Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 547 - A new circumstance

Chapter 547: A new circumstance

Proofreader: Arya

The Old God’s divine temple.

Over 800 demonized Combatants surrounded Gu Qing Shan and Laura without leaving a single gap.

As they raised their weapons and were about to attack, Gu Qing Shan suddenly shouted.


He also ignored their reactions and continued in a loud voice: “I’m a member of the Iron Fist Club. Iron Fist Barry has gathered all his comrades and is currently watching over us outside of this world——- if you don’t believe me, you can read yesterday’s newspaper headline to confirm who I am!”

The 800 people all stopped.

It wasn’t because of what Gu Qing Shan had said, but rather because they had no choice but to stop.

An intense storm picked up right as Gu Qing Shan began to speak——

[Sword Array: Taiyi]!

Three flying swords appeared at the same time from the void of space.

Endless sword images scattered from the swords, carried by the storm winds all around the divine temple.

In a split second, the storm winds and sword images had already filled every nook and cranny of the divine temple.

No one was able to stop the wind from scattering, no one could stop the sword images from surrounding them.

This was a sword array that had been doubled in power by [Iaido] twice!

The malicious Combatants couldn’t help but back down and prepared to defend themselves.

None of them were amateurs.

Facing this level of power, they had to focus on defending or they could die on the spot.

Borrowing the impact of the sword array, Gu Qing Shan quickly continued his speech.

“This little girl on my shoulder, if you would look at her carefully, if there are any people of status here, you must’ve met her before. You should know that she is the princess of Bramble Bird kingdom, Laura!”

“We are here to rescue you on behalf of the Bramble Bird royal family”

“There is also something I must tell you before anything else. If you were led to believe that you have become demonized, you were deceived!”

A large amount of information was delivered in a few short sentences.

And since these 800 were chosen out of several hundred million people to be demonized, none of them were dumb.

Being held back by the powerful sword array, they couldn’t help but stop and think about the implications of what they just heard.

“That’s right, I was wondering why he looked so familiar, I read that newspaper, he’s the one who stood next to Barry” someone loudly called out.

“Is it really him?”

“I’m sure, I wouldn’t make a mistake at such a minor thing”

“No wonder he has three Divine Armaments”

“A Club member… how impressive…”

Wow they were busy discussing about him, someone called out in shock: “Princess Laura, is it really you?”

Laura looked at where the voice came from.

“Pias the elf, why are you here?” she asked in surprise.

That person suddenly changed his language and asked: “I am obviously here to participate in the call of the Bramble Bird, but why is an esteemed personage like yourself also here?”

“Me? I am here with Gu Qing Shan to rescue you”

Laura repeated what Gu Qing Shan instructed her through sending voice.

She was speaking in a fluent tongue of the Elves.

The Elves were known to be fluent in every language in existence, so they created a certain spell, using the spell as a catalyst of their race’s unique language.

This language was special in the sense that unless someone was given permission from the Elves, they cannot access the spell weave and will be unable to communicate with the Elves even if they know the language.

Naturally, being the princess of the Bramble Bird, Laura was one of their esteemed guests and had long since gotten permission to access their spell weave.

Pias the Elf froze.

He suddenly jumped out, blocking in front of everyone: “This person is really her Highness the princess of the Bramble Birds! Do not move if you still want to live!”

The crowd became rowdy.

A few more people stepped out.

A dwarf gracefully bowed to princess Laura: “I had the honor of meeting you at the Elven Kingdom’s anniversary banquet. I offer my sincerest apologies for almost harming you by mistake, your esteemed Highness”

Even if they are demonized, they still needed to side with the Bramble Birds.

They were not dumb.

However, they didn’t know what was going on outside.

Suddenly, a black-skinned man stood out, asking: “Wait a minute! Just now you said you came to rescue us, and you even said we were deceived, what is that supposed to mean?”

“That’s right, the Bramble Birds have never issued a mission that encourages the slaughter of living beings before, why did the Demon King’s Kindling appear this time around?” another followed up and asked.

Someone asked hesitantly: “I collected Soul Points through accomplishing missions and traded it for more power and treasures, isn’t that exactly what Worlds Apocalypse Online is? I’m sure I’m already demonized—– did I make a mistake somewhere?”

The crowd was getting more and more restless.

“That is correct! Please listen to me, you are all in fact not demonized!” Gu Qing Shan loudly declared.

The crowd looked at him in disbelief.

Everything he has said up until now was completely beyond their wildest expectations.

—–Iron Fist Barry and his powerful comrades were currently outside, watching over them.

—–The Bramble Bird princess, Laura, has come here on behalf of the Bramble Bird Kingdom.

—–And finally, they were deceived.

Each piece of news was heavy enough to force them to stop and reconsider.

Iron Fist Barry and his comrades were all top-level Combatants, renowned across the 900 million World Layers, who would dare to ignore them?

