Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 512 - The mad Clown

Chapter 512: The mad Clown

Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader: Arya

The world alliance army command center.

The Murder Clown had finished preparing and got ready for take off.

“What do you plan to do, and how can we help?” Zhang Ying Hao asked.

The Murder Clown put up one finger on its lips.


It then extended its other hand, gesturing everyone to be quiet.

Everyone said nothing else and silently stared at it.

The Murder Clown stood still and listened.

No one said a single word.

Everything went quiet.

Only now was the Murder Clown satisfied.

[All of you listen] it whispered.

Everyone tried to do as it said, but then just exchanged looks.

There was no sound within the silence.

What are we supposed to be listening to?

Zhang Ying Hao shrugged, gesturing with his hand to the Murder Clown for it to continue.

The Murder Clown lowered its voice: [Before the storm, there is always silence]

Within the stifled silence, the Clown said such a thing as if it was chanting some sort of incantation.

As if he was the messenger of the storm.

“The storm? What do we do next?” Liao Xing asked.

Everyone kept staring at the Clown.

Humans can’t win against the Demi.

Gu Qing Shan hinted at a solution, so would it kill you to at least tell us about it!?

The Murder Clown inhaled deeply before declaring in a shout: [Watch as the plot unfolds, my dear friends, all you need to do is watch, because——-]

[A completely new game is about to begin!]


The Clown directly broke through the ceiling as it took off far into the sky.

In mere seconds, it had already gone out of sight.

“A mad Clown” Martial Saint Zhang Zong Yang muttered.

“Are you going to let him leave just like that? He’s no match for the Demi with his current strength” Zhang Ying Hao questioned.

Impartial Goddess spoke: [Sir Gu Qing Shan had given Mr. Ye Fei Li full battle authorization]

“Fine, let’s hope Gu Qing Shan is right” Zhang Ying Hao sighed.

“Impartial Goddess turn on the world-wide surveillance system, let us see what he’s going to do” the President said.

[Understood, please observe] Impartial Goddess replied.

A large screen of light was deployed in front of them.

The Murder Clown was moving at high-speed on the screen.

It was heading towards a city where the Wraiths had gathered.

With its current strength, doing that was no different from a fly going straight into the spider web.

“Impartial Goddess, is Ye Fei Li seeking death?” Zhang Ying Hao asked with a heavy tone of voice.

Impartial Goddess replied: [Unclear, but sir Gu Qing Shan had given authorization for him to do something, so I will not stop him]

“He didn’t seem to be in his right mind, if he happens to be trying something dangerous, are you not going to stop him?” Monarch Varona couldn’t help but question.

[I will not]

“Even if he wants to destroy the world, you’re going to ignore him?” Liao Xing asked.

[I will follow sir Gu Qing Shan’s order and help Mr. Ye Fei Li destroy the world] Impartial Goddess calmly replied.

One hour later.

Everywhere around the world.

All Wraiths and Demis stopped their hands.

Because around them, every screen that was still operational suddenly turned on.

They already knew about the fact that a lot of items in this world could project pictures.

But this was the first time they saw the majestic sight of every screen in the world showing the same picture and scene.

This was already out of their range of comprehension.

A strange man appeared on the screen.

Or rather than a man, it was more accurate to call it a metallic monster.

“The Murder Clown!”

Some voices screamed from fear.

They were all normal humans, but they had already surrendered to the Demis, becoming their hound dogs.

There were also humans who were converted into Wraiths.

These Wraiths quickly explained the Murder Clown’s background to the other Wraiths.

——-of course, no one knew the Murder Clown’s actual background, but the things it had done were still fresh in the minds of humanity and still brought them fear.

Following the explanations, both Wraiths and Demis got to know the Murder Clown’s glorious wrap-sheet.

“What kind of creature is it exactly?” one of the Demis was confused.

“Don’t be alarmed, let’s see what it wants to do” another Demi spoke.

At this time, every Demi, Wraith, and even human were focused on the screens.

And the Murder Clown seems to have noticed this.

It raised three fingers to the air and began counting down.





A rock-and-roll style 8-bit music track began to play on the screen.

Together with this music track, various figures began to appear on screen one by one.

At first it showed the heroic figures of various Demis as they fought, then changed to the scenes of the Wraiths’ fighting.

Neither Wraith nor Demi understood what the battle scenes being shown were supposed to mean.

“What the hell?”

“I don’t know, look, that’s me, that move right then made me look quite handsome didn’t it?”

“That’s nothing! Look, that’s me, I just dealt with 5 of those mechanical armors”

The Demis and Wraiths whispered discussions among themselves.

After the cinematic battle scenes finished rolling, the music also faded.

The Murder Clown cleared its throat and began to talk.

[And so, the game has officially begun, please sign up in groups of 7 to participate in this year’s King of Fighters Grand Tournament, the final winner will be receiving this world]

Complete silence.

The Wraiths and Demis were stunned.

“The King of Fighters Grand Tournament?”

“What the heck is that?’

“Not sure, maybe it’s some sort of ritual in this world?”

“Sounds like it has something to do with fighting?”

They whispered among each other.

The human traitors and newly-turned Wraiths explained to them what ‘The King of Fighters’ was about.

They finally understood what it was after hearing it.

So it’s just a game…

The Heavenly God remained silent.

It was now that he finally sighed: “Is this guy out of his mind, who’s free enough to be playing a game with him?”

On the other side, the Frost Flame Wraith King told his minions: 『 What a ridiculous creature, we don’t need to pay attention to it 』

Frost Flame Wraith King continued to give out orders to prepare for an attack on another city.

At this point, the Murder Clown continued to speak.

[Perhaps you think I’m crazy, or you’re lazy and don’t want to join this tournament]

[But I have to say—–]

[That is not an option]

The Murder Clown raised its hands up and lightly clapped.

Following the clap of its hands, every Wraith and Demi in the world stopped again.

They all felt something.

The earth itself shook.

The air flow in the sky was changed very subtly, but violently.

A type of chemical radiation had appeared, something incredibly harmful to the world.

Sensing that, the Heavenly God felt a bit heavy.

“Go, check out what happened” the Heavenly God ordered.

“Yes sir!”

The Heavenly God went together with several Demi, quickly flying towards where the tremble was.

They were very fast, reaching the place of the occurrence in a few moments.

As the Demis arrived, so did the Wraiths.

The one leading them was the Frost Flame Wraith King.

Both Wraiths and Demis only glanced at each other briefly before looking down at the scene.

This was the middle of the desert, intense heat radiated from the ground, signs of destruction were everywhere as fine sand was scattered in the air.

“Can you feel it?” the Heavenly god asked in a low voice.

『 I can. This thing is extremely harmful to the world, it is giving off a type of radiation that can destroy and erode the world for a long period of time 』 the Frost Flame Wraith King solemnly replied.

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