Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 591 - The toughest Tribulation

Chapter 591: The toughest Tribulation

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader: Arya

Empress Li Yang had prepared a lot of methods to deal with the Devil Kings.

Gu Qing Shan himself was also wondering what kind of rewards he should offer to convince the Devil Kings.

But in the end, all it took was seeing a part of the battle in Huang Quan for the Devil Kings to agree to his plans.

『 Then we’ll form a Contract now? 』Empress Li Yang asked.

『 No problem give the Contract here! 』the Malahoh Devil King spoke first.

Receiving the Saint Bramble Leaves, all tree Devil Kings happily made their vows on it

The entire process was quick and simple.

Seeing his plans coming through, Gu Qing Shan clasped his fist to the three Devil Kings: “Thank you all, then we shall meet shortly”

『 Ahaha, it’s nothing, nothing to speak about 』the Hunger Devil King spoke.

『 As fellow Devil Kings, of course we all have to look out for each other 』the Bloodthirsty Devil King spoke.

『 In life, everyone needs a friend or two to help each other out, aren’t I right, Huang Quan Devil King? 』the Malahoh Devil King spoke.

“Of course, and I’m more than happy to make a few more friends” Gu Qing Shan smiled and replied.

Seeing his attitude, the Malahoh Devil King took out a jade spoon and threw it to Gu Qing Shan.

『 This is my token, whenever you need to, you can use that to summon me 』 the Malahoh Devil King explained.

The Hunger Devil King and Bloodthirsty Devil King also each gave Gu Qing Shan their own tokens.

The Hunger Devil King’s token was a ball of rice, while the Bloodthirsty Devil King’s token was a gourd of blood liquor, together with the Malahoh Devil King’s token, Gu Qing Shan was in disbelief at how strange these tokens were.

Then the three Devil Kings stood there looking at him, waiting to receive his own token.

At this point Gu Qing Shan felt a bit of a headache.

Even if he gave them a Communication talisman, those can only be used in the same world.

He doesn’t have anything that could bypass the world limit to transfer information.

Then he remembered something and smiled: “I don’t have a token that I can give everyone, but you’re all welcome to visit the Justice Iron Fist Club to find me at any time”

The Malahoh Devil King couldn’t help but ask: 『 If I remember correctly, that place should be a Super Dimensional world, yes? 』

“Ah, it is” Gu Qing Shan confirmed.

The three Devil Kings exchanged glances, feeling incredibly shocked.

This Huang Quan Devil King is able to settle down on a Super Dimensional world——— which means he at least has friendly relations with a Lord-class Combatant.

It’s widely known that all discovered Super Dimensional worlds are already owned by Lord-class Combatants.

Within the 900 million World Layers, Lord-class Combatants are akin to gods!

The three Devil Kings silently sighed and erased the faint thoughts of personal benefits from their minds.

Of course, they didn’t know that Gu Qing Shan only arrived at the Iron Fist Club when Barry and Kitty were both nearly at the end of their ropes, bringing hope for Barry’s recovery, as well as having Xiao Die as a 3rd party to introduce them that he managed to obtain membership.

Naturally, regardless of how strange and roundabout the process actually was, being able to form relations with a Lord-class Combatant was already impressive enough.

The mist scattered.

The three Devil Kings returned to their Devil realm and patiently waited for the Tribulation to begin.

The deal had been sealed.

Gu Qing Shan nodded to everyone and went back to his cushion and slowly sat down.

“I’ll need to prepare myself for a bit before I begin facing my Tribulation” he said.

The Tianma sisters all hurriedly backed away.

They were all knowledgeable enough to know how deadly a Lightning Tribulation was, not to mention in this special world.

『 Wait! 』the Progenitor Fiendess shouted.

Gu Qing Shan looked at her.

『 Lightning naturally counters the ghost army, that is indeed a wonderful coincidence for you 』

The Progenitor Fiendess’ expression was solemn and continued: 『 But in this world, the Old God’s divinity has greatly increased the power of Lightning, which in turn also increases the power of the Lightning Tribulation. I fear that before the ghost army dies, you will have already been struck to death, are you sure about this? 』

Gu Qing Shan smiled and replied: “I can feel it as well, this is probably the toughest Lightning Tribulation I’ve ever faced in my life, but now that the arrow has been knocked, I’ll have to release it no matter what”

Hearing that, Laura had an extremely troubled expression.

She silently pulled on Ilya’s sleeve.

“Your majesty, what is it?” Ilya asked.

“Will he be in danger?” Laura asked.

Ilya explained: “Because of the Old God’s divinity, what was originally a tough ordeal will become even tougher for him”

“But then, if that was the case then why does he still insist on doing it? Wouldn’t he at least have some level of confidence?” Laura asked.

Ilya smiled bitterly and answered her: “There is no guarantee of failure or success in a Heaven’s Tribulation, not to mention one that’s several times stronger than it should be—– just look at the Tianma”

Laura turned to them.

The Tianma all had nervous expressions on their faces as they retreated.

——–they were taking more and more distance from Gu Qing Shan.

“We should also back off as well, otherwise if we stay in the range of the Tribulation it would only cause him more trouble” Ilya told her.

