Worthless Skill Escape (WN)

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

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Chapter 204 – Divine Revelation

Normally, to subdue a dungeon flood, you have to enter the dungeon and defeat the boss.

However, the black dot that appeared on Kandori’s body was much too small.

Neither I nor even the mini slime Atropos could fit in it.

So why not imitate Kandori’s method?

Use microscopic monsters for microscopic dungeons.

Use the Usurper skill to turn the slime macrophages from the white haze into cards, and then have those slime macrophages attack the dungeon…

No, that’s not a good idea.

There are way too many dungeons in Kandori’s body.

It’s impossible to turn enough slime macrophages into cards to conquer all the dungeons.

Also, it’s not enough to just have the same number of dungeons.

The reason Kandori was able to have the slime macrophages she created with Split conquer the dungeons was because she created an enormous number of them.

She must have sent a huge number of slime macrophages into the micro-dungeons with the expectation that most of them would fail.

Even if I can use the Usurper skill to turn slime macrophages into cards, I don’t have the time to repeat the process of capturing and sending each slime macrophage to the micro-dungeon thousands or tens of thousands of times.

The conditions are different from those of Kandori, who was able to automate the entire process using the Skill Macro.

Therefore, it is impossible to traverse the dungeon directly.

Then, the only way is to somehow destroy the dungeon itself.

The first candidate that comes to mind is Kudave.

His Megiddo Breath even blew away the outer walls of the collapsed Okutama Lake Dungeon.

He should be able to blow away the dungeon that appeared on Kandori’s body, along with the entrance.

However, this place is far too small to summon Kudave.

The passages and rooms in the Umihotaru Dungeon are all quite narrow.

As far as I can tell as a Dungeon Master, I can’t find a room large enough to summon Kudave.

Even if I could somehow summon him, if he unleashed his Megiddo Breath in this dungeon, it’s not as if the damage wouldn’t spread to the Umihotaru floating on the sea.

The collapse of the Umihotaru would be complete terrorism.

Then, a new idea flashed through my mind.

It was as if my mind’s eye suddenly opened, and a bright light shone into a previously unseen area.

This must be the


Divine Revelation 5

Sometimes, you come up with options that you would never have thought of in your own original ideas. This skill activates with a 2% chance of success in situations where such options exist.


I believe this skill has been activated.

The idea that came to me with Divine Revelation was to use the Divine Descent skill.


Divine Descent

During combat, you call down the power of a god upon yourself. To use this skill, the enemy must be a powerful enemy. The god that can be summoned changes depending on the situation. If you use Divine Descent once and then use it again to summon a different god, you may be punished by the previous god. The penalty is likely to be more severe the shorter the interval between uses of the skill. If you name a god when you use this skill, they may respond to your call.


To use Divine Descent, the opponent must be a “strong enemy.”

Slime macrophages can hardly be considered a “strong enemy.”

However, Kandori Kiriko can be considered a “strong enemy” in terms of level.

Then, the activation requirements should be met.

It’s hard to imagine Divine Revelation suggesting a skill that doesn’t meet the activation requirements.

However, there’s no guarantee that the options Divine Revelation suggests are always correct.

It just suggests options that I wouldn’t have thought of.

However, since it says “a choice I would never think of,” it’s unlikely that the choice would lead directly to a bad ending.

It must be a “good” choice that I would never think of.

Whether it’s the best or not, it would be strange if it wasn’t at least better.

Then, the skill to use is definitely Divine Descent.

The question is whether or not to summon a god.

The description says, “If you name a god when you use this skill, they may respond to your call.”

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear the word “god” is the god that is always at the dungeon shrine.

Unfortunately, I’ve never heard the name of that god.

I thought gods were gods and didn’t have names.

Actually, I’m pretty sure that’s what that god said.

I don’t remember exactly, but I think it was something like, even though there are many gods, not all of them have been counted and identified, so it’s not strange for the same god to appear in a different form.

Anyway, I can’t say much about the circumstances there.

In any case, I also looked up the “name of the god” in preparation for using Divine Descent.

It says that dungeons tend to occur in religious facilities such as shrines, temples, and churches.

If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be easier to get an answer if you named a god related to the location of the dungeon?

The decision to go to Umihotaru Dungeon was made on short notice, so there wasn’t much time to do research.

Umihotaru itself is a recent man-made structure, so there is no history book like there is for shrines.

However, there were some pretty big gods associated with this area.

But they were all big shots.

There was no guarantee that they would accept a sudden request.

If the request was denied, the whole Divine Descent ritual might fail.

Besides, if I asked for another god after I had already asked for one, wouldn’t the other gods be angry?

When you go to the barbershop to get your haircut, there are times when you try to get your usual barber, but they’re all booked up that day.

Even if you’re asked if you’d like to see someone else, you don’t remember their name.

But it’s also hard to say, “Anyone is good.”

I carelessly said, “Anyone who is free,” and I felt uncomfortable with that barber that day.

It was even more awkward because my usual hairdresser was working at the same time.

On the other hand, it would be strange to prioritize my usual barber’s free time over my own convenience.

The fact that I was worried about whether or not I’d be resented if I didn’t book my usual barber was also a bit unreasonable.

The only way to avoid all that hassle is to make a reservation online, not by phone…

But that wasn’t important.

My train of thought was speeding up, and I ended up going off on a tangent.

Of course, while I was thinking, I was also casting attack magic without chanting.

Fortunately, the place where the Men’s Association explorers and Yamato are lying down is far away from the source of the white mist, Kandori.

The fierce wind of the Wind Blast that I unexpectedly hit them with at the beginning separated the two camps.

Of course, I chose a Wind spell to achieve this effect.

My MP is dropping at a considerable rate due to the accelerated thinking and continuous casting of magic, but I still have time to spare with my current MP.

Let’s get back to Divine Descent.

Given the current situation, it doesn’t seem like I need to name a god.

Even if I name a god, there’s no guarantee that he’ll lend me a hand to break the current situation.

Rather, I think it would be better to leave things to chance and not name a god, and a god that suits the situation will come down.

Who knows, maybe the usual god that I haven’t seen lately will come.

The god even tried to build a dungeon for me when the Okutama Lake Dungeon collapsed, so there’s a chance she’ll do something about the Kandori micro-dungeon.

It’s a bit of a last-ditch effort, but there’s nothing we can do about it since our skills and abilities can’t damage the dungeon itself.

“Fine, let’s give it a try. Divine Descent!”

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