Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 519 - A chill

Chapter 519: A chill

Proofreader: Arya

Inside the room, the only people left were Gu Qing Shan and the aristocratic ladies.

These ladies were silently judging Gu Qing Shan.

What a handsome young man.

They silently thought.

Indeed, Gu Qing Shan himself had quite a decent appearance, after going through so much hardship and bloodshed, he was also giving off a faint sense of maturity and sorrow. This greatly clashed with his youthful appearance, yet at the same time it fits him like a glove.

He carried a unique charm.

More importantly, he was brought here personally by that esteemed lady.

It’s known that the lady very rarely stands up for others.

The aristocratic ladies exchanged glances.

One of these noble young ladies with delicate makeup quietly turned a wrist, shaking the emerald ring on her slender fingers at Gu Qing Shan.

The emerald ring vibrated subtly.

Some information quickly appeared from the ring and was sent to the girl.

[Lifeform confirmed to have existed for less than 20 years. Crude estimation of strength: level 35. Profession: Swordsman]

The girl almost opened her mouth wide in shock.

‘Levels’ were the power scale used by the girl’s world.

And ‘Level 35’ was a very clear dividing line.

At this level, Swordsmen were able to summon Elemental Sprites and cultivate with high-levelled Elemental Swordsmanship.

Looking at Gu Qing Shan, the girl started to have various thoughts.

Already level 35 at such a young age!?

Such a person could be considered a top-level genius even in my world!

This girl came from a world within the Strife Zones.

An exceptionally powerful world.

And from another perspective, if you consider him using the standard of cultivation-type worlds, it was very rare for such a young person to reach Sainted realm.

Even though Gu Qing Shan came from a Scattered world, he hadn’t slacked with his cultivation for even a second.

And his talents were top-notch.

In the past life, he only managed to enter the cultivation world after wasting half a year, so his beginning was lower than the majority of people.

His road was also filled with much more hardship and suffering.

And during this life, since he had the chance to redo everything, his power level wasn’t lacking compared to anybody of his age in any world.

Even though the young girl didn’t know any of this, she knew that a level 35 Swordsman who wasn’t even 20 years old was more than worth her making friends with.

This alone qualified him for her to consider getting into a close relationship with.

And then, he’s also quite handsome.

Thinking that, the aristocratic young lady smiled and stepped closer to Gu Qing Shan: “Greetings, may I ask which world you came from?”

“Ah, hello, I’m from a Scattered world” Gu Qing Shan replied amiably.

The aristocratic girl’s smile froze up.

She couldn’t find the words to follow up.

Scattered worlds.

They were the symbol of being primitive and barbaric.

Places like that face the inevitable fate of swift destruction so often that it was hard for them to accumulate enough to any sort of worthwhile civilization.

The aristocratic lady sighed, incredibly disappointed.

Truthfully, the forbidden love between a noble girl and a poor boy could still be considered an acceptable romantic story.

But this man came from a Scattered world, he can’t even be considered a poor boy.

People who came from such back-water places are very hard to communicate with, because they won’t understand anything you say at all.

Even their thoughts aren’t on the same level.

If I think about it a bit more…

This man must’ve paid a very heavy price to be able to convince that esteemed lady.

He himself probably doesn’t have any close relations to her.

Because he came from a mere Scattered world.

That is why, even if he’s level 35, he’s still just a barbarian.

His lack of vision and barren knowledge will greatly hinder his future.

Thinking that, the aristocratic lady backed down.

The other ladies also exchanged glances as they heard the two’s conversation.

They quickly reached a consensus.

“Excuse us, we have something we must do” they all said.

“Please go ahead” Gu Qing Shan spoke.

The aristocratic ladies stood up, lightly curtsied to Gu Qing Shan before leaving the green room.

Their laugh could be heard from the hallway.

“What are you laughing about” the girl who approached Gu Qing Shan angrily reproached them.

“Ahahaha, a Scattered world, so you also…”

The ladies’ laugh became louder.

