Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

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Chapter 108 – Invisible Purpose

“I’m back!”

“That’s fast! So fast!”

Only about a minute had passed since she had disappeared.

Felin reappeared with a bag at a speed that showed how good she was at teleportation.

I looked around to see if there was anything else, but all I found was the bag.

The bag on the table was a cream-colored woman’s bag, just as Felin had said.

It didn’t seem that dirty.

“Are the remains nearby?”

“Yes. But it was only the head and some other parts…”

“I see…”

I can imagine that somehow.

The woman died there for some reason.

But most of her body was taken by goblins or something.

Maybe that’s why there were no clothes left.

But it would be useless to think about that now.

As long as the head was there, she was definitely dead.

If that is the case, we will use the relics with gratitude.

Some people might say, “Oh, come on,” but this is a different world.

It is not possible to return the items to the bereaved families, so it is better to use them than to leave them as they are.

“Let’s start by taking out the contents of the bag.”

As I say this, I place the contents of the bag on the table.

“(Wallet, smartphone, pouch, candy, antiperspirant spray, pouch, notebook, some kind of book, sunglasses, pouch, pouch… p-pouch, that’s a lot of pouch…)”

The table is filled with things that are laid out one by one.

As expected from a woman.

I think it is a private bag, but I have the feeling that she has much more luggage than men.

“Wow, I didn’t know Earth’s race carried so much stuff!”

“Maybe it’s because she’s a woman. Oh, and I’ve been wondering for a while, there are only humans on Earth, you know? I don’t think I’ve ever heard the word ‘race’ mentioned before.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, yes. The Goddesses are all saying ‘race, race, race’, right? Well, I think that’s because there are many different races in this world.”

“Well, I’ll tell everyone! It’s easier to say ‘human’ or ‘beastmen,’ isn’t it?”

“Yes, that’s right! As expected from Felin! You know what I’m talking about!”


Now that Felin was smiling, the examination began.

First, the wallet, I suppose.

I picked up a flashy, long, emerald-colored wallet and checked its contents.

Then, I immediately found what I was looking for.

“There it is. Driver’s license.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a card to drive a vehicle called a car. In this world, it’s used for identification, similar to a guild card.”


She doesn’t seem to understand very well, but it won’t help if she doesn’t know what a car is.

It would be hard to explain each one from here, so I tell Felin that it’s from Earth, and she can look at it however she wants.

“(Hmm… Kojo Narumi-san, 27 years old, huh? She has a beautiful face, although her eyes are a bit sharp. And she is Japanese and lives in Tokyo. Judging by the date of issue, she must have been sent here within the last two years.)”

The items left at the Hunters’ Guild are from six years ago.

And Kojo-san was within the past two years.

I don’t know how fast the pace is, but there must have been people who were sent away at that time, between Kojo-san and me.

The only thing we have in common is that we are both Japanese.

There are no other obvious sources of information in the wallet.

I took a close look at her credit cards, but nothing in particular jumped out at me.

I try the phone, but it doesn’t start like it should, and I look at the book… some kind of self-help book?

I flipped through it, but all I could get was the vibe that you can do anything if you’re energetic.

At this point, I felt that it was probably not my reading, but I still reached for the notebook, which could be a source of information.

On the cover was the year 2020.

Without thinking, I checked the contents and found that there was something written every day until May 2020, but after May 27, there was a blank space.

In other words, the timing is exceptionally high.

The day before, there was no indication that she did anything special except for a dentist appointment.

Well, I also flew without warning while I was at work…

I’m sure Kojo-san had no warning signs, and it was all out of the blue.

I went back and checked the time before that, but there were a lot of heart marks before March, so the only thing I could figure out was that she must have had a boyfriend by then. The blank pages she often used as a notepad were filled with what I thought was correspondence with her boyfriend, and it just made me feel like I had sugar in my mouth.

“What’s with your funny face?”

“Oh. I just caught a glimpse of someone else’s sweet memories.”

“Maybe it’s called romance!”

“Th-That’s right… it was as good a bite as food. Now…”

“Oh, I want to see it!”

“Felin-san? Weren’t you depressed when you first found this bag?”

Still, she couldn’t seem to stop her interest, so I decided it was okay and handed her the notebook, checking the other items as well.

“(Four pouches? Does the average woman carry this many pouches? It’s too much work, isn’t it?)”

With that in mind, I opened them in order from the closest one and found that the largest pouch contained cosmetics, as I had expected.

The smallest bag was for contact lenses, and the middle one was for personal hygiene items. And then the words came out of my mouth.

