After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: Let's give him peace for the time being.

The subordinates continued to report, "according to our informants, Ardent Flame, Thunder, and Trembling Ice Knights are assembling to join the Knights of Mondra in an attempt to retake Bright Road.”

"Our army is unable to move forward for the time being. We need to regroup here to consolidate our rule of the occupied areas."

After listening to the report, the princess nodded, "after taking over Bright Road, we have achieved our first strategic goal. Now we will stay and prepare for the time being. The next thing we need to do is to withstand Mondra's counterattack. We need to gain a foothold here. "

“As you wish.”

The subordinates bowed together to salute.

"Your Highness! Number 42 seeks an audience.”

The princess raised her beautiful eyebrow, “Number 42? Isn’t he responsible for capturing the Stone Canyon and Westwind Town? Why did he suddenly appear at Bright Road?”

Soon, the emaciated necromancer 42 came to the temple with his apprentice. As soon as he saw the princess, he immediately knelt down on one knee, "his subordinates failed her Royal Highness's orders. Although he captured stone canyon, he lost the battle in Westwind Town. Over two thousand undead troops under my command were destroyed, and I was captured by the enemy."

"Hmm?" The princess was a little surprised and stood up with a brush. "what happened? Does the small town of Westwind have such a strong fighting force?”

The necromancer bowed his head and spoke respectfully of what had happened to him in Westwind Town.

The princess said in a silent voice, "you mean that there is a powerful priest named Robb in Westwind Town, who is not only a priest but also a magician (summoner) and a powerful necromancer? And that he defeated your army of undead alone? He then released you in front of a nun of the Church of Light and said that he loves peace. And he won't give us trouble as long as we don't attack him?"

The necromancer said, "Yes! Your subordinate said no lie."

With her pair of sky-blue eyes, the princess looked deeply at the necromancer in front of her. This subordinate was the precious wealth left to her by her parents, a loyal old minister. Sixteen years ago, he and other old court members protected the four-year-old her escape from Mondra and the Templar Knights. They were so loyal to her that they were even willing to abandon the native magic they had practiced for her and practice necromancy instead.

He would never make up some messy lies to deceive her.

After a while, the princess asked quietly, "Estimate how many troops we need if we are to forcibly defeat this priest and take over Westwind Town.”

"At least more than five thousand!” The necromancer whispered, "No, five thousand may not be enough. His summons are so powerful that even your subordinate can’t see through his strength.”

The princess thought about it and said, "then we can make a decision. At present, our army needs to deal with Mondra's counterattack. We cannot deploy enough troops to deal with Westwind Town. Since he has indicated that he is willing to live in peace, let's give him peace for the time being. Send orders to the whole army and ignore Westwind Town."

The necromancer respectfully saluted, "your subordinate thinks this is a very wise decision. Oh, by the way, he has something for me to give to her Royal Highness. "

The necromancer took out a small bucket of Coca-Cola and two pieces of candy, "We only need ice magic. These two things need ice magic to give way to the most beautiful taste."

"Oh? Is that Coca-Cola in this bucket?” The princess said, "this thing was given to me by a noble yesterday. It tastes good. I like it very much, but what are these two brown crystals?"

"It's called candy, and it's sweeter than honey." The necromancer said respectfully, "the priest named Robb also taught me how to make fruit popsicles with the candy. Your subordinate will let the ice magician make it for you right away."

Half an hour later, her Royal Highness stood at the top of the castle, her long white dress fluttered through the wind. She looked as beautiful as if in a dream. She held an orange-flavored popsicle in her left hand and an apple-flavored popsicle in her right hand. Her eyes narrowed with laughter, like two curved crescent moons.

The population of Westwind Town has inexplicably almost doubled. More than 300 people from White Birch Town and more than 400 people came from Stone Canyon, which added up to almost the original population of Westwind Town.

The town's size has more than doubled in an instant, and there are two new industries: logging and gemstone mining.

In this era, population is the most important productive force. Where there is population, there is everything. Without population, everything is empty.

Population growth will not only increase productivity but also increase the mobility of goods and promote the development of commerce. Of course, all the towns outside Westwind Town are either occupied by the army of undead or at war.

Westwind Town has become an isolated town, completely cut off from the commercial activities outside.

In this case, Westwind Town, where its industry value chain is incomplete, will not last long in theory.

But because of Robb, this small town has perversely tenacious self-sufficiency.

It doesn't matter if there is no food. Robb can grow tens of thousands of jin of potatoes in a day. As long as these potatoes flow into the market in exchange for all kinds of goods, they will immediately feed people from all statures in town.

It doesn't matter if there is no cloth. Robb can plant some cotton casually, and Westwind Town will easily be able to produce its own cotton cloth to solve the people's clothing problem.

With food and clothing, human beings have nothing to fear.

The two thousand townspeople of Westwind Town, supported by Robb alone, survived this war and not be engulfed by the chaos of war. Later, they were called the "Miracle of Westwind Town" in history.

September 20th!

The afternoon sun looked fierce. Although it is mid-September, the summer heat is still not over.

Lillian carried a box out of the chapel with cotton cloth, and in the middle were fifty neatly lined popsicles. When she came to the gate of the chapel, she waved to Robb and said with a smile, "Master, I'm going to give popsicles to the children in town."

Robb waved to her and smiled and said, "all right! Go and hurry back. "

Lillian bounced away, her black-and-white maid skirt flying in the wind, revealing her white legs from time to time, pleasing Robb's eyes.

Seeing Lillian disappear into the distance, another woman came out of the chapel, dressed in a short skirt with very little cloth. Her arms and thighs were all exposed, with her hot red hair. It was Xuelu. She didn't seem to have fully woken up yet. She walked drowsily to the stone bench beside Robb and asked, "What time is it?"

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