Their laughter seemed to be directed to that lady, but at the same time it wasn’t.

The door closed.

Their laughter slowly went away.

Complete silence.

There was no one else but Gu Qing Shan in the room.

Gu Qing Shan already noticed their goal and reaction from the start.

But he didn’t mind it, instead he felt relieved.

Everything that needed to be done has been done.

Now was a rare moment to rest.

He wasn’t in a hurry to read the War God Quest, instead he glanced at the 12-layer cake on the table.

This cake was decorated with various types of strange fruits, not only did it look delectable, it was also giving off a faint fragrance, not at all like the cakes that give an impression of being too sweet at a single glance.

Gu Qing Shan glanced at a corner of the table.

Inside the large ice box, liquor and other types of drinks were kept cold.

Gu Qing Shan arbitrarily chose a black bottle of liquor, cut himself a piece of cake and sat down.

I wonder what other people feel after going through a long journey?

Gu Qing Shan had been travelling through a few hundred million World Layers for the past few days doing various things, for the first time, he was feeling a real sense of exhaustion.

Since Su Xue Er is going to be safe and System Quest has been completed…

Let’s just rest for a bit.

With a small ‘pop’, the black bottle was opened.

A wonderful scent of wine drifted out.

Gu Qing Shan inhaled deeply.

This type of alcohol wasn’t too far from the level of his best masterpieces.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t bother to find a glass and just drank from the bottle.

“Not even using a glass, your manners are quite impolite, sir”

A female voice came out of nowhere.

Gu Qing Shan was shocked and spat out his mouthful of wine.

“Pff! Hak, hack, hack!”

He was coughing due to the shock before looking forward.

A little girl wearing a maid outfit stood in front of him, soaked by the wine he just spat out.

Gu Qing Shan was very surprised.

The hell, I already used my inner sight to check around here and sensed nothing.

Where did this little girl come from?

Gu Qing Shan hurriedly apologized.

The little girl seemed to have never been through such a situation before as she showed a completely mortified expression on her face.

But she was trying her best, stopping herself from screaming out loud.

From how much she was trembling, it wasn’t strange if she had fainted right then and there.

But she gritted her teeth and forced herself to not faint.

The little girl used a monotone, enduring tone of voice to ask: “Your saliva, scraps of food and drunken liquor is all over my face. I have never been through such a thing before, so please excuse me when I ask. How should I get out of this humiliating situation without being impolite, sir?”

Gu Qing Shan finally recovered from his shock, forming a cleansing hand seal and activated it with his hand.

Very quickly, all the gunk on her face went away.

Gu Qing Shan then extracted a bit of spirit water from his bag to help the little girl wash again.

“It should be fine now, I’m very sorry about just now”

Gu Qing Shan spoke full of guilt.

The little girl touched her face, carefully rubbing it bit by bit.

After a while, she finally stopped trembling.

She then inhaled deeply and lightly curtsied to Gu Qing Shan: “I hold your previous behaviors in deep contempt, so please do not think that I will talk to you again, sir”

She angrily took distance from him, took a set of knife and fork together with a piece from the 12-layer cake by herself and gracefully started to eat.

It seemed she was very hungry, as it only took 2-3 bites for her to finish it.

As she finished, the little girl hesitated for a bit before cutting another piece from the cake to eat again.

Seeing the little girl really did ignore him, Gu Qing Shan didn’t really know what to think.

He had never been in such a situation before.

With how many strange things are there in the 900 million World Layers, who’s to say that my inner sight would be able to discover them all?

Not to mention since this was the Bramble Birds royalty green room, this little girl must be something deeply connected with the Bramble Bird to be allowed in here.

I still need to depend on the Bramble Birds, so it’s not my place to do anything unnecessary on their turf.

If I’ve already apologized and they still decided not to pay any attention to me, I’d better not bother them anymore.

Thinking that, Gu Qing Shan silently nodded.

