Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 557 - [Starflame War God]

Chapter 557: [Starflame War God]

Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader: Arya

Gu Qing Shan was surprised as he looked at the War God UI.

If the War God UI hadn’t mentioned it, he would’ve actually forgotten.

Lines of glowing text quickly scrolled past the UI.

[You’ve completed the Unique War God Title Quest]

[You’ve earned a Unique Title]

[Note, you can only use one title at a time]

[Unique title: Starflame War God]

[Description: You’ve killed powerful Demon Lords in spite of your meager strength, this is an unbelievable feat, showing your excellence, being a cut above the rest like a star in the sky. Your enemies crave to kill you, they desire to use your skull as a stepping stone on their path of glory]

This description… isn’t that a bit problematic?

Reading up to that point, Gu Qing Shan already felt uneasy.

As the rest of the description appeared, he continued to read.

[Equipping the title: Starflame War God, you will receive a unique skill: Conquer]

[Conquer: When you use this skill, every enemy you target will be compelled with a legitimate reason to attack you]

[Note: This Skill belongs to the Mystic-type, a Causality Skill, unavoidable] (1)

[Note: To conquer or be conquered, that is the question]

As Gu Qing Shan seriously read through everything, he fell into thought.

From the description, it can be seen that this is a very impressive skill that can’t be avoided.

But why does such a Skill exist?

Why would I purposefully make an enemy attack me? When I’m too free without anything to do?

He silently thought about how to use this skill in battle.

Hm, a monster comes to bite me, I’ll use this skill to force the monster over there to bite me as well.

Wait, not that’s not right.

Hm, a monster attacks another person, I’ll use this skill so that monsters won’t bother with others and go straight to attack me.

…Is this ok?

Gu Qing Shan glanced at Laura.

Seeing Gu Qing Shan stood still, Laura was now a bit confused.

She asked: “Ah? Why are we just standing here? Weren’t we supposed to go look around a bit?”

“Yeah, we’ll get going to collect some intel”

While saying that, Gu Qing Shan equipped the title [Starflame War God]

—–rather than just think about it, might as well try it out to see how effective this skill is.

Thinking that he silently activated the title skill on Laura.


Without any warnings, Laura slapped Gu Qing Shan right on his face.

Gu Qing Shan was stunned.

Laura was stunned.

They exchanged looks.

Gu Qing Shan stared straight at Laura: “Do you want to explain?”

Laura hurriedly raised her hands and said: “Just now, I saw a small insect on your face, so I couldn’t help but want to help you knock it down”

An insect?

How would there be an insect on my face that I don’t know about?

Gu Qing Shan sighed helplessly: “Then did you get the insect?”

“Haha… I’m sorry, I was only seeing things, there wasn’t any insect at all”

Laura also felt awkward so she quickly smiled and apologized.

The little girl already apologized, what else could Gu Qing Shan do?

Not to mention it was him that activated the skill in the first place.

He had no other choice: “It’s fine, just take a closer look next time”

…what a sorrowful skill to have.

Indeed, this was a Causality Skill, a true Mystic-type skill.

Just as the skill description said, the target of the skill would be compelled by a legitimate reason to attack Gu Qing Shan.

But the ‘effect’ isn’t exactly what Gu Qing Shan would call desirable.

Gu Qing Shan silently unequipped the [Starflame War God] title, temporarily deciding to seal it.

He equipped the [You Ji General] title to increase his attack speed instead, feeling a bit better.

“I’m sorry about that, normally I’m not that excitable, it was a bit strange” Laura also felt that her actions just now were also a bit abnormal.

“It’s fine” Gu Qing Shan doesn’t want to talk about what just happened.

Laura quickly changed the subject: “You carrying me like this the whole way must be tiring, how about we ride the horse?”

“Yeah, let’s do that”

Laura took out the Purgatory whistle and blew on it.

The black horse appeared from the void of space, showing up in front of the two of them.

“Summoners, are you in a hurry, or going for a stroll?” the horse asked.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but asked: “This lost world is protected by the Old Gods’ barrier, how did you get in here?”

“Law of summoning, 5th article, 3rd sub-article” the black horse answered.

It was looking at Gu Qing Shan like he was a hillbilly.

Laura explained: “It’s like this. Because both the summoning catalyst and summoning spell were in this world, it was recognized as a request from inside the world, instead of a visitor from outside wanting to come in”

“In order words, they can only come in if I invite them in, if I don’t, the barrier will automatically identify them as invaders and retaliate accordingly?”

“Yes, this is the Law of summoning between worlds, a rule decided by the Gods during the Age of Old”

“Alright, I understand”

Gu Qing Shan picked Laura up and sat on the horse looking forward.

There was nothing but an empty plain in front of them.

The city was now behind them.

This place was quite secluded as Gu Qing Shan purposefully chose it to help conceal their presence and serve as a base of operation.

But now that they went through a battle, there was no more need to hide their presence.

“Summoners, are you in a hurry, or going for a stroll?” the black horse asked again.

Gu Qing Shan seriously explained: “It’s not a stroll, but also not in a hurry. In fact, we’re looking to explore this unknown world, because unknown danger might appear at any time”

The black horse nodded: “I understand”

It followed the deep blue road and silently ran towards the city.

The road was silent, the horse’s steps were also silent despite how fast it was going.

Thinking that was strange, Gu Qing Shan tried looking down.

At some unknown time, all four of the horse’s feet were already covered in thick pads.

——-that was why it could run without letting out a single sound.

“I’m heading towards the inner part of the city, do you have any objections?” the black horse asked.

“None, thanks for your hard work” Gu Qing Shan said.

The black horse then began to speed up, quickly reaching the main road.

As the horse kept going, foreign and unusual sights appeared in front of the two of them.

It was now that Gu Qing Shan and Laura managed to see the true colors of this world.

The ground of this world was dyed in a mixed bluish color, only the buildings and roads were a unified color of deep blue.

The buildings and structures that represented their civilization were made to look like huge corals, gathered in large numbers around the main road.

But no sound could be heard coming from these structures.

Gu Qing Shan tried releasing his inner sight into one of the buildings, only to find a strange scene inside.

Three people were sitting in front of a table, apparently discussing something, while a fourth person carried a few glasses of water to the three.

They all held different facial expressions, with varying thoughts on their faces, like normal people should be.

But they all stayed absolutely still.

Gu Qing Shan waited for a few more seconds until he realized.

Just like the two he saw before, these people were dead.

They died without a sound or warning.

Gu Qing Shan quickly expanded his inner sight to all the surrounding coral buildings.

Every single building was full of people.

They were all eating, walking, running, talking… they maintained the same state before their deaths.

Their expressions all seemed life-like, almost like they didn’t know that they were already dead.

“Gu Qing Shan, why haven’t we seen anything yet?” Laura asked.

“Hm, I don’t know either, maybe we have to get a bit closer to the city center” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He didn’t want to tell her the truth, otherwise, it might scare the little girl.

But this white lie of his will be broken soon enough.

The black horse maintained a constant running speed.

A few pale blue-skinned people appeared on either side of the road.

Then there were more and more of them.

They had kept the same expressions and gestures when they were still alive, but held so signs of life at all.


(1) Causality: causality is the concept of cause and effect, where any event B will have a cause of A, even if it seems random. This is also the principle behind the “butterfly effect”, where even minor changes at a seemingly unrelated source A could cause huge changes in the outcome of a certain event B.

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