Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

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Chapter 166 – This is, This World

Ria’s POV

His eyes were sunken deep, and the thin, half-naked man took a quick glance around the room, twisting his neck.

He spoke with a questioning voice.

“So you were right to hide. But―who is this boy? Despite the use of the Kazura Blood Poison, he seems to be alive.”


“Number seven and eight, did you stab him properly?”


“Yes, I did.”

“So he’s just taking it with his own resistance? No way, no way… or maybe he has some special magic tool or accessory?”

I think I was dazed for a while, unable to keep up with the situation.

The man somehow appeared from the far corner among the children.

I hadn’t used Wide-Area Investigation since I checked to see if there were guards at the entrance.

Did I let my guard down?

No, even if I had used it, I wouldn’t have been able to spot him with so many people around.

Loki――he looks so desperate.

He’s digging his nails into the ground and vomiting blood over and over again as he desperately tries to hold on.

It looks like he wants to hurt me, too, but there’s no way a human could stab me with anything.

Even if they could, I could just release my split body again.

“It looks like the boy is definitely out of the fight, so let’s just leave it at that for now. Um, could you please heal Amalie-kun and Estelle-kun who are sleeping first? I’ll be in trouble if they keep sleeping like this.”


“…Right away.”

Situations that I can’t understand keep happening.


Why are these two people trying to help them when they just got beaten up so badly?

Is that how humans are?

Even Loki, who is supposed to help them, is suffering a lot.

Loki stares at the two girls as if clinging to them, but…

I hear the sound of my back teeth grinding.

I can’t help but gasp.

Is that discomfort… anger? Yes, it’s anger.

Loki had been betrayed again.

He had been betrayed, beaten, and blown up by the humans he had saved during the orc incident.

And now he had been betrayed and tortured again by the very people he had saved.


Why are Loki’s good intentions being trampled on?

Why… why… why…

“――What have you done to Loki?!”

The voice that screamed involuntarily was so violent that it didn’t seem to be my own.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽

How could this happen?

You have to understand the situation.

I don’t know why, but I was stabbed and poisoned by the children I was trying to save.

Even though I have Poison Resistance Lv.7 and Status Effect Resistance Increase Lv.7, this symptom is definitely a very strong poison.

I never thought I’d get poisoned.

What the hell is Kazura Blood Poison? Damn it…

Even though I was being very careful, did beating those guys up make them overly cautious?

Or was it the fact that I didn’t go all the way that was bad?


My whole body feels like it’s on fire.

I just endured this heat that made me feel as if the blood in my whole body was destroying my cells and as if my blood and internal organs were boiling and seething.

It’s okay.

The vomiting has stopped, and the nausea has subsided.

My perspective is beginning to clear, and I’m beginning to feel some strength returning to my limbs.

I’m okay… I’m fine. I’m sure these symptoms will subside…

Then, as soon as possible…

“It looks like the boy is definitely out of the fight, so let’s call it a day for now. Um, could you please help Amalie-kun and Estelle-kun recover first? I’ll be in trouble if they just keep sleeping peacefully.”


“Right away.”


What’s going on…?

Why are they going to help the guy who shackled and imprisoned them?

I had heard from the receptionist, Reimi-san, that the two hunters were both staff-user healers.

Then, it was just a case of my consciousness being confused and misunderstood, and they were going to help me recover from my condition…


In vain, the two of them walked over to the men who knocked me out without even looking at me.

Despite our brief conversation earlier, I was like a pebble on the side of the road, and there was no sign that they were even aware of my existence.

I can’t figure out the principles behind the actions of the young girls or the female hunters… have they always been part of the male group?

No, that can’t be the case.

…The initial trigger for both of them was the words of the man hiding among the children.

Then the possibility is…

“――What have you done to Loki?!”

Those words were more than enough to interrupt their train of thought.

Surprised, I searched for the owner of the voice, glancing from right to left as I moved my head slightly.

The voice, which contained a strong sense of anger, was definitely one I had heard before, but it gave the impression of being someone else entirely. It was the figure of Ria, who I had once been very wary of, not knowing what she might do.

Even though the impression of her should have faded as she became more familiar with the place, she was now casting a piercing look at the children who had caused the incident as if she were about to shoot someone.

It looked like she was about to attack at any moment… If things continued like this…

Without thinking, I raised my voice as loud as I could, ignoring the burning pain in my throat.



It hurts more than I thought…

Maybe it’s because I screamed without thinking about the consequences.

I feel a sharp pain as if the flesh in my throat is tearing, and I find Ria as I spit out blood that won’t stop.

“(Thank God…)”

Ria immediately looks away from me, bites her lower lip, and stops moving, clenching her fists as if she’s enduring something.

“You can still talk… and why can’t the young lady, who is supposed to be paralyzed and unable to move, talk as well…? Number one! Number four!”

“I’m sorry. The needle wouldn’t go through.”

“…It’s the same.”

“…T-That’s impossible, right? It’s a custom-made Damascus magic tool!?”

The emaciated man tried to act as calmly as possible, but perhaps because of the ongoing phenomenon he couldn’t understand, his voice had a hint of excitement.

And it seemed that his caution towards Ria, which should have been relaxed because he hadn’t done anything, had now increased.

The man raised his knife as if he wanted to use the girls as a shield, and to everyone’s surprise, he plunged the knife into the neck of one of the girls.

“Palm! How long are you going to sleep?”

When I looked at the man who had shouted, thanks to the healing magic of the two hunters, the men stood up one by one, leaving only a few badly injured.

And the man called Palm―the big man I had mistaken for the boss―rubbed his beard and opened his mouth.

“Guh, I’m sorry. I was taken by surprise. I never thought this brat would do so much…”

“The boy is dying, so restrain the girl quickly! She’s a little too mature for me, but if you do your job well, I won’t mind making her your personal slave!”


“Young lady, I will find out who you are later, but for now, if you move, I will kill the cute children in front of me one by one. I gathered them here to admire them, so I don’t really want to kill them, you know? If you don’t listen to me, they will be killed―in other words, you will kill them.”


Don’t be ridiculous.

My throat tightened, and the words I wanted to say couldn’t come out.

My heart was beating, but my body wouldn’t move the way I wanted it to, and I still couldn’t even get down on my knees.

The word that came out of the man’s conversation―was “slave.”

Judging by the way he spoke, this scrawny man was probably the one with the skills related to slaves and the de facto boss here.

If the girls and the two hunters couldn’t disobey orders, then the whole series of events in this cave would make sense.

“Kuku, you came to save them, but you wouldn’t kill the children just because you felt like it, would you?”


The tall man called Palm deliberately stepped on the discarded mask and approached Ria’s lower body, looking up and down as if inspecting her.

When Ria released the intense killing intent earlier, this man was probably still asleep.

Maybe that’s why he doesn’t understand that Ria is incomparable to me―that she is the most ‘not to be angered’ being in this world.


“If you behave, I won’t do anything bad to you.”

Please stop…

“You really are… a good-looking woman…”

I can’t let Ria kill anyone…

“Well, for now… why don’t you get undressed?”

Ria looked at me with a sad expression, a complete change from before.

And then…

“That’s the way the world is.”


A dry, explosive sound echoed through the cave.

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