After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 108

Chapter 108: The Church of Light betrayed me.

"Of course not. It will melt!" Robb said, "well, I'll give you two pieces of candy, and you can take them back to make popsicles for the princess to eat. You’ve already seen the production process. Candy, juice, and water are mixed to make the sugar water and then put into the mold to freeze. Don't tell me that your court magicians don’t even have a magician who can use ice magic."

Lillian took two pieces of candy from the warehouse, wrapped them in a piece of cloth, and gave them to the necromancer.

Of course, the necromancer understands the value of this thing, candy! It must be more valuable than honey. Nobles would even fight for a small jar of honey. Robb gave the princess two pieces of such a precious thing for free.

He said respectfully, "Her Highness will be very happy to receive such a gift and will understand the good intentions of Westwind Town, which is unwilling to be the enemy of the Princess. After seeing the Princess, I will try my best to persuade the Princess to solve the problem of Westwind Town peacefully."

"Of course, it's best to have peace." Robb said with a smile, "but I'm not afraid of going to war. I think you should know that."

The necromancer immediately became a little more serious and whispered, "Sir, I'd like to ask, how many summoners do you have here? And… There must be a necromancer here who is more powerful than me, right? Could you please call him out and meet me? I'd like to talk to him. "

Robb glanced at the distance. Little Yi was sitting on the hillside, frozen. She didn't seem to be in the mood to see what was going on here.

In this way, Robb did not have to worry. He suddenly lowered his voice. His entire person became sinister. Dark magic surrounded him, like black hands with claws.

The necromancer was startled. Alas, he stepped back three steps in a row and said, "you… aren’t you a priest of the Church of Light?”

Robb smiled in a compassionate voice, “It’s because… The Church of Light betrayed me! So I hugged the darkness.”

Necromancer: “……”

The three adventurers next to him could not help sweating.

However, Robb immediately waved his hand again, and the dark magic disappeared without a trace. It turned into a golden light and said in a cheerful voice, "The holy light will bring me victory!"

Necromancer: “……”

The three adventurers shrugged at the same time, and Xuelu said, "Mr. Robb, please stop joking around. It's scary."

“Hahaha!” Robb smiled happily, “It’s fun, isn’t it?”

Xuelu said, "Fun, your mom! Both the Church of Light and Church of Darkness will regard you as a heretic."

Robb spread his hand and said, "then I’ll hang them on both sides of the ceiling fan in fifth gear. Speaking of which, my ceiling fan is broken, so I have to ask the blacksmith to make two new ones, one for the Church of Light and the other for the Church of Darkness.”

As soon as those words came out, everyone froze in a cold sweat.

Robb changed his face very quickly, and now, there was a smile on his face, "but if they don't attack me, we'll still be good friends, and the ceiling fan will only be used for wind.”

The necromancer seemed to understand something. He stood up, respectfully made a big bow, and then walked quickly out of town with his apprentice in the direction of Bright Road, for he knew that at this time, the princess should be leading the army to attack Bright Road. As long as he goes there, he’ll find the princess.

Robb immediately stretched his hands when the annoying man left," Oh yes! It's been so long since I've been lazy."

Xuelu said with a smile, "Mr. Robb, don't be too lazy. I have questions to ask. You used to hide your strength for fear that others would know, but recently, you have become so arrogant that you don't hide your strength at all. Even your dark magic has been shown to the enemy. Is this going to have an effect on you?”

Robb said, "in the past, I hid it to avoid trouble, but now I also showed it to avoid trouble. I think a smart magician will understand the truth."

Xuelu thought carefully, then smiled and said, "that's right."

Bright Road, which used to be full of scenic beauty, has now become a mess.

The white stone wall has collapsed, and 1/3 of the houses in the city have been burned down. The worst is the Church of Light, which has almost completely shattered and burnt into a piece of scorched stone.

The bodies of priests and nuns hung on black branches, and large tracts of crows danced on the corpses.

Believers of the God of Darkness in black cloaks cheered around the corpses.

War is cruel!

Even a war to restore the country in the name of justice was so cruel that people wanted to vomit.

The White Lion Cavalry was destined to lose when they opened the city gate and rushed out to kill the princess. The nobles in the city wavered and could not fight with the White Lion Cavalry at all. Many nobles changed to the princess’ side without saying a word.

After all, this is an act of "setting things right," which is morally correct beyond reproach.

Yingsi led the remnants of the army to retreat, along with the archbishop of the Church of Light, with the remaining priests and nuns retreated to the Capital of Saints.

Bright Road has fallen!

When the necromancer released by Robb arrived at Bright Road, he saw the city controlled by the princess, and that the ordinary people in the city were all in a panic.

The princess knew very well that it was time to gather the hearts and minds of the people first, so she did not let the army of undead into the city, but only her pro-army: the Black Earth Knights, the demi-human army, and the armies of the nobles who had surrendered to her, to manage this huge city.

The necromancer walked through a large area to the center of the city, which used to be the residence of the Grand Duke Yingsi, but has now become a makeshift palace for her Royal Highness.

When he came to the hall and saw her Royal Highness, she was frowning beautifully and listening to the reports of his subordinates, "the pursuing troops did not catch Yingsi and the Archbishop and were taken to Mondra's lair by the Knights of Mondra."

The "Royal Knights" in the mouth of ordinary people are the "Knights of Mondra" in the mouth of the princess' subordinates. Because the princess thinks she is the orthodox and rightful successor and does not recognize the rule of King Mondra, she does not call that army the "Royal Knights". Therefore, she called them the "Knights of Mondra".

And what they call "Mondra's lair" is the "Capital of Saints" .The princess also does not recognize it as the capital of the Kingdom of Gran, so it is not called the "Capital of Saints".

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