Will I End Up As a Hero or a Demon King (WN)

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

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Chapter 96 – The End of the Hermit’s Lifestyle

17th day of my reclusive life.

“(Make it in time, make it in time, make it in time~!)”

I run through the Lulub Forest.

It is around 1 pm on my watch.

I know that Alba-san and the others will be here today, but I don’t know what time they usually leave or what time they will leave today.

If I don’t raise my level to 17 and call out to them while they’re still here, they’ll think there’s another day tomorrow and come back again.

If that happens, I’ll have to stay another night.

I regretted saying something unnecessary.

I said that I would talk to them on the last day, so if I don’t, things will continue as they are.

To be honest, I’ve seen enough orcs, small wolves, and rig spiders.

I’ve seen enough of them all, and I want to go to bed!

And tonight, Felin-sama’s split entity will descend to the lower world.

Or rather, I have been asked about it for about three days now, but I have tried to keep them at bay by saying that it is the last stage and to wait a little longer.

If I don’t go home today, the split entity will descend into the cave.

The current will be the same as Feeril-sama’s, and what Feeril-sama wants to do cannot be done in the forest, so there is a possibility that she will become angry if I have to stay another night.

“(Wow, that’s good, I got a decent number!)”

I ran in the direction of the area where there were almost 10 monsters using Exploration, and then I just kept going through the group.

That brings the total to over 30 monsters, including the ones I’ve been chasing since the beginning.

Small wolves keep biting my back, but I can’t be bothered with such trivialities, so I head for the point where two rig spiders overlap.

“Phew… haah… come on!”

As it comes into range, the rig spider spits out the sticky thread, and the monsters I’ve lured in swarmed at once.

“(Not yet… the orcs haven’t caught up yet… ouch! …not yet… not yet… now!)”

And when all the monsters are close enough, I activate it.

“Kill all the monsters around me with countless whirlwind blades!”

Swosh, swosh, swosh…

What I’m doing is a type of hunting that was popular in a game I used to be addicted to.

The bait runs around, attracting the attention of the monsters and leading them to the location of the extermination squad.

The idea is to launch a wide-area attack and wipe them all out.

The sad thing about my case is that I’m the only one doing both the baiting and the extermination, but if I moderate my speed appropriately, the monsters will follow me closely, so it becomes quite efficient if I don’t worry about my magic power.

I’m going back to the city soon, so there’s no point in saving my magic or worrying about materials.

As I watched the monsters being cut into pieces…

‘Your level has increased to 17.’

“Alright! This is the most efficient!”

I picked up about three of the magic stones left at my feet, and while wishing that everyone was still around, I immediately started running toward the entrance of the forest.

▽ ▼ ▽ ▼ ▽

“Thank you for your cooperation so far!”

I made it in time to meet the others, and we greeted each other in the grassy area at the entrance to the Lulub Forest.

Even though we were heading towards the city.

Everyone’s baskets are filled with a huge amount of materials, including orc meat.

I can’t let my stupid greeting ruin the freshness of the ingredients.

Looking around, I see over 30 participants.

Some of them were injured, but the plan ended without any casualties.

I felt a strange sense of responsibility and was relieved to the core.

“The feeling is mutual. It’s a little sad that it’s all over today.”

“That’s right! The bonus period ends today!”

“Yes, I know. I’ll be back to my old income tomorrow, and I’m feeling down about it…”

“That’s something we knew would happen, so there’s no point in complaining, right?”

“I just hope someone comes along who can kill a bunch of monsters instead of Loki!”

“That is impossible. Even if such a person were to appear, there’s no way he’d stay in Bezart.”

The words of Zarsa-san, the taciturn melee hunter in Mizuru-san’s party, really get to me.

Once you can hunt easily, you want to find even better hunting grounds.

Of course, there are probably some hunters who value stability, but there must also be a certain number of hunters who have left Bezart in search of higher income, prestige, and stimulation.

Here, they stay at rank E, and at best, they are promoted to rank D.

And even if they were promoted to D, they would have very little to show for it.

“So what are you going to do, Loki?”

So, I will give a quick answer to Alba-san’s question.

“I think I’ll try to get to the city of Malta next.”

The only highway leading out of Bezart is a trade center in the south of the Kingdom of Lagreth.

If I go there, I might find monsters with new skills, higher-level hunting grounds, and all sorts of new discoveries about this world.

Just thinking about it makes me excited.

“I knew it…”

“The best hunters are the ones who leave the city, right? I can’t help it!”

“It’s going to be lonely.”

“Well, I want to do some equipment maintenance, so I think I’ll stay in Bezart for a few days, you know?”

“Well, let’s go out for a drink or something, I’ve earned it! I’ll pay for Loki’s share!”

“Yeah, I guess. It’s a good thing for us that no one died, the mission was completed without a hitch, and we were able to develop a new Lulub hunting ground and build a communal bath.”

“Leader, isn’t that for everyone?”

“You idiot! Mars and I share the income, so it’s the same!”

“Still, that’s what being a leader is all about――”


Is it like a party to celebrate a job well done, as they say in Japan?

When you think about it, if the work we’ve all been doing together for half a month is a great success, it’s an event that my old company would definitely have held.

And it went on until the morning, with three or four rounds of drinks.

I remember that around the third party, Kasahara-san started to undress, and before I knew it, I was lying in my suit in the foyer of my house.

But according to the laws of this world, am I old enough to drink?

The way this conversation is going, it seems like I should be…

“Is there an age limit for drinking alcohol?”

“There isn’t, is there?”

“Oh… did the country where Loki lived have something like that?”

“Yes, you have to be 20 years old to drink alcohol.”

“What the hell is that? You can’t even have a celebratory drink at your wedding!”

“Yeah, when I look at the mothers in this country, it seems like everyone gets married when they’re young.”

“I guess it’s the same in other countries, but a lot of people get married in their late teens, right?”

“That’s right! That’s why people say you’re too old to get married when you’re as old as Royce!”


“I didn’t say anything.”

“Me too.”


It sounded exactly like the one I got a few days ago, but I’ll just ignore it.

But I get it.

If there’s no problem with drinking, it might be good for the future to try alcohol in this world at least once.

There are a lot of hunters around me that I’ve never talked to before.

It looks like everyone is watching to see if it’s okay to join in or not.


“If there are no legal problems, I’d like to join. I’m the one who’s grateful, so I’ll pay for everything. So, even the hunters who didn’t have a chance to talk this time, if you can make it, please feel free to join. I’ll leave it up to you all to decide where to have the party.”


The reaction when they found out there was a sponsor was just like on Earth.

I couldn’t help but smile wryly as I watched the scene unfold.

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