But having been through that, he didn’t really have the mind to eat anything else.

He glanced at the War God UI.

On the War God UI, a few lines of glowing text were still there.

[Your Quest is complete]

[Please hold Triste’s medal in your hand and stay put]

Gu Qing Shan then took out the silver medal, holding it in his hand.

On the medal, Triste suddenly let out a silent scream out of nowhere.

Then she disappeared.

Following that, new lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI.

[Information channel connected, currently attempting to activate new War God function]

[The corresponding activation sequence will require a few minutes, please don’t let the medal out of your hand]

Gu Qing Shan kept holding the medal and silently waited.


The green room’s door suddenly opened.

“Our apologies, we are currently looking for a royal treasure”

A few fully-armed guards stepped in and apologized to him.

They first looked at Gu Qing Shan, then at the medal in his hand and spoke very politely.

“Please go ahead” Gu Qing Shan said.

The guards then proceeded to search the room.

Gu Qing Shan stared intently at their actions and started to feel a bit anxious.

These guards said that they were looking for a treasure, but they aren’t digging through everything, instead they each held a scepter in their hands, walking back and forth in the room.

As if they were trying to probe something.

Wait a minute!

Why are there only me and the guards in this room?

Gu Qing Shan was silently shocked again.

He glanced around the room and even used his inner sight to scan it once again.

Where is the little girl just now?

Why did she disappear without a sound?

As far as he knows, even ghosts can’t escape from inner sight.

But the little girl was really gone, completely gone.

I didn’t notice at all when she appeared earlier either.

And these armed guards don’t seem to notice either.

How strange.

Gu Qing Shan’s thoughts moved quickly, but his expression remained unchanged.

Shortly after, the guards finished looking and walked to Gu Qing Shan.

“That was rude of us, we are only doing our jobs” the head guard apologized again.

Gu Qing Shan looked at him, then at the expressions of other guards.

They all seemed calm.

As if they themselves feel that searching like this wasn’t going to get any results.

“It’s fine, you didn’t affect me much” Gu Qing Shan smiled and told them.

The guards all nodded at him politely before turning to leave and even helped close the door on their way out.

Once again, Gu Qing Shan was by himself in the room.

Gu Qing Shan closed his eyes.

That wasn’t right.

If that little girl was also a guest, the Bramble Bird guards wouldn’t have only apologized to me.

With how strict they are with their etiquette, they would apologize to every guest they bothered.

Which means, the Bramble Bird guards didn’t notice that the little girl was here!

Gu Qing Shan opened his eyes.

He saw the little girl again.

As soon as the guards went away, she reappeared.

The little girl sighed deeply, apparently very tired.

As if she just did something, something that put a lot of burden on her.

Their eyes met.

“My sincere apologies, I must hide for a bit. I beg of you not to let the guards know that I am here” the little girl spoke.

“Who exactly are you?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“I am a maid of her Highness the princess. Since the princess went missing, I could not help but run away as well”

“The princess went missing?” Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

Today was supposed to be the Bramble Bird princess’ 12th birthday party, her coming of age ceremony, why did she go missing?

The little maid spoke sadly: “Yes, the royal family felt that this maid did not take care of the princess well enough, leading to her going missing, and so they decided to kill me”

“So that’s the reason”

Gu Qing Shan showed a look of understanding, but he actually got more suspicious.

What kind of maid would be able to hide from even the royal guards?

Gu Qing Shan’s thoughts moved quickly.

Just now, I’m sure I saw powerful and strict security forces all around the green room as I came in.

But even they couldn’t find this little maid.

If the little maid had been here from the very start, then even the Light of Dawn Triste couldn’t discover her existence.

The esteemed wooden lady, the big rooster, the young ladies from various worlds, none of them noticed her at all.

In order words, she managed to fool everyone else.

…she only appeared in front of him.

And no one knows about this.

Thinking that, Gu Qing Shan felt a chill welling up from inside.

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