Adopted Soldier

Chapter 291

Chapter 291: 291

It has been a year since the war started and Lyner was having the time of his life . He was finally freed from that boredom . Battle after battle has been promised to him, and all of them were the most dangerous . Life at this point was full of excitement and never ending battle . It was like Lyner died and went to Valhalla, the place where all warriors who died in battle end up in .

Still even after doing all these dangerous life threatening missions, that could pretty much kill anyone else, was nothing in face of Lyner who was now able to easily accomplish these missions . Not only that as he kept on going from one battle to the next like the old days, Lyner was actually getting stronger and stronger which made it even more difficult to fulfill his final wish .

The final wish of a glorious death seem to be getting farther and farther away from him . Every time he tries to do a life threatening mission that could potentially bring him the glorious death he desires, had a very bad effect when he survives . Every time he survives he gets stronger, which makes it even more difficult to die in battle . At the rate he was going Lyner might not be able to find that glorious death he seeks .

Still on the bright side because of all the excitement, he was actually able to get his wife Anita pregnant . This made Anita unable to do her duties such as being the President's guard . So instead she was now fully focused at being the President's physician .

. . .

Everything was in a balance state right now . Yet Lyner had heard some rumors that the strongest merc, nay the strongest human had been released from her cage . The bloody Valkyrie of the Granado Empire was now on the loose .

Lyner has always been curious of the girl called Rika Saunter . It was said she was only in her late twenties, and she was the second youngest merc to achieve the the SS rank right after Lyner . It was also rumored that she was the Strongest of all the current SS ranks .

This rumor of course had gotten Lyner quite excited . Since this was a person who has been called the strongest, even though she hasn't truly faced him in battle .

. . .

It was right after Lyner finished his current mission and was heading back to his wife's side, he was greeted by another mission . When he read the contents of this mission, he couldn't help but show that vicious smile of his .

"Finally! Am I finally gaining my final wish! My glorious death!" Lyner couldn't help but get intoxicated by the idea, as he said this out loud .

. . .

Five days after receiving the message Lyner headed towards the site where the mission objective was located .

In the middle of an open area near a recently evacuated city, the advancing Granado Empire stopped . While the defending Berdonian Soldiers and Mercenaries looked confused . Lyner who was in the front of the group, on the other hand, was getting excited .

It was at that moment when everything turned silent that she appeared . A helicopter passed by and someone was falling down . She was like an angel as she fell from the sky, without any parachute . The moment she fell down a crack on the ground was made .

The beautiful maiden that fell from the sky was wearing full plated armor and had a huge sword that just looks like it came out of a video game . The place she landed on was near the bunkers that where recently built . The soldiers inside the bunkers started shooting at the maiden, but it was no use as the maiden could easily dodge gunfire, and even if it does hit the bullets could not pierce the skin on her face, nor the olden like armor she was wearing .

The maiden then swung her blade cutting the bunker into two . The men inside the bunker have been effortlessly killed .

After successfully destroying the bunkers, the soldiers from the Granado Empire who saw the beautiful maiden with long silver hair, all retreated farther away until only she remained on the battlefield . Her deep blue eyes then looked at the man on the other side .

When Lyner noticed that Rika was looking at her, he smiled .

"Get your men to retreat, the further you are from this place the better . That's not someone even a full battalion could handle . That's the bloody Valkyrie Rika Saunter . . . This isn't going to be easy . " The commanding officer who was beside Lyner was confused as he couldn't fully digest the order he was given . Seeing the commander still standing there in stunned silence made Lyner shout .

"Are you deaf, I said retreat!" The commanding officer finally snapped out of his trance and quickly ordered a retreat . As the soldiers were fully retreating the commander looked at Lyner for one last time . He saw the strongest of Berdonia smiling a very vicious smile .

. . .

Once the soldiers were able to retreat, Lyner was now able to fully focus on the enemy before him . He approached Rika who was standing there not doing anything .

"Hey why are you wearing such old fashioned knight's armor, are you cosplaying or something? This isn't some medieval play . " Lyner started talking and he spoke like he was talking to an old friend of his . Even in this kind of situation where even someone on Lyner's level felt a bit pressured, he still continued to talk very casually like it was nothing .

"Lyner the monster of Berdonia . I have heard you have killed hundreds upon hundreds of Empire soldiers . You the sinner that has plagued the innocent citizens of the Empire with fear, today I shall end you . " Rika pointed her sword at her enemy .

Hearing what Rika was saying made Lyner scratch his hair, as he looked at Rika with a calm mocking expression .

"Oi, oi, telling me that I killed hundreds upon hundreds of soldiers, is true, but, calling them innocent is too much don't you think? Sure I killed all those soldiers, but they too have killed my fellow countrymen . Even you have killed thousands of Berdonians . So don't talk like you're here for some sh*tty justice . I hate those kinds of people who spout such nonsense! Were the soldiers of Berdonia who valiantly tried to protect their country, evil? Were the Empire soldiers who are now attacking Berdonia because of their own beliefs evil? The answer is, who the f*ck cares! Both sides think they are in the right, and both have different ideas and beliefs . So don't go labelling someone else a sinner . "

"As expected of some lowlife descendant of slaves . It is your people who truly started this war, going against the Empire that took you in and fed you . Biting that hand that feeds you makes you worse than dogs . "

"Don't give me that righteous crazy Granado Empire logic . . . " Lyner was about to say something more, but then sighed . "Whatever, it doesn't seem like the two of us can talk properly . I don't really care about changing your mind or anything like that . Let's just-"

"Let's just, what?" Lyner who suddenly stopped in the middle of what he was saying made Rika a bit confused . She then saw Lyner checking his equipment in front of her who was his enemy . It was at that moment when she felt a bit disappointed at the person they called a monster, she saw Lyner disappear before her very eyes .

Rika then placed her huge sword behind her and heard the clinking of steel .

"Let's just fight already!" She saw Lyner behind her with a creepy smile on his face . It was a very vicious smile, like that of a predator eyeing his prey .

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