Chapter 157
Chapter 157
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Chapter 157 – Promotional Test (Long Distance Combat)
“…I-I get it.”
Once again, we face each other at a certain distance in the middle.
“Next time, no hitting allowed, only magic. You can use whatever you want, but please refrain from using magic with high lethality or wide-area effects. As with beating, it’s up to the person to control the power of the magic. If you destroy the building or the outer wall, you’ll be charged for the damage, so be prepared.”
Ah, I knew it.
I thought the next stage would be a magic battle.
There’s nothing I can do in a situation like this.
If I show my black magic here, it’ll cause a huge commotion.
“Orlando-san, I’m sorry, but I can’t use magic at all.”
I had no choice but to lie.
“…You’re joking, right?”
“I’m not joking.”
He looks at me with doubt, but there’s nothing I can do about it.
He seems to think I’m definitely lying, so I look back at him with the thought that I can use magic, but I don’t want to show my hand.
“Ahahaha! That’s fine, then! Let’s make it a test to see how long you can withstand my offensive magic! Magic defense is also important, right?”
Is it because the possibility of being suddenly attacked has disappeared?
Since Raran-san is feeling better, I’ll go along with the idea.
I tested my intelligence with lightning magic the other day, and if it’s to measure my magical defense, it’s more convenient to be on the defensive.
“That’s a good idea. Let’s do it that way.”
“Hmm… I think Lalan is good at Fire Magic and Earth Magic, right?”
“Yeah, that’s right. How about that?”
“Then just do Earth Magic. I’ll give you permission.”
“I would have liked the fire magic better, but oh well. Are you ready, boy?”
“I’m ready.”
“Then let’s start with something simple.”
Lalan-san recites the incantation, stepping back a little from her original position.
“Earth, create a sphere at my will and defeat my enemy! Fly, Earth ball!”
“(Hmm? Hmm? Isn’t the chant a bit long? What kind of power is she going to use to shoot the orb at me!?)”
Even though she said it would be easy at first, Raran-san is a big liar.
I thought there was no point in dodging, so I quickly shielded my face with my arms and looked at the object that had appeared through the crack.
It was a brownish mass about 20 centimeters in diameter.
“(What is that? It’s bigger than the stone Hooley Mole threw, but it doesn’t seem to hurt much. Will it explode? Or is it a hard rock hidden inside?)”
Cautiously, I put one hand out in front of me and caught the flying lump of earth in my palm.
The feeling was like being hit with a pillow.
There’s no other way to describe it.
It wasn’t painful, and if anything, it was almost pleasant.
“(How many verses did that chanting just consist of? Since I can’t really tell where the pauses are in other people’s chanting, I can’t predict how powerful it is, can I?)”
This is just a test.
I ask Raran-san boldly, thinking that maybe she’ll answer.
“Hee… was I too easy on you? As I thought, you don’t seem to feel much pain at all. You’re good enough to take the B-rank test.”
“What level was that magic you just used?”
“Don’t you know? That’s why people who can’t use magic… The Earth Ball is definitely level 1.”
“Huh? I-is that so… Thank you.”
“(What does that mean?!)”
My head is in total chaos.
Level 1 means two verses.
If it were me,
I’d just say, “Earth Ball, fly away!”
Now that I’ve learned Omitted Chanting, it might even be shorter.
Or is it common knowledge that the Earth Ball is Level 1?
“By the way, what level of Earth Magic are you going to use next?”
“Well, it seems like Earth Ball is no problem at all, so how about trying Rock Bullet next? It’s level 3. You should be able to withstand it, right?”
Raran-san smiles seductively, but I’m already full with Riste.
After all, it’s only level 3, and she doesn’t seem to have an absurdly high intelligence, so there’s no way I can’t stand it.
“I understand. Please.”
I stand there with my hands down.
This time, I have no defense.
I will watch the whole process, from the chanting to the creation of the object.
“Well then, here I go.”
“Earth, coalesce according to my will. Become a hard jewel that pierces my enemy. Release! Rock Bullet!”
The chanting is so different from mine that I can’t understand it at all.
