Worthless Skill Escape (WN)

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

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Chapter 206 – Suppression

I thought it was an orange, but the texture of the inside was different from what I expected.

It only tastes like a citrus fruit, but it has a rich, mango-like texture, and there are countless tiny seeds inside.

I broke the flesh in my mouth, leaving only the seeds on my tongue.

Then I spit out the seeds and scattered them on the floor of the dungeon.

People might say I’m dirty, but please forgive me.

I know it’s bad manners.

But I can’t help it because this is the way to use this fruit.

At first, I didn’t know how to use the fruit, but as I got used to the power of Ototachibana-Hime, I naturally understood its effects and how to use it.

The seeds sprouted buds in no time.

The buds became extremely fine ivy and grew to the dungeon portals all over Kandori’s body.

Even though my thoughts were accelerating, I felt that the movement was fast.

It would have been difficult for Kandori to even recognize it, let alone avoid it.

Even if she tried to avoid it, she was unable to move.

The ivy wrapped itself around the tiny portals that looked almost like moles.

And then―crack!

The portal shattered with a high-pitched sound.

Starting with the breaking of one portal, the portals all over Kandori’s body began to break one after the other.

She opened her bloodshot eyes wide.

“It’s over.”

At the same time, the last portal floating on the surface of Kandori’s body shattered into pieces.

‘The flood in the C-Rank Dungeon “Kiriko Kandori’s Right Masseter Dungeon” has ended.’

‘The flood in the B-rank dungeon “Kiriko Kandori’s Semicircular Canal Dungeon” has ended.’

‘The C-rank dungeon――’

Voice of Heaven announces the end of the flood, and Kandori, whose body looks like a bundle of tube worms, collapses to the floor of the dungeon.

It’s unclear what state she’s in, but it looks like she’s lost consciousness due to the effects of the portal destruction or something.

I vanquish the last remaining slime macrophage haze with a non-chanted area spell.

At the same time,


The mini-slime I had been using to keep an eye on Kandori lets out a warning cry.

As the mini-slime showed signs of attacking Kandori,

I ordered Atropos to stand down, saying, “That’s enough for now.”

What I had ordered Atropos to do was to “constantly monitor HP and when maximum HP returns to normal, apply Knockout.”

It’s a bit complicated, but several things happened around the time the portal was destroyed―or rather, around the time Kandori lost consciousness.

First, Yamato’s Schadenfreude wore off.

This was probably because the battle was considered over when Kandori lost consciousness.

Second, when Atropos realized that Schadenfreude had run out, she warned me and tried to use Knockout on Kandori, as I had ordered in advance.

My original order was to immediately return Kandori to a state of incapacitation when Schadenfreude ran out at an unexpected time.

Atropos didn’t understand my intentions to that extent, so she tried to carry out the order I had given her.

I saw that Kandori’s actions made it unnecessary, so I canceled the order for Atropos.

By the way, it was also at this time that the divine presence that had filled my body until a moment ago vanished like the ebbing tide.

I had some questions I wanted to ask Ototachibana-hime, but I guess that’s not possible with the specifications of the Divine Descent skill.

She’s a far cry from the smug, talkative Bahamut type.

Kandori, who had collapsed to the ground and was twitching―or rather, the head of the tube worm that looked like a human being―was enveloped in a gray sandstorm.

I’m sorry to keep saying “sort of,” but it’s hard to describe something so mysterious.

The “gray sandstorm” was similar to the gray noise storms that used to appear on unused channels on old-fashioned televisions.

You could even hear a strong white noise-like sound.

The white noise abruptly stopped, and the gray sandstorm disappeared.

All that was left was Kandori, wearing nothing but a tattered lab coat.

When I checked her status with the Usurper skill, the description for “Tube Worm Mother Root” was gone.

I guess Kandori’s unique skill, Experimental Space (which allows you to arbitrarily change any parameter of a specified space), had run out.

I don’t know if it was triggered by the end of the battle, like Yamato’s Schadenfreude, or if it was triggered by Kandori losing consciousness.

