Adopted Soldier

Chapter 249

Chapter 249

The people present be it the students, the teachers, or the guest were now scared and confused . They couldn't understand what was happening . The boy wearing the soldier costume who was acting on stage suddenly told them to form a line and follow him . Then another person suddenly took out a gun and shot at the ceiling, and as if that wasn't enough another person shouted at them while cussing . Not only that everyone saw what happened to those who tried to leave, they looked at the hole made by a bullet . These sequence of events happened so fast that most of them were still in a state of confusion .

They couldn't understand what was going on, but they could comprehend that something bad was currently happening to them . The people in the auditorium in a state of confusion formed five lines and waited for their next instruction .

That was when Niel went to Alex's side and whispered something to him . After hearing what Niel had to say, Alex surveyed the guest present and saw no one else that brought young children like Lilitth and Niki . Niel hearing what Alex said, nodded his head with a look of relief .

. . .

"Commander, we are now in front of point B-2, but we are under fire . " Number one suddenly reported .

"How many enemies can you see?" Alex asked since he had no idea what was happening outside, he could hear the some screaming, but he wasn't too sure since there was the heavy sounds of guns firing, also seeing as most of the security cameras he installed were destroyed . Alex had no visual image of what was happening .

"There are two snipers, and five heavily armed people within the vicinity that I could see . There could be more, but I am unable to determine it," answered number one .

Alex relayed this information to his dad and the others . After hearing what the situation was like outside, everyone looked at Dan who nodded his head already guessing what needed to be done . He started to do some stretching as he waited for the moment he needed to move .

"Everyone from here on out, listen to my orders if you want to survive . " Alex announced, hearing this the people present once again caused a ruckus . Why should they trust this high school student for their survival? Was he confusing himself with his character in the play, and actually thinks he's a war veteran .

"What makes you think we would follow you? How can we be sure that following your orders will help us survive? Heck we might actually die, if we follow you, can you take responsibility for our lives if that happens?"

Suddenly one of the audience members spoke and asked Alex something every one of the audience members were thinking about .

Alex looked at them with a his stoic face . The way Alex looked at them caused the civilians in the audience felt like something was crawling under their skin . Alex's indifferent look actually frightened them .

"I have no guarantee, nor do I have the willingness to take responsibility for your lives . Your lives are your own responsibility, I'm just here giving you an option to choose from . If you do not like to follow my orders, then you don't need to follow the . I am not forcing you to do anything you do not wish to do . You people may do whatever you see fit . " Alex was neither a hero nor a saint, and his only priority was to protect those important to him . He just wanted to help the others given the circumstances, but if they don't want to listen then that's on them .

When they heard what Alex said, those that chose to listen to Alex were the students and the teachers who understood him better . The outsiders who had zero knowledge about Alex, decided to do their own thing . Some of them them approached Carlo for help, since it felt like he was their best bet for survival .

"Huh, if you want someone to help you, why don't you just follow my son?"

"Your son?" Carlo then proceeded to point at Alex . With this new piece of information more people decided to join Alex, and listen to his orders . There were still some people that didn't want to follow Alex's orders, and felt like Carlo was also part of the people outside, and he was just trying to trick them into gaining a sense of false security, those people that thought that way decided to form a group of their own .

Once everyone had joined a group, Alex explained to the people present that Dan would create an opening, and when Alex signals them, everyone present should run towards the old school building .

. . .

After everyone was aware of the plan, Dan burst outside . The snipers who saw Dan moving towards them started focusing fire at Dan . Even the heavily armed men who were slowly moving forward with their machine guns started focusing their firepower on Dan .

Yet Dan who was in a half RELEASE state easily evaded the gunfire . His speed was so great that it made it very difficult to follow him with the naked eye . Dan after dashing at full speed was able to easily subdue the two snipers . Once he was done with snipers, he shifted his focus on the five heavily armed men . After a few more seconds that was able to subdue the five heavily armed men . After doing that he signaled Alex that they were in the clear . Alex who saw Dan's signal, told the people in the auditorium to run to the old school building . Seeing the civilians running like crazy, Alex signaled number one, four, five, six, eight and nine to protect the civilians .