Furthermore, this place was Triste’s world, and the Bramble Bird princess Laura was to be the next sovereign of the Bramble Bird Kingdom.

If she showed up at such a place, she would definitely represent the entire Bramble Bird royal family.

And since they were in the world of a Bramble Bird, Triste, who would actually dare to do anything to their princess? If they happen to offend the Bramble Bird race and cause them to destroy this world, wouldn’t it mean the end for them also?

And then, he said we were deceived.

We aren’t actually demonized?

Bullshit, we are obviously demonized no matter how you look at it.

——-wait, so where did [Kindling] actually come from, is it actually trustworthy?

Or is he just spouting nonsense?

Everyone was stunned as they kept their eyes on the two people, unable to hold back the doubts and suspicions that formed in their minds.

A few hundred people exchanged looks until finally everyone glanced towards the three demonized Combatants at the back.

They were the most powerful three of the 800 people here.

One of them was the ‘God’s Eye’ that gave Gu Qing Shan an evaluation at the beginning, and two others.

“God’s Eye, confirm princess Laura’s identity” one of them said.

“God’s Trek, I’ve already checked, she really is the real one” the purple-eyed God’s Eye confirmed.

“I think we should stop for a bit first, what do you think?” God’s Trek asked.

“I believe we should at least confirm it” God’s Eye replied.

The two looked towards the final person.

“God’s Might, what do you think?” they asked.

God’s Might sighed: “[Origin] has been issuing me new missions one after another for the past while, the rewards are so good it tempts even me”


Gu Qing Shan sharply caught that word.

Seems like [Kindling] really did upgrade already!

This confirms it.

[Kindling] had me fooled from the very beginning.

At the same time, everyone’s expressions changed.

Someone loudly yelled out: “Look, the new mission rewards!”

All 800 people held their breaths as they silently stared at the void of space in front of their eyes.

A few people began to glance towards Gu Qing Shan and Laura with a look of greed.

Knowing how delicate the situation was, Gu Qing Shan quickly sent his voice to instruct Laura again.

Laura stood up on his shoulder and loudly declared: “On behalf of the Bramble Bird royal family, no matter what reward [Origin] promises you, we Bramble Birds shall double it!”

“I don’t believe there is somebody even richer than we Bramble Birds in this entire 900 million World Layers!”


Their discussing voices spread like a wave.

Someone couldn’t help but shouted: “Your Highness Laura, [Origin] issued a mission for me to kill you, the rewards is a Divine Armament”

“So what? Even my morning brushing bowl is a Divine Armament!” Laura scoffed.

She then threw a small metal bowl out without any hesitation.

Clang clang!

The bowl landed on the ice, slid a bit further away before stopping for all to see.


A large dune of golden sand flowed out from the bowl without stop.

“An Endless Golden Sand Grail!” someone excitedly exclaimed.

Gold wasn’t a very strong currency, but it’s a commonly accepted currency in the infinite worlds.

And this Grail was said to be able to produce endless golden sand.

Even if gold itself wasn’t worth a lot, as long as you had this bowl and ample time, you’d technically have unlimited money!

The entire plaza went silent.

Everyone was staring at the Endless Golden Sand Grail, then back at their UI.

Indeed, the Bramble Birds have always been known as the richest race in existence, and we’re still in their world, there’s nothing so valuable that it would be worth offending them for.

And then, even if we are demonized, the demons couldn’t attack the Mystic Zones anyway.

Including the demons, there are very few who can easily enter the Mystic Zones.

Any idiots dumb enough to try have already died.

With that in mind, a lot of the people began to hesitate.

The tense situation calmed down somewhat.

God’s Might suddenly spoke up and asked: “You said we were deceived, what do you mean by that?”

Gu Qing Shan was waiting for this.

It was precisely for this that he came here while knowing the risks!

“You’re all carrying [Worlds Apocalypse Online: Origin], correct?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

A lot of them nodded in unison.

“Indeed” God’s Might also admitted.

“Laura and I, on behalf of the Bramble Bird Kingdom, express our sincerest apologies for this” Gu Qing Shan said.

“Hm? What do you mean?”

Seeing how grandiose he was being, everyone felt uneasy.

“Perhaps you were led to believe that you are carrying the [Demon King Order] that came from the Fallen Zones. But I have to tell you all that it is in fact a fraud”

“It was because of our mistake and negligence that allowed this fraudulent thing in here, causing everyone so much damage, that is why we must express our deepest apologies” Gu Qing Shan continued.

The 800 demonized Combatants couldn’t understand what he was saying.

“Fraudulent thing? No, it’s the real [Worlds Apocalypse Online], it gave me this unimaginable power” God’s Might couldn’t help but loudly refute.

He clenched his fist.

Wind, Fire, Lighting, three Elements gathered at his fist.

An Elemental vortex surrounded his body, giving off a peerless presence.

