as Tang Huan did not die, Tang Xing, Tang Jun and the others would still have some hope. What he was worried about was that without the Old Ancestor, he did not know how this matter would end.

"Big brother."

Even a fool would be able to guess that the reason Mu Kui and Shen Guan appeared one after the other should be because Tang Xiong sent people to invite them. This was something that and an armored man, who had never appeared at the entrance of the Martial Arts Practice Grounds, knew.

Tang Xiong winked at Tang Huan and chuckled. His expression had already completely relaxed.

On Tang Huan's back, the little girl secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but managed to cover Xiao Budian up even more tightly.

However, she didn't expect that Tang Huan had already made up his mind on the way here. He controlled twenty to thirty Tang Family s from the very start, and when he finally killed Tang Tiande, she had enough confidence to even if Tang Xiong, Mu Kui, and Shen Guan didn't appear, Tang Huan would still be able to escape.

"Great Clan Elder Shen is here to welcome us, my Tang Family truly brings glory to our humble dwelling!"

Tang Mochang's eyes swept across Tang Huan's body coldly, and in an instant, a smile appeared on his abnormally aged face. "Since even Great Elder Shen has come, it seems like this old man does not want to rest anymore.

"Haha, Brother Tang is indeed reasonable. I heard that Brother Tang has treasured this wine for over a hundred years. I wonder if this little brother would be fortunate enough to taste it."

"Of course, this is this old man's honor. Great Elder, please! Oh, Clan Elder Mu Kui, you should also come with us two old fellows. "


Tang Mochang and Shen Guan both walked over with a smile. Mu Kui unnoticeably nodded at Tang Huan, then quickly caught up to him and Shen Guan.

In just a blink of an eye, the figures of Tang Mochang and the other two had disappeared. Other than the numerous Tang Family clansmen, the only people left in the training grounds were Tang Huan, Tang Xiong, Qing Ye who had just arrived, and a large number of thousand strong soldiers under Tang Xiong's command.

If not for Qing Ye, everything would have returned to its previous state.

"Brother, watch out for her!" Tang Tianren pointed at Qing Ye who was several tens of meters away with a dark expression as he shouted in a low voice.

"Yes, Big Brother!" Tang Tianshi's complexion had turned better, and with that, he flew towards Qing Ye.

"Four clan elders, seize this rascal!"

Immediately after, Tang Tianren gave another order, he took out the black sword in his hand and pounced towards Tang Xiong, and said angrily, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Tang Xiong, since you do not know what's good for you, then I will let you know the consequences of doing as you please in my Tang Family!"

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