Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 588 - 4 Devils, 4 Fiends

Chapter 588: 4 Devils, 4 Fiends

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader: Arya

As Gu Qing Shan and Laura finished their conversation, Empress Li Yang called him over.

“What is it?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

『 I’ll begin summoning the evil creatures now, so come here, I have a few things that you might want to pay attention to 』


Gu Qing Shan’s expression became serious.

This was the most important part of the plan, there definitely couldn’t be any mistakes here.

Empress Li Yang explained: 『 As you are about to break through Sainted realm, during this Tribulation, there will be four Fiends and four Devils that will answer the Tribulation’s Law, a total of 8 Seats of Tribulation 』

“So I will have to convince all of them?”

『 Correct 』

“Can you tell me in detail?”

『 The four Fiends are the Flame-eater Fiend, the Shadow Fiend, the Asura and the Tianma 』

『 The four Devils are the Hunger Devil, the Huang Quan Devil, the Bloodthirsty Devil and the Malahoh Devil 』

『 These eight Fiend Kings and Devil Kings will jointly control the 8 Seats of Tribulation, interfering with your breakthrough and pull you to your death 』

“What are the 8 Seats of Tribulation that you speak of?”

『 The 8 Seats represent authority, giving those that hold them the ability to summon others of their own race 』

『 In the infinite worlds there are also infinite Devil and Fiend realms, any ruler of a realm that comes first will obtain a Seat of Tribulation 』

“You mean first come first serve?”

『 Correct, but it must be a ruler of either a Fiend realm or Devil realm that comes here representing their own world to be able to obtain a Seat 』

Empress Li Yang continued: 『 8 Seats of Tribulation mean that there will be a total of 4 Fiend Kings and 4 Devil Kings that arrive, capable of summoning others of their race at a snap of their finger to kill you during your Tribulation 』

Gu Qing Shan sighed: “So even killing people during their Tribulation has specific rules and order, how interesting”

『 Fortunately 』Empress Li Yang laughed and spoke: 『 This time the one who arrived first was Mother, as she is the great Progenitor of the Original Tianma world, no matter how many Tianma arrive later on, they will always have to obey her words according to the Law of the Seats of Tribulation 』

Gu Qing Shan looked at the Progenitor Fiendess.

She nodded back and told him: 『 You won’t need to worry about the Tianma, just try and convince the other 7 』

“Thank you” Gu Qing Shan clasped his fist and spoke.

『 Alright, then we will begin with the simplest target, hmm—— Flame-eater Fiends have the simplest minds, but they are powerful and like destruction in general, if it hears about having 2 million souls to harvest, it’ll definitely agree right away 』Li Yang explained.

She formed a hand seal and chanted the summoning incantation.

A few moments later, a searing flame came from the void of space.

Followed by a deep, hearty voice.

『 Who is calling for me? 』

A black monster covered in flames stepped out from the void of space.

『 This is a Flame-eater Fiend King that’s acquainted with us 』

Li Yang quickly sent her voice and told Gu Qing Shan.

The Flame-eater Fiend King glanced around a bit, saw Gu Qing Shan and realized right away.

『 Ah, so you were calling me to kill a cultivator in his Tribulation… 』

As it said that, it couldn’t say anything else.

The Tianma standing here were indeed the ones it knew well.

But the Tianma Empress was standing by the cultivator’s side with several other strong Tianma around, and even the Progenitor Fiendess was here.

Such a powerful force and the cultivator were both absolutely calm without any sign of battle.

The Flame-eater Fiend King just stood and watched for a while without understanding anything and muttered: 『 The Tribulation is right above, but did I go to the wrong place? 』

It was now that Empress Li Yang stepped forward and explained.

『 So that’s why… 』

Hearing her, the Flame-eater Fiend King quickly understood.

『 What!? 2 million souls? 』

『 Indeed, do you want to help or not? If you do, the only price you have to pay is not attacking the cultivator, he’s on our side 』

『 Of course that’s not a problem, but how do you intend to split the 2 million souls? 』

『 Naturally you get what you kill 』Li Yang replied.