The crowd all nodded to confirm.

Gu Qing Shan quickly followed up: “Then I have to ask you, did you gain this power through Soul Points, or through EXP?”

God’s Might briefly thought about it before answering: “When it was still [Kindling], I used Soul Points to exchange for this power”

“Can you still use Soul Points to do it now?”

“Right now we’re using EXP, but we can expend EXP to level up and to exchange for items just like before” he confirmed his EXP bar in the UI in his vision before replying.


Gu Qing Shan’s heart settled down.

To him, it was an extremely familiar word.

A familiarity that was forcefully driven to his very core.

Gu Qing Shan sighed and explained: “Please check your personal status to see how much EXP you will need to level up after doing so a few more times”

“Ah, alright”

God’s Might selected the option from the UI in his vision and checked it bit by bit.

Gradually, his face went pale.

Thick beads of sweat started rolling down his forehead.

“So much EXP… there is no way to achieve that…”

“A fraud, it really is a fraud…”

He muttered at a loss for words.

Seeing his reaction, the 800 Combatants all checked their own status as well.

“This much EXP—–”

“No! That’s impossible!”

“I won’t be able to get that much in my whole life!”

“I got duped…”

“So I’m not demonized! I’ve only been deceived by a garbage Order!”

Everyone exclaimed in shock and confusion.

Gu Qing Shan remained silent without saying a word.

He watched their reactions.

That’s right, what a familiar scene this is, the same one I went through in the past life.

No one would forget this kind of despair once they’ve experienced it.

Taking this opportunity, Gu Qing Shan loudly declared.

Using the loudest voice he could, he made sure to overpower everyone else’s rowdy discussions.

“Besides the problem of EXP, there is another unfortunate thing that I must tell you”

“The items that this fake Order had given you as rewards are all personal properties of other people. Once you leave, they will be taken back”

“Can you prove that?” God’s Might was still unwilling to accept this.

“Of course! Here’s an example, I know swords particularly well, if you would turn to the page for exchanging sword-type weapons, you will find that all of the swords there are actually items from the weapon’s shop at Aboul’s Infini-worlds Town”

“Even if you used Soul Points or EXP to exchange for them, once you leave, they will definitely be taken back by the Guardian of Aboul”

“Is there anyone here who has been to Infini-worlds Town and looked through their warehouse of swords? Please step out to prove my words!”

After saying so, Gu Qing Shan stopped.

Everyone else also went silent.

They all exchanged glances and waited for the results.

The entire plaza went silent.

Gu Qing Shan kept waiting.

Suddenly, a voice came out from the crowd.

“I don’t know what you said about swords is true or not, but I can confirm, this Mythical battle mace is a relic left behind by the Old Gods, I’ve seen it in Aboul’s Infini-worlds Town for a long time”

A masculine man stood up, showing his battle mace to everyone.

“I was confused as to why I could spend Soul Points to exchange for something from Infini-worlds Town, but hearing you, now I finally understand”

He angrily threw the mace to the ground.

He was right, this was property of Infini-worlds Town.

After they left, it would naturally be taken back.

After spending so much time and effort, he would’ve gotten nothing out of it.

I fucking did everything for free!

And then there’s this ridiculous amount of EXP—–

Just like he said, this thing is a fraudulent bastard!

The real [Demon King Order] wouldn’t be like this.


If the real [Demon King Order] was truly like this, then it’s even more terrifying, because I will be dancing in the palm of its hand for the rest of my life, doing everything to provide it more Soul Points, while all it gives back is a cold, meaningless number—– EXP.

EXP is a bottomless abyss, once you fall in, you’re never going to get out.

That’s why, I should be praying, praying that what he’s saying is true, that [Worlds Apocalypse Online: Origin] is nothing but a fraud.

“This fucking thing is a fraud!”

“Damn it, I’ve been had!”

“How could you Bramble Birds let such a fraudulent thing get in!?”

“This won’t end like this, the Bramble Bird must take full responsibility for committing such a grave error!”

“I demand reimbursement!”

Everyone loudly yelled.

However, despite being so loud, none of them actually carried a single bit of killing intent.

Because the aftermath of this would still need to be dealt with from the Bramble Bird’s side.

Gu Qing Shan calmly looked at all this.

He kept his mouth shut, his chin slightly raised, as if he already planned for this.

“That is fine, we were sent here by the Bramble Bird royal family to take full responsibility for this”

He told the crowd in a consoling tone.

It was now that Laura barely managed to stop her heart from pounding in fear.

The situation in front of her seemed like nothing but a dream.

It was supposed to be 1 vs 800.

It was supposed to be an extremely dangerous trap that would’ve led to his death with a single mistake.

How did it turn into this instead?

Laura recounted everything that happened just now in her mind, but still found it hard to believe.

“Gu Qing Shan, what did you say your job was before?”

She couldn’t help but ask him in a low voice.

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