“This is a mobile battery, right? And the charging cable… seriously? Seriously!?)”

I quickly thought about what to do, but first, I wondered if this mobile battery was usable.

And if it is usable, there is something I want to check if possible.

Thinking so, I connected the cable to the mobile battery and let it connect to her phone as it was.


“Hmm? What’s going on?”

“The phone has started charging.”

A battery icon appears on the smartphone screen.

I don’t know; I’ve never used a cell phone battery before, but for now, as long as it works for a while, that’s all that matters.

“Cell phone?”

“The most advanced machine on Earth, a modern convenience, you know?”


I’m sorry, but I can’t afford to deal with Felin right now.

The problem starts here… Yes, I knew it; that’s the password that comes up.

But there is still a chance for a four-digit password.

I thought so and tried to read the birthday and number backward from the driver’s license, but it didn’t work.

So what’s left? I borrowed Felin’s notebook to search for possibilities and found the numbers that looked like the ones I was looking for.

“(I don’t think she would leave her cell phone pass in her notebook, do you? If it were possible, it would be her boyfriend’s birthday, since she seemed to like him a lot. Or an anniversary?)”

I think about it, but realize that it’s hard to find the date when they started dating, since there’s already a heart mark from January 1st.

“(Then there was…! Her boyfriend’s birthday!!!)”

On February 12, “Yuki’s birthday” is written with lots of heart marks.

Then it would be “2012” or “2102”! And tapped quickly, but… no good.

The hurdle to breaking the password is so high that I involuntarily look up at the ceiling.

“Ah, no good, I can’t get through. If I can’t get through here, I won’t be able to find out what applications are inside. Then I won’t be able to confirm whether one of my guesses is right or not. What kind of password does a woman use? Isn’t it usually related to her boyfriend? Ah, but maybe they broke up… Then what’s the rest? Parents’ birthdays, favorite Japanese boy band’s birthdays, etc. If it’s set up like that, there’s no way I’d know. Maybe if I make too many mistakes, it will be locked somehow… Hmm? Hmm?)”

I quickly look at Felin.

Felin’s confused look is also very charming.

I have known that for a long time, but not now.

She is a goddess. Right, she is a god.

And then.

“Felin, can you open this password with magic?”


“Felin is a god, a wonderful being. So I was wondering if you could decipher the four numbers that the owner specifies, at will.”


Felin stares at the phone as I say this.

Her eyes are more serious than ever.

I’m counting on you!

“Yeah, I can’t do it!”

“That’s fast! You give up really fast!”

“Eh~ because it’s a machine, you know? If it’s a living thing, maybe I can do something about it, but if it’s not, there’s nothing I can do!”

“Ugh… God!”

“Even though we’re both gods, Felza-sama might be able to handle it. After all, we are lesser gods, you know?”

“Oh! Don’t be so self-deprecating. Being cute is enough for me.”

“I-I don’t understand what you mean!”

Well, even with the power of the goddess, it’s no use.

The most advanced equipment of the modern age is something to be feared.

Then there is no other way…

Well, even if I can’t confirm it, it doesn’t mean I’m going to die.

So I flipped through the notebook to see if there was a phone number for her parents’ house. The address section was blank, but on the last page, there was a phone and fax number for her work.

Then I remembered that my phone password was also the last four digits of the branch number, so I tried to enter it somehow.


“The screen changed, didn’t it?”

“Yes… she was someone who had the same thought as me.”


What if it was a woman? It’s a shame that I thought of something so crazy.

Oh well!

I was able to unlock it anyway, so all is well!

Then, I started to investigate what I wanted to check.

The common thread between me and Kojo-san and the reason why we were sent to this world.

I think we’re both core gamers obsessed with strength or maybe we’re both fans of otherworldly fantasy novels.

If my hypothesis is correct, Acorn should want to defeat a lot of monsters.

No matter how many status screens are given that are too similar to the game, magic, skills, weapon types, the premise of the world, and monsters should be perceived very differently depending on whether you have played role-playing games or not, and whether you know about them or not.

If my mother, who I can safely say had no knowledge of such things, had landed in this world, she would have been easily beaten to death in the forest without even knowing what goblins were.

――But the book was a self-help book.

At this point, the possibility that she liked novels gets a little thin.

And the line that she was a hardcore gamer would have been thin, too, since she was reading a book on the go.

I know when I was into gaming, it was on the computer, but now it’s mostly on mobile apps.

If core gamers can play games on the go, they should be more likely to play games instead of reading books…

“(Hmm. I knew it. There are some game apps in there, but only a few puzzle-type apps that look like something a girl would play and have a casual atmosphere. There are no MMORPGs with famous titles that I know of… and there seem to be no novel-type apps either.)”


