Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

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Chapter 69 – An Uneasy Operation

“It’s all right now.”

I opened my eyes to the voice from the front.

“(I see…this time is the first line-up.)”

In front of me is Alicia-sama, the Goddess of Love, and on either side of her are Rigal-sama, the Goddess of War, and Ria-sama, the Goddess of Sin.

The atmosphere is still one of wait-and-see, but I guess they will be ready if any unpleasant situation arises.

“I am sorry for the emergency call. The time of Divine Communication is too short.”

“No, I was just thinking the same thing, so it’s okay.”

“So, about those skills you mentioned yesterday that can be obtained from monsters…”

“Yes, I’ll tell you what I know. First of all, let me remind you. I didn’t get that unknown ability because I wanted to, and I still don’t understand what it is. That is why I talked to the Goddesses yesterday to discuss it with you. So―please don’t suddenly make a move to eliminate me because I’m dangerous, okay?”

When I looked at Ria-sama, she reacted with a jolt and looked away.

It’s so cute to see her like that, but it’s still scary to wonder what she was thinking.

“Don’t worry about it. Loki told me himself. If you have something to hide, you won’t talk about it. Isn’t that right?”

“That’s right.”

“Then first of all, how did you become aware of it? Can you tell me how it happened?”

“There is a party of child hunters that I associate with. We went hunting together yesterday. At the time, he didn’t have the skills that I thought he definitely had, but he had some skills that I had, and I was like… I didn’t understand it anymore, and I was confused.”

“What skills specifically?”

“The first one is Presence Detection, Earth Magic, and Rush. The same monster has the same skills for Presence Detection and Earth Magic, so according to my common sense, there won’t be much difference in the skills acquired. The experience gained naturally is very small. And yet, this kid had reached level 2 of the Presence Detection skill, but he had not yet acquired the Earth Magic skill. On top of that, he hadn’t even acquired the Rush skill that the monsters he was most likely to hunt had, so it obviously wasn’t right.”

“I see…”

“How long has the child been active as a hunter?”

“About two years. I don’t know how often he was active, because that was before I came to this world.”

“Hmm. Presence Detection is a skill that is acquired by consciously paying attention to one’s surroundings. Therefore, it is relatively easy to acquire this skill without any personal talent, and there are many people who have actually acquired this skill. Compared to that…”

When Rigal-sama looked at Ria-sama, Ria-sama connected the words as if she was taking over.

“The general rule for acquiring skills in magic, including Earth Magic, is to acquire skills through training based on knowledge of the operation of magical power… the mechanism of chanting, and the image of phenomena after their manifestation. So even if we received a wish and granted it by force, it is impossible to invoke magic without a minimum of knowledge.”

“That’s certainly true. I also had a hard time activating it even though I acquired the skill.”

“Therefore, magic is a lineage in which it is difficult to acquire skills naturally.”

“The boy, his name is Zink-kun. Zink-kun was able to naturally acquire the Presence Detection skill based on his two years of experience as a hunter, but he was unable to acquire the Earth Magic skill at all?”

“It’s natural to think so.”

“And Rush is not a skill that people can acquire at all…”

“That’s right. The fact that no one has ever acquired it shows that it is a skill that is inherently inaccessible to people.”

“Then why did I get it?”

“That’s right. Loki, do you have any idea? For example… that a higher god might be involved.”

“No… that’s not it at all. As I told you before, what I was given in that exchange was ‘rejuvenation’ and ‘being able to see the status screen.’ Those are the only two things. On the contrary, when I asked for more, he didn’t give it to me, and I was forced to let it go.”

“I still don’t see any indication that you’re lying to us.”

“I have no idea why you can acquire it…”

“By the way, is it possible that only transmigrators, reincarnated people, and people from other worlds who came from the interdimensional space that Rigal-sama mentioned before are specifically applicable to this kind of case?”

“At least we’ve never had any strange skills mixed in with those we’ve reincarnated.”