However, from the middle of the chant, a bluish-purple mist begins to gather around the palms of Raran-san’s outstretched hands, and almost simultaneously with the end of the chant, the mist condenses, and an object begins to form in its center.
One second… two seconds… three seconds… it’s there.
The speed at which it flew… oh my! It’s so fast!
It came towards my stomach, so I grabbed the stone before I had time to think about what to do.
The fist I used to grab it was also taken away, so it was quite powerful.
It seems to be an excellent single-target magic.
But is the time it takes from activation to formation a characteristic of Earth Magic?
Compared to the Lightning Magic I experimented with the other day, the time from chanting to activation is longer, and in a critical situation, it seems a little difficult to use.
I guess it is a magic that’s good for sneak attacks and the like.
“A-are you kidding me…?!”
“Raran! That kid is not normal! Go all out!”
I looked in the direction where the voice was coming from, and it seemed that he had received treatment.
Ino-san, who was leaning against the wall and looking fine, was shouting words that I couldn’t tell if they were words of encouragement or abuse.
“T-This is interesting. Hahaha… I’m doing my best!”
“W-Wait a minute, Raran! Think about where you’re going…”
Raran-san began to chant, cutting off Orlando-san’s words as he rushed to stop her.
“O hard earth, gather in response to my life. Harder than all, piercing through all…”
So I interrupted as well.
If Orlando-san wanted to stop her, it probably meant that the wall would break or that some kind of trouble would occur if she continued to cast the high-powered magic.
If that was the case, she wouldn’t be angry if I stopped her.
――Body Strengthening――
And as I lean forward, I take a step forward with my foot――
My vision suddenly accelerated.
A body-strengthening-type skill combination that doesn’t let the black magic out.
I’m really glad I practiced this…
I couldn’t keep up with the unfamiliar acceleration, and when I tried it yesterday, I fell flat on my back.
I’d die of embarrassment if anyone saw me like that.
“A spear that pierces… Hyiiiee!?”
In less than a beat.
When she stood in front of me, she jumped back in surprise, then fell on her butt and continued to back away.
Like her makeup, her flashy pants are completely visible. Thank you.
“Raran-san, Orlando-san tried to stop you.”
“Ah… what? Huh?”
“Phew… I’m sorry, Loki.”
“No, no, it would be a disaster if the building or the walls broke.”
“No, that’s not what I meant… well, never mind. I think that’s enough. Is it okay from your point of view as well?”
When Orlando-san said that, the two judges also nodded their heads quickly.
“Loki, you’ve passed the B rank promotion test. Come to my room after lunch today, and we’ll exchange your card.”
“Got it. Then I’ll come get it after lunch.”
“Hmm. I thought I believed in Loki, but seeing you actually make moves like this, I can’t help but be convinced.”
“Even so, I won’t be able to win this by myself.”
A conversation that only the two of us understand.
The scornful, condescending look that Raran-san and Ino-san had given me earlier had disappeared.
“You two can also fill out the application form, so go to the reception desk later and get your reward.”
“Ah, yeah.”
“Now you know a bit more. The world isn’t so kind that you can get ahead just by being talented. If you judge people by their looks or race, you’ll end up getting your feet stuck in the mud and die, you know?”
“Orlando-san can’t say that about other people either.”
“T-that wouldn’t look cool if you said that! …Gah! Gahaha!”
The B-rank melee fighter was fast enough to make me nervous when he came at me in earnest.
But it wasn’t enough to be a problem, and I found out that the magic user of the rear guard was easy to deal with as long as I could destroy their chant.
However, I don’t know why their chanting took so long.
And even though those two looked down on me so much, they didn’t even brag about their jobs or mention them at all… In other words, there’s a good chance that they’re both low-level jobs.
I think it’s better to think that the average B-rank is a little stronger.
Well, if they get paid for their work, I guess they’ll forgive me this time, but I don’t want them to hold a grudge against me, so I’ll make sure to thank them properly.
“Thank you for your help.”
A child following the loud and boisterous Orlando without knowing what he’s doing.
The two of them continued to watch him until he disappeared from their sight.
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