Adopted Soldier

Chapter 254

Chapter 254

After leaving Sarah Resti and the others in Lyner's safe room, Alex and his group went back to help the civilians . Since they didn't know how many enemies there were, or what kind of firepower they had, Alex and everyone on his team moved cautiously . Facing an unknown enemy with civilians isn't an easy feat to pull, even for them .

While Alex's group were cautiously heading to the safe rooms, the Hunt siblings went a different direction . Emily and her brother headed to the secret room that was created specifically for Emily . It served as a sort of safe room as well . Once they got there, Emily booted up her computer, while Kyle looked for the rifle he had hidden inside the room .

"Are you ready for this Onii-chan?" Emily who was waiting for her computer to boot up asked her brother .

Kyle who was double checking his rifle loaded a bullet and then answered his little sister .

"Does it matter if I'm ready or not?" Kyle answered with a cool looking pose, with his rifle .

"You could have answered with a, I'm always ready, after doing something like that! Yet you went with, does it matter if I'm ready or not! Why do you always ruin the mood!" Emily suddenly screamed as her otaku blood started boiling in rage .

"Look who's talking, aren't you a mood breaker as well? Heh, isn't this, that saying with the pot calling the kettle black . " Kyle shrugged his shoulders as he looked at his sister as if she was stupid .

"Whatever! There's just no winning against you, is there onii-chan!"

Even in this kind of horrible situation, where you could hear the scream of agony of numerous people, and the sound of guns firing all around, with matching explosions . Even with all that happening, the Hunt siblings remain ever light hearted . Well to them the sound of traffic, gossiping ladies and giggling children was the weird scenario . To them the sound of pain, suffering, and gunshots were the norm . So at this very moment the atmosphere was were they felt the most comfortable .

"Never mind that . . . You did give Alex the earpieces, so that we can communicate with each other?"

"Of course I did . Who do you think you're talking to, I'm your awesome little sister that could do everything . " Emily answered as she was typing on her keyboard like she was going to break it .

"Okay, Okay, so did you already sync up our earpieces?"

Emily didn't respond as she continued typing even faster than before, after a few seconds she dramatically press the enter button, even though she didn't really need to do so .

"There, I've sync all the earpieces as you wished . Let's test it out shall we . " Emily then wore one of the earpieces, and adjusted it a bit .

"Hello everyone this is your operator Emily, can you hear me?" Kyle who was also wearing an earpiece heard Emily's voice through it .

"I hear you . "

"Affirmative . "

"Pretty impressive . "

"You're really quick to act . "

Emily could hear the other voices in her earpiece, and knew that all of them were working properly . She then looked at her brother with a smug look on her face .

"See I did it properly, so you better praise me well after all this is done . . . Well then let's get this thing started . Onii-chan you better do what you need to do, I'll stay here and guide Alex . "

"Roger that . Stay safe Emily . " Kyle nodded his head and left the room .

. . .

Emily who was the only one left in the room, turned on all the monitors and did a little stretching motion with her hands . She then smiled joyfully as she typed on her keyboard, and clicked her mouse like she was going to crush it .

"Alex there are enemies coming your way from the north side . You can easily avoid them if you turn left on that corner . " Emily who was looking at numerous monitors instructed Alex what to do .

"Roger that . " After responding to Emily, the Alex in the screen alongside the people he was with turned left on the corner like Emily instructed . She then saw the enemy closing in from the north side . They were a dozen or so people . Even though Alex and his group could easily subdue this group, Emily decided that it was better to avoid them instead, seeing as Alex had civilians with him . They might accidentally get shot, and if that happened it might make it harder for them to move .

"Okay then, let's block your path shall we . " Emily then typed something on her keyboard and a shutter suddenly closed blocking the enemies path . Surprised by this, the leader of the enemy group started to look around . After checking the surroundings he finally saw the security camera and proceeded to destroy it . When one of the footage in the monitors turned black, Emily licked her lower lip .

"Destroying my precious equipment . Seeing as you guys won't pay for that, you're not getting out of their anymore . " Emily then closed the shutter behind the enemy group trapping them in an enclosed space, making them unable to retreat . After doing that Emily saw from another camera angle that the enemy force was trying to forcibly destroy the shutters Seeing their futile effort Emily smirked then she pressed a button on her keyboard, which released a poisonous gas in that enclosed space .

"Then the rats die . " Emily then continued to guide Alex, making him avoid the traps she had placed, a few days ago . It was hard since the enemy forces were trying to break most of the traps by force .

. . .

While Emily was doing what needed to be done, Kyle was positioning himself on the rooftop of the school . In that position he could see what was happening outside the school premise . The first thing he noticed was that the enemy forces were killing everyone on sight, some would spare the children, but others won't .

The police force with the maids and butlers from the mansion seem to be doing their best, but it was still difficult . Kyle also noticed what kind of situation they were in . Most of the enemy forces seem to be focused on this school . The whole school has been surrounded, and the enemy force was blocking the maid squad from giving reinforcements .

Their movements weren't shabby, basically the enemy forces were well trained and the way they stood in formation, their basic shooting stance, and the equipment they were using . Kyle who was seeing this quickly figured out who was attacking them .

He spoke in the earpiece .

"It's the Empire, the Empire is the one attacking us . These guys that infiltrated the school are mostly Granado Empire soldiers . "

"Those f*cking Empire scum, have they finally lost it!" Dan screamed out in irritation .

"So they stopped following the international law of war . That means this isn't any ordinary war, this is going to be something else altogether . " Carlo said in a sudden realization .

While everyone was talking about the sudden news that the Granado Empire was the one attacking, Kyle who was looking at his scope, spotted several snipers, and shot at them . After successfully shooting the nearby snipers, Kyle took his rifle and changed positions . He was now headed for the third floor of the school .

Once Kyle was in a good position, he started shooting at the enemies trying to enter the front gates . After that he moved to another position and started shooting some people, once doing that for a while Kyle would proceed to change his position . He did this every time, as he kept on shooting and moving .

Though Kyle's shots were a hundred percent fatal, and everyone he shot had their heads burst, there was a weakness to Kyle's style and it was the amount of bullets he has . The amount of bullets he could bring around was limited . So once he was nearing the end of his stock of bullets, Kyle headed back to the room he left Emily in .

Once he gets there, Kyle proceeded to once again take some bullets and goes back to continuing killing the enemies outside . Yet no matter how many he killed, others replaced them immediately .

'It would seem that the Granado Empire had sent a large force to this city . Well since the five strongest of Berdonia were located here, of course they would send such a large amount of soldiers . '

Kyle sighed as he thought of this, and decided to keep on shooting until he has no more bullets left to shoot .

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