Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 6.1

Chapter 6.1

Magic for the First Time

After the battle with the goblin.

I quickly left the place and went to the riverside, gathering fruits.

While eating, I kept my eyes and ears open and thought about my surroundings.

There are no other parts of the body, and there are no blood trails in the area.

This means that it has not been killed or eaten on the spot.

There is a good possibility that the goblin brought it here from somewhere and shared it with his companions.

If that is the case… that place is dangerous.

There is a possibility that there are companions in the vicinity, and the goblin’s corpse was left there.

Unlike the rabbits, the goblin has been stabbed to death, so there is a possibility that the smell of blood will attract his friends and demons.

What I worry about is fighting multiple Goblins at the same time.

To be honest, if it is just one goblin, I can fight it off, but…

If two goblins appear at once, I will be in a dangerous situation.

If there are three or more goblins, even if I can imagine fighting them, I can only see a future in which I will be killed.

What line should I draw in deciding when to flee…

Considering the condition of my shoes, it will be very dangerous if I fail to escape.

Then, for now, it will be better to flee ahead of the others as soon as more than one of them is seen.

If there are more than two of them, I will run away first. I may need to move away from the river, but to survive, I must first enforce this simple rule.

Then, I pause and take out one thing from my bag.

My flashlight, which I have been carrying in my bag as a tool for work.

It is a small but powerful LED type flashlight, and because it is to be used for work, I bought a reasonably priced overseas product.

I have spare batteries in my bag, and it could be effective as a blinding light against goblins…

If my target is humanoid, even if it is during the daytime, aiming it in their face will cause them trouble.

First, I will try to test out how they react, and it will be good if they cover their face when it hits.

That is the normal reaction, after all, especially if it’s a being that is not familiar with such a device.

After all, no matter how used I am to it, if someone suddenly points it at my face, I will have this reaction without fail!

Once I block their sight, it will stop them from moving, and then with a full swing of the flathead screwdriver…

With this, even against a goblin, I should have a good chance of winning unscathed, alone.

It’s possible.

Depending on how I do it, I can do more.



Yuto, who is under a strange tension and delusion, is unaware that he has stepped through the abode of a certain demon.

Perhaps it is because he has been thinking too deeply as he simulates a battle.

It might also be because he has been distracted by fatigue from the previous battle, and hunger, that he is only trying to distract himself.

However…the enemy does not take such circumstances of Yuto into consideration.

Because the enemy has no naivety at all.

So, when he realized that…

Yuto, who was smiling inside, was hit by a big impact from behind and was blown away.

“Iggya! …My back hurts! What! What happened?

Confused, he reflexively rubbed his back, but there was no sign of blood.

However, the pain has not subsided at all.

What is happening? 

He looks back.

There is a brown mole-like creature staring at Yuto.

Well, he actually doesn’t know whether it is really a mole or not.

Yuto has never seen a real mole before.

However, he assumes it is a kind of creature similar to a mole because of its face sticking out from the ground and its claw-like hand sticking out to the ground, which is a little bigger than its body size.

“Damn…you’re the culprit!”

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