Hearing that, the Flame-eater Fiend King decided and immediately agreed: 『 Very well, it’s a deal 』

Empress Li Yang looked towards Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan gave her a leaf of the Saint Bramble Tree.

Empress Li Yang explained again.

Ecstatic at the prospect of 2 million souls, the Flame-eater Fiend King easily made a vow to the leaf.

『 Good, did you obtain the Seat of Tribulation yet? 』Empress Li Yang asked at the end.

『 I can sense the Seat of Tribulation on its body 』the Progenitor answered for it.

『 Ah right, could it be, this time’s Tianma Seat of Tribulation belongs to the Great Progenitor? 』the Flame-eater Fiend King carefully asked.

『 It does, but don’t worry, I won’t compete for souls with you young ones 』the Progenitor replied.

『 Ahahaha, then thank you Great Progenitor 』

Saying so, the Flame-eater Fiend King quickly returned to the void of space.

According to the plan they discussed just now, it’ll gather its subordinates and wait until the Tribulation officially arrives before it comes.

“6 more, who are we calling next?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Li Yang seemed a bit troubled and scowled as she answered: 『 The Shadow Fiend King, a sly and greedy bastard 』


『 Indeed, it should be the most greedy one out of the 4 Devils and 4 Fiends this time 』

“Then summon it quickly, I like a greedy business partner, not to mention, it won’t just be you negotiating alone, I will also speak if necessary” Gu Qing Shan replied.

『 Alright 』

Li Yang then changed her hand seal and chanted another incantation.

A few moments later, a shadow appeared on the floor of the plaza.

The shadow slid before Li Yang and slowly rose up.

It appeared to be about 8 meters tall, made entirely from the shadows, at a glance, it looked exactly like an endless dark abyss.

But in fact, it was a Shadow Fiend, furthermore, a King among Shadow Fiends.

『 Lightning Tribulation? How strange, it doesn’t seem like you’re about to kill him, Empress Li Yang, why did you summon me? 』the Shadow Fiend King asked.

Empress Li Yang then explained everything again.

『 2 million souls… wait a minute… 』the Shadow Fiend King spoke.

Streaks of darkness detached from its body and scattered into the void of space.

As if it was trying to contact other worlds to find something out.

A few moments later, it looked up: 『 So this will be a crucial battle, I can accept your request, but the conditions can’t be that simple 』

『 What else do you want? 』Li Yang asked.

『 You know very well, the thing that us Shadow Fiends like the most isn’t souls, but money! 』the Shadow Fiend King declared.

Li Yang glanced at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan glanced at Laura.

Laura casually tossed a bowl over to him.

Gu Qing Shan received the bowl to find that it was the [Infinite Golden Sand Grail] from before.

Gu Qing Shan gave the bowl to Li Yang and whispered something to her.

Li Yang nodded and tilted the bowl downwards.

Glittering, shining golden sand flowed from the bowl, making a ‘sha sha sha’ sound as it fell.

『 Ah, what a wonderful sound 』the Shadow Fiend King muttered.

The golden sand fell rapidly and soon accumulated into a small dune of sand that was only getting bigger as time passed.

『 Gold… so this is the legendary [Infinite Golden Sand Grail]? 』the Shadow Fiend King asked.

『 Indeed 』 Li Yang replied.

『 So you’re willing to pay such a price huh… Very well, seeing how sincere you are being, I will accept, however you need to fulfil one other small wish of mine 』the Shadow Fiend King smirked.

Li Yang’s expression changed a bit and was about to speak.

But she stopped.

Just because Gu Qing Shan had already acted before she did.

At some unknown point, Gu Qing Shan had already placed the Earth sword right on the Shadow Fiend King’s neck.

An invisible gust of wind drifted about the Earth sword’s blade.

Because the Earth sword was now filled with Soul Points!

The Shadow Fiend King snickered: 『 You’re threatening me? Unfortunately you can’t kill me, I have 9000 bodies 』

『 Snot-nosed brat, I’ll stand right here and do nothing, see if you can kill me 』

“You’re just going to stand there and let me kill you?” Gu Qing Shan repeated.