When I get close to Kandori, I take a cheap cloak (which I somehow got as a drop item) from my Item Box and put it on her.

However, I only put her arms through the sleeves and put the handcuffs, which I also took out of my Item Box, on her to restrain her.

What? Why would I have something like that?

The last time I defeated illegal explorers in the Black Swan Forest Water Park Dungeon, I was in a bit of a pickle because I didn’t have any equipment to restrain them with.

I used the ropes and zip ties they had on them, but you can’t expect me to have that on hand every time.

When I accepted the guild’s request this time, I borrowed about a dozen and a half pairs of explorer restraints from Haitani-san.

The half dozen is in case I need to restrain all the members of Kandori + Men’s Association.

Kandori seems to be unconscious, so I think she’s harmless, but she’s still a dangerous opponent to leave alone.

If it’s level 221309 Kandori, she might be able to rip off the handcuffs when she wakes up, but that should buy me some time.

Meanwhile, the members of the Men’s Association were still in a state of being blown around the lab and unable to move.

There was a chance that Kandori would recover due to her Self-Regeneration, but none of the Men’s Association members had any skills or equipment that could heal them automatically.

The state of being unable to move due to Knockout (and unique bonuses) will continue until the target’s HP is restored.

“…I guess I’ll just let them sleep like that…”

I muttered to myself and took out my smartphone.

What worried me was Serika.

Just before the dungeon flooded Kandori’s body, I was on the phone with Serika.

Things had gotten pretty bad here, but Serika had also said something that worried me.

“…It looks like we’ve got a visitor over here as well.”

It is considered bad manners among explorers to make phone calls while exploring.

If the other person is busy, being distracted by an incoming call can be fatal.

So, it is common sense to send a text chat first to check the other person’s availability.

I opened DGP, but there were no chats from Serika or Haitani-san.

“I know it’s a long shot, but…”

I have an item called the Prayer Earring.

It’s an Anti-Toxin Earring that Serika gave me, and it’s been modified by God so that if Serika is in trouble, I can use teleportation to save her. It’s a pretty outrageous item.

As long as the Prayer Earring hasn’t been activated, Serika won’t be in trouble, right?

However, it’s not out of the question that she could be in some kind of special situation that wasn’t anticipated by this effect.

However, panicking and making a phone call is simply dangerous before we even get to the question of etiquette.

“Should I go and meet her without waiting for an answer?”

I looked at the members of the Men’s Association lying in a heap around the lab (note: no one was dead).

“It’s impossible to carry them all out. …Oh, it’s not necessary to carry everyone out, is it?”

The people here can be divided into two types: Kandori and the people who came to hurt Kandori.

It’s almost like the problem of how to get wolves and sheep across a river in a small boat.

And then I noticed that Yamato was lying on the ground, staring at me.

“That’s right. There was that guy.”

Yamato was trying to lure the members of the Men’s Association into Kandori’s lab and use them as guinea pigs for Kandori’s experiments.

…Or rather, that’s not quite right.

Yamato tried to lure Seiji Tozaki here by offering the members of the Men’s Association as guinea pigs.

The goal was probably to eliminate Seiji Tozaki inside the dungeon.

But Yamato’s plan was foiled.

Seiji Tozaki did not appear there.

After Kandori revealed Yamato’s betrayal to the Men’s Association, he was forced to offer them up as guinea pigs.

Now that his betrayal had been exposed and he was the target, Yamato had no choice but to sacrifice the Men’s Association explorers to Kandori in order to keep the secret.

But Yamato refused to go down that road.

With a desperate look on his face, he sent the Men’s Association explorers to attack Kandori, thinking that he could somehow manage to deal with Kandori alone.

But Kandori was a monster far beyond Yamato’s imagination…

The reason why his plan seemed so naive was probably because he had become narrow-minded due to the “strategy” that Seiji Tozaki had set for him.

“Oh well.”

I approached the fallen Yamato and poured a potion over his head.

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