The Harimas seeing Alex's signal, helped the panicking civilians to quickly enter the old school building .

. . .

On the other hand, the men that didn't follow Alex's instructions started running towards the school gates . When they saw the school gate so near, they felt relief . They thought that they were safer away from Alex's group . Yet the moment they stepped out of the school premise they were all gunned down . Their bodies were mercilessly turned into swiss cheese, by the focused gunfire . The others who saw that scene ran even faster into the old school building, as their fear doubled . Alex and the others provided cover fire .

While protecting the civilians into the old school building, Alex could hear the sound of explosions and smelled the stench of blood and gunpowder in the air . It wasn't just the school that was under attack the whole city was under attack .

'How was this possible?' Alex had no time to dwell on this question, as he needed to move .

. . .

Once all the civilians have safely entered the old school building, Alex and the others went back into the Auditorium . Seeing that the outsider were not present anymore, Niel finally opened Lyner's safe room . He didn't do so when all the people were present a while ago, since they would obviously try to use the safe room for themselves . Niel needed this safe room for his family .

. . .

After opening the safe room, Niel's parents and sister were the first to enter, followed by Michel and Lilitth . Kei, Sarah, Evangeline and Rachel also entered this safe room . Seeing her brother wasn't going in, Niki dashed towards him and held his hand .

"Nii-nii, why aren't you coming in with us?" Niel's parents also had a similar question . Lilitth was also questioning Alex and Carlo regarding this, even Rachel was protesting to her father that she didn't need to be cuddled like this, and that she could fight as well . Emily and Kyle were trying to calm Sarah down, as Kei was concentrating on calming himself down .

"It's alright, me and my friends have another place to hide in . Don't worry once everything dies down I will come back . " Niel assured his family that he would return . They still showed a face of worry, but knew that Niel had a plan of his own .

. . .

Lilitth on the other hand, easily accepted that Alex and Carlo weren't coming with them into the safe room . The reason Lilitth wasn't worried about the two as much, was because she believed that Carlo and Alex could handle everything . Carlo hugged his daughter and his wife, and whispered something to Michel . Alex also hugged his little sister, and his new mother .

"Tou-chan, please protect nii-sama . "

"Of course, my little princess . " Carlo smiled at Lilitth showing a thumbs up .

"Be careful you two, me and Lilitth will be here praying for you success . " Michel smiled gently at the two, who nodded in response .

. . .

Rachel was also telling her family to be careful, and once she was done telling her goodbyes, she noticed that Alex was approaching .

"Rachel I need to tell you something, since this might be the last-" Alex couldn't continue what he was going to say since Rachel blocked his lips with her own . Rachel's soft lips was now touching Alex's own lips . Everyone who saw this scene was stunned into silence . Carlo, Kumiko, Michel, and her three sons were holding Dan back, as he was suddenly in an enraged state . Niel looked at Evangeline and noticed that the girl was holding back her tears, but there was still the light of determination in her eyes . It was obvious to him, that this wasn't enough to stop Evangeline .

Alex the recipient of the kiss had his eyes wide open as he looked at Rachel confused by the sudden attack . Rachel then parted from Alex and looked at him with a sweet smile . She couldn't help but giggle as well, seeing that surprise look of his .

"No need to tell me anything now . You mustn't tell me anything because of that kind of reason . No matter what, Just come back to me once this is all over . I will listen to you then . . . Since I also have something to tell you when that the time comes, so you better come back to me you idiot . " Rachel didn't like the idea, that Alex sounded like this was their final meeting, so she gave Alex a reason to come back to her . Whatever he wanted to say, he could say it once they were out of this predicament .

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