Adopted Soldier

Chapter 253

Chapter 253: 253

A random soldier's POV:

I was in front of one of the ten generals . All the people in my unit has been called as well, and now that I look around me, there are a lot of different units present here . This might be a bigger deal than I initially thought . It has been a long time, since I received orders aside from the order to simply protect the Border .

I started checking my surroundings, and noticed that the others seem to be somewhat confused . It seems like, the same as me they had no idea why they were called here . Still as Soldiers of the Empire we remained disciplined and simply stood in our positions until ordered otherwise . While I was thinking about the reason for this summons, the general spoke .

"Soldiers of our great Empire, hear me . The time has come for us to show those pretentious slaves that they are nothing more than the servants of the Empire! The time has come for us to stop sharpening our fangs, and use them to bite onto our enemies . It is my pleasure and privilege to announce that our great and powerful Emperor, has finally decided to allow us to showcase our might to the world! Let's take back what is ours, from those slaves! For the fatherland! For the Emperor! For the Empire's everlasting glory!" The general who spoke with so much passion, made our bloods boil in excitement . A burning sensation suddenly filled our bodies .




I and the others couldn't help but scream . The time has finally come to make those cocky Berdonian b*stards know their place . We can finally retake the land they took from us . Those dogs that bit their master's hand should all be killed .

The adrenaline and the rage of excitement were now taking over me . I could feel the bloodlust of my companions as we geared ourselves for war .

. . .

It has now been three days since that announcement of our invasion into Berdonia . We were waiting for the signal at the borders . It would seem that General Tang had already placed five men to infiltrate the Berdonian borders, for weeks now .

As expected of the oldest among the ten generals, the foresight he has was incredible . While I was thinking this, I saw the signal flare . We all charged into the fortress that we always thought was invincible, but today the door was wide open for us .

The enemy wasn't prepared as we stormed in . It didn't even take that long before we took the base under our full control . From the distance, I saw the general talking to the commander of this fortress .

"What are you doing, this goes against the international law of war!" The general then smacked the noisy enemy commander onto the ground . Seeing that felt so satisfying .

"This isn't a war, this is us just cleaning up the trash . " After saying that, the general proceeded to shoot the enemy commander .

"There is no need for mercy! Clean up all these thrash!" Hearing the general's order we proceeded to kill all the soldiers present in this base .

. . .

On the fifth day of our purging of the Berdonians, most of the battalions headed to different cities near the border . Yet I and some other soldiers were called by the general . It would seem like he would be briefing us for an important mission .

As we stood before the general, his face showed a stern expression . He scanned all the soldiers present, before speaking .

"What I am about to tell you is a top-secret mission . This mission might be the hardest mission any of you will receive in your whole lives . The chances of success are low, and the chance of dying is almost certain . So to those of you that wish to leave, may leave now . If you choose to stay, then you must be prepared for death . "

Hearing what the general said none of us left the room .

"I see, so you are true men of the Empire . Very well, this mission is a mission to capture two individuals . First priority is this boy . " The first picture the general showed us, was that of a handsome young man smiling at the camera .

"This is Niel Rayheart, the one and only apprentice of Berdonia's monster Lyner . " The moment we all heard that name, we unconsciously shivered in fear . There was not a living soul in the Empire that didn't know of the dreadful Lyner .

He was one of the few Berdonians that truly posed a threat to the Granado Empire . The kill count of Empire Soldiers under his belt was staggering . He was so strong, and so bloodthirsty, that Empire Soldiers created a verse about him .

Run, run, run, cause here he comes .

Run, run, run, for the monster comes .

A Swish of his blade and your head begone

With the shot of his gun, you're all but done .

That verse was created to warn all new recruits to run away when they saw Lyner . It wasn't bravery or honorable to face that monster . If you die by Lyner's hands since you decided to face him, you'll be treated like a fool and a reckless youth . In the Empire fighting Lyner even in a group, was treated as a suicide .

"The second target is this boy . " This time the general showed a picture of a boy with a stoic face . It was an eleven-year-old boy .

"This isn't the current look of the target . This is an outdated photo, but it is the only photo our Intelligence Deptarment, has acquired over the years . Expect that this boy is around fifteen to sixteen years old . This target is the son of another strong merc of Berdonia, Carlo Samarita the messenger of Death . "

First, it was Lyner's apprentice, now it was the son of the messenger of Death Carlo . This truly is a suicide mission .

"Carlo and Lyner, are two of the strongest threats to the Empire . If we can capture those two who are important to them, then we can use that as leverage . This mission might sound dishonorable since we are indeed taking hostages, but still, this is for the fatherland . Knowing this will you men still accept this mission?"

The general once again gave us a way out . Yet no one took it, and we all answered with our voices full of conviction .

"Sir Yes Sir!"

"I expect no less from men of the Empire . " After saying that, the general proceeded to give us information regarding the targets . Between the two of the boys, it would seem that Alex Samarita will be the harder one to capture .

There is no evidence, nor any eyewitnesses, but the intelligence division speculates that Alex Samarita is none other than the S rank merc the Silent flash . If that wasn't problematic enough based on the information given by the intelligence division, the five strongest of Berdonia is staying in that City .

This mission is truly dangerous, but even so, if it is for the fatherland, if it is an order for the Emperor then I and any soldier of the Empire will do his best to make this mission succeed or die trying .

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