Adopted Soldier

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

Rika who was being attacked by Lyner was thinking, she knew what the monster of Berdonia was saying was right . She knew that the people on the top of the Empire's food chain, weren't actual good people . She knew that attacking Berdonia wasn't right, but she must still do it for the people of the Granado Empire . Even though she knew all these, she couldn't stop since the Granado Empire has done too much, that they have passed the point of no return .

The reason she was able to figure this all out was because when Rika was released from prison to kill Lyner, the first thing she did was to gather information so that she could understand what had happened . Also to figure out what kind of person her opponent was .

Using her status as an SS rank merc, and a person under General Hilda she was able to gather the necessary information, to figure out what happened in the past few years she was imprisoned . Reading through all the reports, it was plain to see that the Granado Empire was wrong since the beginning . They should have left Berdonia alone, but instead the people on top used the Granado Empire's education system to promote that Berdonia was evil . Even Rika herself was fooled by this misinformation once upon a time .

Still she knew that most Empire citizens never leave the country, no they weren't allowed to do so . That's why they have a distorted look of things, making them truly believe that they were in the right . The system made the people think that justice was truly on their side . Rika who knew the truth didn't really want to do this, but she knew, nay she predicted what will happen in the future .

If the Granado Empire loses now, the resentment they have gained would lead the allied nations of Berdonia and the Southern Union to attack the defeated Granado Empire . The Berdonians especially would never forgive the Empire, nor its citizens . The best outcome at that point would be enslavement while the worse outcome was genocide .

Knowing all this, Rika had no choice but to fight for the survival of the Granado Empire and its people . She needed to help them win this war, and the best way to help them was to kill the person right in front of her . Lyner the monster of Berdonia, currently hailed as the greatest hero of his country, and the most feared enemy of the Granado Empire .

With his bare flesh alone, this man has killed and destroyed numerous soldiers and bases . He alone was able to threaten most of the Granado Empire . Well on the other hand, Rika was also in the same position on her side . So the moment one of them dies, and the other survives, in that moment the winner would be able to tilt the war greatly to their side .

Rika then clenched the hilt of her sword tightly and steeled her resolve . It was like Lyner said, it doesn't matter what the reason is, we just need to fight . Rika once again accepted the part that she needed to play, even if that part is to play the delusional villain then so be it .

'If it is for people of the Granado Empire that my father and mother loved, then so be it . I will be the devil itself!'

Rika then fully accepted her berseker instinct and started fighting for real .

. . .

Lyner who was attacking Rika noticed that she wasn't fully invested in the fight and was distracted . He used this opportunity to get a feel of his opponent . He first started shooting at Rika using his S&W . 500 magnum, in different places . Of course with her speed and intuition she was able to dodge most of the bullets, but Lyner took account of that and was able to hit her in various spots .

Lyner noticed that Rika's armor was bullet proof but it couldn't handle the strain of his gun and was still visibly damaged a bit; but that wasn't the problem, the problem was Rika herself . Lyner was actually able to get a clear hit on Rika's head, the bullet penetrated through her skin, but bounced of her skull .

Her head that should've exploded or at least have a bullet in it was simply bleeding a bit . Her skin was tougher than most metals, and her skull was actually the same as a bullet proof vest or even better . That would mean her bones itself doubled her defense aside from her already ridiculous armor .

The sword she was carrying could also deflect bullets easily . Lyner also tried attacking using his wires that were hardly visible to the human eye, but Rika instinctively defended against it . Lyner tried attacking using his gun and the wires at the same time, but Rika would allow the bullet to hit, and instead would defend against the wires .

While Lyner was thinking of the best way to attack Rika, he suddenly felt something different from her making him distanced himself from the bloody Valkyrie . Rika's clear blue eyes started to get a bit red, her thin body suddenly bulged a bit with muscles . She then charged forward with a speed that was faster before, this was the start of her attack .

'So the real fight starts now . ' Lyner used his wires to try and bind Rika, but that did nothing but simply slow her down a bit, as she started shouting or was that more of a growl . Once she was close enough she swung her large sword downward . At first Lyner was going to try and block the attack using his own sword plus the wires, but then his instincts told him to evade, so he did so .

The sword that Rika swung downward was so strong that it actually made a small crater . Lyner who saw that attack knew that if one of those hit him it would fatally injure him . Rika who missed wasn't bothered as she continued attacking Lyner while growling like an animal .

Lyner for a moment was overwhelmed by the pressure she was emitting, which made him smile even more . Rika who was on the offensive didn't let up and forced Lyner to retreat into the city .

Lyner who was being pressured by an opponent for the first time in a long time, was smiling viciously . He then spoke as he continued evading Rika's attacks .

"Finally! This is what I'm talking about! It is you isn't it, the one who will grant me my final wish! Come let's see what you got! Time for me to get serious!"

Lyner then lowered his center of gravity, and had actually used RELEASE . This was the first time Lyner has ever used this technique . If Alex or Dan were here, they would be surprised to see Lyner use this technique since no one taught him how to do so . Lyner was only able to do use this technique since he already saw Alex used RELEASE many times before, and even witnessed Dan's original version . Using the information he acquired when he fought Alex, and when he saw Dan, Lyner was able to copy the technique . Seeing as he knew the basic principle behind the technique, it was quite easy for him to copy .

The moment Lyner went into his RELEASE state, the berserk Rika actually stopped attacking . Even though at the moment Rika was in a frenzied state, and her reasoning was almost nonexistent, she still stopped attacking because her body was for the first time feeling fear . Yet this only lasted for a moment and she started her attack once more by charging towards Lyner .

"Come on, let's play!" Lyner happily welcomed her attack . With her momentum and using her strength that surpasses the human limits plus gravity, Rika swung her sword downward while Lyner received the attack with his sword and wires .

The moment Rika's attack had contact with Lyner's weapons, Lyner who was in his RELEASE state was still blown a few meters away . Lyner who was able to instinctively jump upon contact with Rika's strong force was able to somehow negate some of the force he received . Still he was pushed away as his feet skid through the pavement when he landed .

Lyner who received the attack felt his right hand getting a bit numb, but this didn't discouraged him, instead it made him even more excited . Rika didn't give Lyner time to take a breath as she charged forward again, and swung her sword downward again . This time Lyner did something different he didn't wait for the attack to come to him, instead he initiated his own attack and hit Rika's sword head on .

When both weapons collided, Lyner was only pushed back a bit, but this time he was able to take Rika's attack better . Yet the strength of Rika's attack was actually so strong that the wind pressure from her attack and Lyner's was able to create a crack on the building behind Lyner even though she didn't hit it .

Now both of them had locked swords as Rika was still growling like an animal, while Lyner was still smiling .

"THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" Lyner shouted this line with pure joy on his face .

. . .

In a nearby city Anita who was waiting for Lyner to return felt something ominous, and immediately ran off .

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