Winter Swan

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: <Chapter 26>

Kail couldn’t control his annoyance.

Usually, he would’ve gotten what he wanted from a girl by now. He would’ve had sex with her and left her in the dust already.

Until now, the only reason for him to sleep with anyone was to relieve himself.

Madness ran in his body. His birth mother was beautiful and innocent like an angel — such a pure blood as her made it easy for him to be seduced by the evil and darkness of this world.

Kail had no illusions about what his parents really were: a beautiful and naïve prostitute and a filthy rich businessman who got wealthy from other’s misery. The result of the two was a monstrous beast like him — a monster who hunted only when it was hungry. Just like a beast to its prey, women existed only for Kail to relieve his physical needs.

Kail felt a strong desire for Silje. Not just a physical one, but he also wanted to learn about her and get to know her.

This was the first time he had ever felt any genuine interest in a girl at school. He couldn’t understand why, but the feelings he had for her were undeniable. He was attracted to Silje, a complete mystery to him. She looked so quiet and cool, yet she showed such fury. She had intense emotions and watching her made him feel excited.

He wanted to have her.

This was different than a simple physical desire, so in a way, he wanted to test himself. It was strange to have these feelings and he wanted to see how long they would last. He also wanted to deprive himself of her until she gave herself to him.

In all honesty, it was not going to be hard for him to practice abstinence for a long time. When he entered the Bruntland family for the first time, he had to shed his beastliness and wear a tuxedo instead. At first, Kail tried to escape the Oslo Mansion because he was more comfortable with the wilderness of Greenland, but every time he made an attempt, his grandfather punished him without mercy.

The whip he used to use on Kail left ugly marks all over his body.

He remembered when his hand was whipped and it bled like a river. At the time, Kail looked down at it and ignored the pain; he even bit the injury to make it bleed more. When Kail glared at his tormentor defiantly with his own blood on his lips, his grandfather, a devout Lutheran, punished him further.

“Remember Kail. Faith, blessing, and the bible! Every drop of the mad blood that runs in your body needs to be cleansed and be forgiven by Christ. I will purify you, Kail, every drop of your dirty evil blood. First, you will need to be locked in the attic until you become more obedient.”

He remembered that day very well. Kail looked down at his hands. People saw him and thought that he was an uncontrolled beast, but the truth was, he had learned to control himself beyond his limit ever since he was only a young child. He was used to it.

His grandfather made him stay naked in the snow outside and enter the frozen river. If Kail tried, he knew he could live a perfectly controlled abstinent life forever like a saint. But one of the reasons why he wouldn’t do so was because of his defiance against his grandfather.

His now-dead grandfather was probably looking down at him from hell with his snow-white hair and the cross necklace around his neck. Kail wanted him to see the corrupt life Kail led in the arms of countless women.

Ironically, it was a girl who was going to save Kail in the end. An ugly smile appeared on his face.

He didn’t need God. Madness ran through his body and no one could stop him. He was his own master and he was going to choose his own woman.

Kail chuckled huskily.


He couldn’t help but admit how strange his choice was.

Long black hair, pale Asian skin, and a skinny body with no breasts. There was nothing special about her appearance, yet why did he want her? It was very unlike him.

He had never felt this kind of desire before. Not a simple physical desire, but an absolute obsession.

He’d been watching her quietly with cold objectivity. Silje wasn’t beautiful — she was defiant and possibly even depressed. She was an extremely scarred human being. An imperfection.

Yet why did he want her so badly?

Well, he supposed he didn’t need a reason. Even at this moment, all he wanted to do was open her legs, rip her clothes off, and take her. The desire he felt was overwhelming.

To kiss Silje’s lips. To suck on them, and then force his tongue into her mouth. To feel and taste her. Grab her silky black hair and lay her down…

Kail laughed hoarsely and swore at the same time.

‘Silje Kim Pettersen, I can’t believe you left unscathed. What a lucky girl. If it was any other woman, you would’ve disappeared from school by now and I would’ve destroyed you, like I have always done.’

However, Kail decided he had to be patient for now until Silje fell into his hands.

The scar on her wrist will never completely disappear, and usually, he wouldn’t care about such small things. But now, her skin bothered him. It upset him greatly, just as her oddly sad eyes did. Most of the time, Silje acted confident and calm, but when everyone at school was bullying her, Silje’s eyes were searching for a savior. The tear-filled black eyes looked like they were searching for him.

Kail smiled at Silje’s naivete.

What a silly girl. Didn’t she know that no one could be truly saved?

‘Look at me for one. God? He doesn’t exist. If he did, why would you have to suffer so much from the cruelty of this world? If God existed, why wouldn’t the teachers, cops, or your own adoptive parents help you from the bullies at school? Why do I have to be by your side to save you? Just accept it. Accept me. I am the only one who can save you, and no one else.’

Kail raised his head and thought of Silje.

‘I am the only one who can save you from this hellhole. Don’t forget that, Silje.’

His green eyes shined ominously.

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