The Shadow Fiend King’s voice became low: 『 But I’ll tell you this, if you dare to attack me, I will do everything I can during the Tribulation to kill you! 』

Gu Qing Shan nodded and swung his sword.

The Shadow Fiend screamed in pain and angrily roared: 『 You dare—– 』

Before those words could be said, its body had already collapsed and disappeared.

Gu Qing Shan put his sword away.

He then told Li Yang: “Let’s continue, summon it again”

Li Yang was surprised and asked: 『 But you already killed it once, it might not come again 』

“If it is really as greedy as you said, it will definitely come again”

『 Why? 』

“Losing a body for no reason without obtaining anything, even I would feel irritated and unwilling, so I’m guessing it should feel that much more than I do”

『…Alright 』

Li Yang formed a hand seal and began to summon the Shadow Fiend King again.

A few moments later——

Another shadow stood up from the ground of the plaza.

『 Brat, so you dared to attack me, well done, well fucking done 』it grumbled.

The Shadow Fiend King’s presence slowly rose, as if it was about to do something.

Gu Qing Shan calmly replied: “First of all, the other 7 Seats of Tribulation had already formed a contract with me, you can ask the Progenitor about this”

The Shadow Fiend King couldn’t help but look towards the Progenitor Fiendess.

The Progenitor nodded.

Seeing that was the truth, the Shadow Fiend King couldn’t help but feel shocked.

If the other 7 Seats are all on his side, wouldn’t I become the only target during the Tribulation?

But I’ve already obtained the Seat of Tribulation, so according to the Law of the Tribulation, I will definitely be summoned again.

Do I really have to lead my subordinates to fight against the other 7 Kings?

This will be a very tough Tribulation to pass…

——fucking hell, just who’s the one that facing the Tribulation here?

“If I can bribe the 7 Kings and offer the [Infinite Golden Sand Grail] as a bargain, you think I’m going to be afraid of a little Tribulation?”

Gu Qing Shan smirked and continued: “If you dare to come and try to attack me, I guarantee that everyone will kill you before anything else—— no matter how many bodies you have”

“You won’t even get a piece of the 2 million souls, and definitely not the [Infinite Golden Sand Grail]”

“Go ahead, leave now and come back when the Tribulation comes, at that time we’ll see who’s the one to die”

Gu Qing Shan declared.

Silence filled the air.

The Shadow Fiend King remained silent as well.

Then Gu Qing Shan spoke up again: “If you really want to talk business, then our conditions will be the same as before, at most I’ll add in a few of the demonized corpses to smooth out the process”

“Now, please choose, are you going to fight a war with the other 7 Devil and Fiend Kings, or are we going to cooperate and split the souls and treasures?”

Silence again.

A few moments later.

Gu Qing Shan continued to speak: “One last chance, if you’re not going to join, we’ll just start now”

“Alright, so you’re not going to join? Then leave, the battle will begin—-”

『 Wait! 』the Shadow Fiend King changed its tone and smiled: 『 It’s business you know, you have to at least give me some time to think about whether or not to take the deal, don’t you agree? 』

“You’re right, and I prefer to do business where everyone wins more than just killing all the time” Gu Qing Shan also smiled and casually gave it a Saint Bramble Leaf.

“Alright, here’s the Contract, just sign”

『 No problem, when can you give me the [Infinite Golden Sand Grail]? 』

“As soon as you sign”

『 Then I’ll sign it 』

The Shadow Fiend took the [Infinite Golden Sand Grail] and merrily went on its way.

『 How did you know it’ll sign the Contract 』Li Yang asked.

“You said that it was the most greedy, so as long as it came here again, it would mean that it was unwilling and only wanted to get some profits, not to be killed over and over”

“On one side is a part of 2 million souls and the [Infinite Golden Sand Grail], the other side is becoming a target for everyone to kill, I’m sure it’s rational enough to choose”

Gu Qing Shan smiled and continued: “That’s why I like negotiating with greedy opponents—— it’s usually very simple to give them loaded options”

Li Yang sighed and shook her head: 『 I think you might not be human after all 』

“Why not?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The Progenitor Fiendess stared at him and answered: 『 Because you’re more of a devil than any devil 』

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