“I don’t think the people who fell from the interdimensional space had such a case either, although I have a faint memory of it. It’s just…”

“We don’t know anything about the transmigrators, do we? In fact, we don’t have any idea about them at all.”

“That is true. If we look at it from the perspective of “transmigrators who were intentionally transferred,” then we don’t know. Loki is the first person who has gone through such a process.”

“If we look at it from the perspective of people who have passed through interdimensional space, I think it’s impossible, but we still can’t be sure.”

This is something I wanted to ask but haven’t yet.

Whether or not there’s anyone else alive who’s been transferred by Acorn or a similar entity other than me―well, that’s pretty much a long shot.

I can’t say for sure, but if the Goddesses don’t know, and even Yagov-san, who is in a position to get information easily, doesn’t know about the existence of the transmigrators, then it’s safe to say that they’re almost completely wiped out.

Well, that’s understandable.

If they were suddenly dumped in a place like that, they would normally die.

I just happened to have a good mix of earthly things in my possession, so I was able to get by.

Then, the story seems to get even more complicated…

This may be important to the Goddesses, so I’ll just tell them.

I was told by Yagov-san not to tell anyone, but it should be safe to tell the Goddesses who manage the world.

“This is a bit off topic, but I have found traces of people from Earth being forcibly transported to this world, just like me. Are you aware of this?”


“What do you mean?”

“Judging from your expression, I don’t think you know about it. It seems to have been here, you know? It seems that something from Earth, like the one I have, fell into the Great Palmera Forest.”

“I-is that true…?”

“You Goddesses will know if it’s a lie or not, won’t you? I wouldn’t lie here either.”

“Loki-kun is not the only one…? Then who and why…?”

“If you can find survivors, you might find the answer, although it is highly unlikely. Besides, there is always the possibility that in the future there will be others like me who were sent away.”

“But if they are like Loki, then they don’t need to come to the church, do they? If that’s the case, we won’t be able to notice anything until something big happens, and even if we did, we wouldn’t be able to see the cause of it without being able to see through it with our God’s Eye, would we?”

“Hmm~ that’s the tricky part. The people who have been sent to this world really don’t know anything about this world. So if there is a church, they will just stop by out of curiosity, just like I did. Besides, I’ve been complaining so much that I finally got the rejuvenation and the ability to see the status screen. If I hadn’t done anything, I would have been kicked out with no abilities at all, and I think the result would have been the same even if I had been a little disobedient.”

“Are you saying that Loki-kun was able to receive rejuvenation and the ability to see the status screen because he was Loki-kun, but an ordinary transmigrator would have come to this world without receiving any abilities?”

“I think that’s very likely. But don’t get me wrong, the Goddess can’t see my abilities even if you use the skill called God’s Eye. I also don’t know if this unknown ability is related to these two given abilities.”

“I don’t know what to do anymore?”

“Yeah, me neither… I think it’s too complicated, and I don’t think it’s a problem that can be solved by monitoring from the divine realm.”

“What the hell is the purpose… all this effort to rebuild… why?”

Not good. Alicia-sama is on the verge of a breakdown…

“This is just my personal opinion, but I don’t think you need to think so hard about it. Is it because I have the monster-specific skills? I thought they were useful at first, but now I hardly ever use them. The skills gained from monsters also give a status bonus, so I think it’s easier to get a higher status than others. But instead of that, if you’re like me, you can’t choose your blessing or profession, right? Besides, there is no such thing as a a panic sale skill gift like a reincarnated person. ――Then is such a person so strong that the Goddesses can’t handle them?”


“If earthlings are sent to this world in the same current as me, they will certainly not survive. I can assure you of that. The environment there was too harsh. And I’m more concerned about my strength than anyone else, so I’ve tried a lot, but not all of the transmigrating beings, or rather, not all of the earthlings, are like that. Don’t you think that the Goddesses who call and reincarnate souls know best? I’ve heard that there are four reincarnated souls who have been active in this world, but if they have reincarnated more than that and are still alive, doesn’t that mean that the rest of them are enjoying their lives leisurely and without professing to be people from another world?”

