Adopted Soldier

Chapter 248

Chapter 248

It was after class most of the students headed to the auditorium, some people from the outside also gathered into the school's auditorium . Today was a special day for Cromer high, since the highly praised drama club was about to do a play that they claim was like no other . This was an exciting thing to hear for the people who knew Cromer high's drama club . This was a club that was so good, that some couldn't believe they were a club from a second rate school . Some couldn't even believe that they were high school students .

. . .

The members of the Mercenary Club were with the Drama club members, making sure that everything was in order . While the others were getting out of the dressing room, wearing their costumes . Alex who was wearing a soldier's uniform looked so natural wearing it, that one might think he was an actual veteran . Technically he was a merc, not a soldier .

The others who were exiting the dressing room, were now wearing their costumes as well, which also looked incredible . Yet the moment another person exited the dressing room, everyone stopped what they were doing and kept quiet as they were surprised to see who came out of the dressing room . This person was a beauty, not on the level of Evangeline . It was a different kind of beauty which made her incomparable to Evangeline or Rachel . This person's beauty felt more gentle, and at the same time somehow had a manly vibe . It was a confusing trait to have together, yet there was no denying that this person was beautiful, and the costume she was wearing was that of a female soldier which made her look awe-inspiring for some reason .

This person that made everyone turn their heads, was none other than, Kei who was forced to crossdress, as the main heroine . Emily and the other girls all helped to make Kei look the way he did . Even they were surprised by the final product .

Emily and even Sayaka wanted to laugh before while they were doing the make-up yet the moment they finished they couldn't laugh at all . Kei was actually so much better looking as a girl, than as a boy . It made some of the Drama club members lament that Kei wasn't born as a girl, but as a dude instead . It was a total waste with that look of his . Who knew the blandest member of the Mercenary Club could look this way, it was surprising at the same time hair raising .

Kei, on the other hand, wanted to cry . Not only was he forced to wear make-up and crossdress, but the looks he was getting, that were a mix of pity and awe was making him feel bad about his original looks .

. . .

The family members of the Drama club, and the Mercenary Club, were given front row seats for the play . In the front stage, you could see Lilitth excitedly looking around while clasping Michel's hands . Carlo and Dan were once again fighting about who had the cuter daughter . Phil, Marge, and Specter were also sitting on the front seats and no one from Carlo's group noticed Specter, since he was not wearing the annoying mask he usually wears .

Kyle was sitting beside Michel's group and sitting next to him was none other than, Sarah Resti, Lilitth's art teacher . The two of them were acting like a couple, even though technically Sarah hasn't given Kyle an answer yet .

Niel's family was also present, his sister Niki was behind Lilitth's seat . The two little girls were looking around while having a fun conversation .

Evangeline was also seating in the front row seats as the student council president . She was pretty disappointed that she couldn't join the play, but still felt a bit excited to see Alex acting .

Once all the other people had sat on their chairs, the lights in the auditorium suddenly dimmed, and the sound of gunshots being fired echoed throughout the auditorium . Carlo's group were shocked to hear the sounds, and were about to stand up, and take cover, but they noticed that this was the sound of something coming out of a speaker .

. . .

The play started and it was pretty obvious that the budget for this simple school play was actually quite big, because of the props and the costumes used . Some of the audience actually forgot that this was a play made by high school kids . They actually thought it was a professionally made play, since even the actors were so good, especially the main lead, which was Alex .

The moment Alex entered the stage, the intensity of his character and his facial expression coupled with his deliverance of the lines, the audience felt like they were transported to the front lines .

After a few more scenes as the audience were in the edge of their seats, the female lead appeared . She was a stunning beauty, which surprised the students watching the play .

"Was there someone like that in the Drama Club?"

"Isn't she part of the Mercenary Club?"

"So there was another one, on that level in our school . How come this is the first time I've seen her?"

"Is she a transfer student?"

The student body started to chatter about the appearance of the unknown female actor on stage . Yet the moment she spoke, it was a familiar voice .

"Isn't that Rachel's voice?"

"You're right, so does that mean that's Rachel?"

"That can't be, I know the person acting on stage is pretty, but she's nowhere near Rachel's beauty . "

"Then how come they have similar voices?"

The students just got even more confused as the tried to analyze the new girl .

. . .

The play continued on, and Alex's acting pretty much stole the show . The overall atmosphere he emitted on stage, was different from everyone else . It was like he truly became one with his character, it was as if he and the character in the story were one and the same . The resolution in his voice, the bloodlust he showed every now and then, made everyone have goosebumps .

It was then, during the climax of the play, Alex received an urgent report from the earpiece he was wearing .

"Commander, we have lost contact with number seven!" He could hear the panicking voice of number ten reporting . The Harimas that he trained never to panic no matter the situation was actually panicking right now .

Alex uncaring that he was in the middle of the play, pressed the earpiece deeper in as he answered .

"Number two and three head to number seven's position . "

"Roger that . "

The audience, as well as the others present on stage, were confused as to what Alex was suddenly saying . Yet still the other actors, somehow were able to ad lib .

"Commander, there is something form the-" Number ten's communication cut off, before he could finish what he was about to report .

"NUMBER TEN RESPOND!" Alex suddenly shouted, but no one answered .

This time, everyone stopped moving . The audience was confused by this sudden change in lines, but still thought it was part of the play . All except for Carlo's group who were now readying their weapons .

The other people on stage didn't know what to do as they froze on stage . Alex who still hasn't heard a response from Number ten, contacted all the Harimas .

"Everyone aside from number two and three converge on point B-2 . " Point B-2 was the auditorium .

"Roger that . " When Alex heard the response of the remaining Harimas, he faced the audience and announced .

"Everyone the play is over, please form a line and follow me!" When no one responded to what Alex said, Carlo pulled out his gun and started shooting at the ceiling . This made the audience jump out of their seats and were stunned into silence .

"Everyone, please follow what that boy just said . That is if you want to live . " Some of the people near the exit of the auditorium sneakily tried to head out, yet before they could open the door, Dan immediately dashed towards the group . Before one of them had his foot outside the door, Dan was able to pull the person back . After that, a bullet passed through, putting a hole into the door . Seeing this the people who were about to escape through the exit, were scared sh*tless .

"Just f*cking from a line already!" Dan shouted, which forced most of them to do as they were told .

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