I guess I was wrong.

I thought it would be easier to read Acorn’s purpose if I knew what we had in common.

But in the end, it was just the same Japanese.

If I could use this cell phone battery to see the contents of the phone of the owner of the belongings from 6 years ago, I might be able to find out what country they were from, but…

But then I’d end up asking, what’s the point of knowing what country they’re from?

“(Damn… if only she liked RPGs or something, I could connect Acorn’s “I found you” condition with the fact that he wants us to defeat a lot of hypothetical monsters.)”

To be honest, I’m not sure what Acorn’s goal is anymore.

“Did you find out anything?”

“Yes. I found out that I don’t know what the purpose of summoning me is anymore…”


“There are a lot of fantasy stories about people like me being transported to another world. There are a lot of people who like that kind of thing. I thought that people like that would have some kind of prior knowledge, so I thought that they would send people here who are used to other worlds. Or people who like and are used to a fantasy world of weapons and magic and skills. There are many such games on Earth.”

“Hmm… so Loki-kun fits into both categories, but this person does not fit into either category?”

“That’s what I mean. Well, I only judge her by what she has. If you like that kind of story, she might have read that kind of book, and there were no games on this phone that would fit that description.”

“I see… the reason Loki-kun was summoned to this world, huh…”

“If we can find out why I was summoned, we can find out the purpose.”

“That’s right. I think the purpose and the reason are related.”

“The current hypothesis is that they want me to defeat a large number of monsters. That’s what I thought… but I’m not so sure about that either.”

“But you see! Loki-kun, you like our world and you’re used to it, right?”

“I’ve never been sent away like this before, so it’s not like I’m used to it. But I like it, and I can easily adjust to it, or at least swallow the situation. Normally, someone would be so upset that they would die immediately without knowing what it all means.”

“I see! That’s great!”


“If this is the world you like, Loki-kun, then you should enjoy it to the fullest! While you’re having fun, we might find more things from Earth in the future, and then we might learn something else, right?”

Felin is indeed an optimist, as I’ve come to expect from her.

But I’m glad to hear it now since we didn’t get anything out of it.

“I think so. Thank you, Felin.”

“N-no! I’m fine! It’s no problem at all! So, what are you going to do with these things?”

“What am I supposed to do with them, huh?”

All of Kojo-san’s belongings are spread out on the table as is.

Normally, the best thing to do would be to show them to Yagov-san and Amanda-san and check the things that can be reproduced in this world, but…

If I did that, I’d definitely talk about where I found it.

If I honestly told them that it was in Palmera, a place close to where I was sent, they might take it seriously and form a search party to find the artifacts. And how did I get there in such a short time after meeting Yagov-san and the others yesterday?

Then I would have to talk about Felin, so this is indeed a bad choice. There is no way I can say that I am working with a goddess.

However, I don’t want to say that I found her in the shallow end of Palmera… or rather, I’m afraid that Yagov-san will see through me if I lie to him.

…In that case, would it be better not to tell him about this case?

If I tell him halfway, it will be difficult for the Goddesses to find the transmigrators in the future, so I should try to avoid that.

Even if I tell him, it would be better to wait a little longer.

“Yes, I just thought about it for a moment, but I don’t think I should tell it yet, not even to the people I always consult. It wouldn’t make sense if I didn’t reveal Felin’s existence.”

“I see! But then, Loki-kun, you’ll carry it with you the whole time?”

“Hmm… I think the next one will be Lyste-sama, right?”

“Yeah, that’s what she said!”

“Then I will show it to Lyste-sama. I think she’s the one who’s most interested in things from Earth.”

“That’s a good idea! Lyste is the goddess of commerce, so she should know a lot about things!”

“Then let’s do it. Oh, just to confirm, Felin is bringing Spatial Magic with her now, right? You can use this magic to ‘store’ these things, right?”

“Yes, that should be possible.”

“What about bringing them back to the divine realm?”

“I wonder about that. I’ve never tried it, so I don’t know.”

“Could it be that the subspace between the split entity and the main body is different?”

“Yes, that’s right. I should be able to store it in subspace here, but what if that stored item disappears when I turn the split entity off?”

“I see… let’s try it for the future.”

I don’t intend to use the goddess to get an infinite box or anything like that.

The only thing is that it’s embarrassing to carry around a modern bag of women’s things.

Even I have my own bag and various other things.

So I’d like to get at least temporary custody of this bag…

With this in mind, I decided to conduct a storage experiment using the goddess’ skill.

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