“Sure. If it’s just the number of reincarnations, it’s definitely a lot.”

“Even if there were a small number of transmigrators who survived the harsh environment, the chances that they would have a personality that would harm the world are even smaller. And even if they did, they wouldn’t be that strong…”

“I don’t know how strong this world is. But the Goddesses have all the skill available to people, so they are like the highest race, right? If that’s the case, why doesn’t Ria-sama use the ultimate technique to deal with a dangerous person who obviously wants to destroy the world and inflict divine punishment on them?”

“Loki knows what it is, right?”

“I-I’m also strong when I’m serious!”

“No, no, no, how did Rigal-sama go down to the lower world? Come to think of it, Phiril-sama said something about a split entity, didn’t she? So if you’re so worried, why don’t you go down to the lower world and look around directly to see if there are any suspicious people there?”

“That’s it…”


T-that was a big surprise…

I didn’t expect Alicia-sama, who was about to die again, to suddenly come back to life and then suddenly scream out loud.

The most mysterious one might actually be Alicia-sama.

“N-no, wait, wait, Alicia? Won’t Felza-sama be very angry with you if you interfere like this?”

“Yes. Phiril was created when there were no people. Even though it was a split entity, it would be a violation of the ban if we did it now.”

“But if we don’t do it now, we won’t know until it happens. Are you okay with that?”


“If you mean interfering, we already invited Loki-kun to come here. Don’t you think it’s too late to stop the decline of the world and lead it to development?”

What should I do?

I can’t decide whether I should stop or push Alicia-sama, who is on a motivational roll in some maddening direction because of me…

Which is it? Which is the right thing to do!

Think about it now while they’re not conscious of me!

If I recommend a split entity and the Goddesses move directly, and if they can find a transmigrator like me, they may be able to conclude that it is a ‘unique ability of the transmigrator’ and get rid of the problem.

Even if the people who were sent away were wiped out and not found, there is still a possibility that people who were sent away will be found in the future…

Can we say that the period during which the Goddesses are searching for the cause of the disaster can be prolonged in various ways?

On the other hand, if I didn’t recommend the split entity, it would be very difficult for me alone to find the transmigrators.

I don’t have the sense of smell to find such a foreign element, and I don’t have the time.

If that is the case, my mysterious ability will stand out without knowing the cause, and although I don’t know if I can do it, the worst that could happen is that I will be stripped of this ability…

That would be a bad move.

I have something that the cheat reincarnation guys don’t have.

Even though I’m at a disadvantage in terms of blessings and job selection, if they take away this ability, too, I’ll have nothing.

If that’s the case――

“I have a personal opinion, but this world has been abandoned by Felza-sama, hasn’t it? Is such an abandoned world something that a busy person who manages various worlds would care about…?”


“No, if I were the Goddess’s boss, you know? I think I would probably just reply that if someone brought me a consultation, just do what you want to do and be done with it. If it’s a world where she doesn’t care anymore.”


“I think three people who are not here even now are putting up barriers, but the truth is that it doesn’t really matter like Felza-sama doesn’t care about this world at all…”


It’s not good.

The three of them have tears in their eyes.

I was only trying to be objective, but it was too much for the Goddesses who were trying to do something about this world.

It is indeed a bad idea to hurt everyone for the sake of self-preservation…

“I’m sorry, I overstepped my bounds. There is no point in bringing up my opinion…”

“…I’m ready. Let’s do it!”

“Yeah. Let’s monitor the lower world directly with the split entity.”

“That’s right. We can’t just sit back and let this world end!”

“Hmm? Eh? Shouldn’t you consult with the others as well…?”

Then, a voice came down from the sky.

“I have heard about it. I will also help.”

“You’re going to look back at Felza-sama, aren’t you? I’ll do my best!”

“I’m looking forward to being down there after a long time~.”


“(…W-was this really the right thing to do? I’m getting really anxious because they’re drawing conclusions so quickly.)”

Thus, just because I spoke out of turn, “The Goddesses’ split entity observation operation” was to be implemented the next day.

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