She and the guards then protected Laura as they backed away from him.

Laura was even more anxious and asked in a low voice: “Do we not have a way to help him?”

Ilya shook her head: “Before breaking through, a cultivator would always prepare pills, formations, weapons, armors, talismans and other necessities to help themselves. This is part of what’s allowed by the rules of the Tribulation”

“I trust that he had prepared everything he could prepare within the range that’s allowed, the only thing to do now is to watch over and see if he will be able to endure this Lightning Tribulation”

Ilya noticed Laura’s worry and sternly reminded her: “Laura, remember this well, this is the path he chose for himself. No one can walk on it but him, otherwise the power of Tribulation will only increase”

Laura was stunned for a bit before muttering: “But then… his armor…”

Hearing that, Ilya also remembered.

“Ah” she looked at Laura curiously, “I did try to give him a set of Bramble Bird General armor, but he couldn’t wear it. According to him, you’ve already given him an armor”

“Laura, what you gave him should be a hidden armor correct? What kind of armor was it exactly?”

“I…” Laura’s face slowly went pale.

In the middle of the plaza, only the Progenitor Fiendess and Empress Li Yang were still standing by Gu Qing Shan’s side.

“I’m about to begin, you should take some distance as well”

Gu Qing Shan spoke as he sat down on his cushion and closed his eyes.

『 No need to hurry, I shall help you determine how strong the power of the Lightning Tribulation is first 』the Progenitor Fiendess spoke.

“Then I’ll trouble you” Gu Qing Shan said.

His inner sight passed through his entire body, controlling the residue spirit energy to concentrate at his Dantian to prepare for the breakthrough.

Under his mindful accumulation, the spirit energy inside his Dantian slowly rose and reached a certain limit.

The time for his breakthrough was approaching!

The Laws of heaven and earth immediately noticed the changes inside his body.

A storm began to pick up, the Tribulation clouds above started to swirl.

All of a sudden, two streaks of purple lightning came out from the Tribulation clouds and slowly went into the lightning dragon’s head.

The lightning dragon’s eyes were drawn in! (1)


The hovering lightning dragon in the sky opened its eyes wide and stared down at Gu Qing Shan.

The Progenitor Fiendess’ expression greatly changed and shouted: 『 The lightning dragon became sentient—– this is a characteristic of a Virtualized realm Lightning Tribulation! Gu Qing Shan, you won’t make it, disperse the spirit energy in your Dantian immediately! 』

Gu Qing Shan shook his head: “Everything we’ve done so far rests on this moment! It’s already the final gamble, I won’t back down!”

Seeing him like that, the Progenitor Fiendess understood his determination. After careful thinking, she gestured to Li Yang with her eyes.

『 Someone like this is very useful for us, letting him die here is too much of a waste, try and convince him to stop 』she silently sent her voice.

Hearing that, Li Yang also sent her voice: 『 Mother, can he really not make it through this Tribulation? 』

『 The chance is too slim, he’s still only Sainted realm, but this Tribulation was supposed to be for those three realms above his own, it’s next to impossible for any cultivator to survive 』the Progenitor Fiendess replied.

Li Yang felt her heart tighten, quickly thought about it and came up with an idea.

『 Gu Qing Shan, do you remember your Shifu? 』she asked.

Gu Qing Shan then stopped his breakthrough and opened his eyes to look at her.

—-right, at the time Shifu was fighting with the Virtualized realm Qi Yan while she and I were preparing the Tianma magic in the sky.

She had indeed met Bai Hua Fairy before and knew that she was my Shifu.

Gu Qing Shan asked: “What about my Shifu?”

『 Nothing, but I’m the ruler of the Tianma realm interconnected with Shen Wu world, if you are willing to return to Shen Wu world before breaking through, not only will the power of the Tribulation greatly decrease, you can also ask for advice from your Shifu—— after all, she was the first cultivator in your world to break through Sainted realm 』 Empress Li Yang told him.

Gu Qing Shan thought about it briefly: “You mean, Shen Wu world also has its own Samsara cycle?”

『 It does 』Empress Li Yang nodded.

Gu Qing Shan said: “If that’s the case, then please deliver a message to my Shifu”

Empress Li Yang was stunned for a bit before she realized: 『 You mean you still want to break through right here? 』

“This Heaven’s Tribulation is something I must go through, the only option for me is to go forward and face it”

Gu Qing Shan continued: “If I can’t make it through this Tribulation, please tell her something for me. This life, I am forever grateful for being able to join Bai Hua sect and become her disciple, being taken care of and taught by her. It’s unfortunate that I couldn’t repay her for what she’s done for me, but if I still have a chance in my next life, I will definitely go to hell and back for her to pay back this debt”


(1) The dragon’s eyes were drawn in: In ancient Chinese, it’s said that at the pinnacle of art, an artist can create life through their drawings, and the only way to prevent that is to not put the finishing touches on their art, which is usually the eyes. Thus the eyes signify sentience/life in a lot of Chinese literature, where they say that no matter how beautiful everything else in the drawing is, if the eyes are bad/not drawn in, that drawing doesn’t have life.

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