After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: I will dig a canal

After the sentinel who sounded the alarm was frowned upon by everyone, the calm was restored in Westwind town.

Robb was also pushed back to the chapel by Lillian and collapsed on his stone stool.

Through the fence, he could see that next door was very busy now, just like when the refugees from White Birch Town first came to Westwind Town. They all crowded into the chapel. The newly built dark chapel hall could not accommodate everyone, so only some old and weak women were allowed to enter the hall while the men were all sitting in a mess outside the courtyard.

Ah, he’s mistaken! The movements of cat people sitting on the ground should be called "lying on their stomachs." They lie down like cats, curling their tails over their faces and looking quite cute.

Robb slapped himself in the face. Damn it, the courtyard is full of men, "cute" my a*s. He should be careful, or he'll gender bend.

Just then, two dark nuns came out of the chapel, followed by a kitten girl, who looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, with pointed ears, furry tails, and six whiskers on her face. Looks cute.

"Oh, it's really cute this time." Robb was overjoyed and kept chasing the lovely kitten girl with his eyes.

The kitten is multicolored, with her black and white tail swinging back and forth. It's really cute.

Two dark nuns came to the faucet with the kitten girl, turned on the faucet, and taught her. The kitten girl tried, smiled, and nodded, seeing that she could use it, then brought a bucket, filled it with half a bucket of water, soaked a rag in it, and began to clean the chapel windows.

Robb couldn't help shouting from a distance, "Hey, girls, what are you playing?"

The three girls turned around, and the kitten woman's eyes showed a typical vigilance of "stay away from strangers." The habits of cats and cat folk are so similar in the way that it is difficult for them to get acquainted with strangers immediately.

But the two dark nuns smiled, "Father, this kitten folk doesn't want to accept free relief. She wants to find some work to do, so we asked her to clean the chapel windows."

"She seems to be a nice cat," Robb said with a smile.

The kitten girl said angrily, "I'm not a cat. I'm a cat folk!"

Robb smiled and said, "Yes, yes. I was wrong."

The kitten woman bared her teeth at Robb, revealing a ‘Fierce’ appearance, "Bad light priest, don't come and talk to me."

The two dark nuns hastened to stop her from going on and whispered, "Mr. Robb is different from other light priests. He is a good man."

The kitten woman said with a sad face, "there are no good people from the Church of Light. My home was burned down by that group of werewolves who believed in the light.”

The two dark nuns said, "it is true that all but Father Robb from the Church of Light are bad people."

“Hey! We can't pretend that we didn't just hear you say that. The two nuns of light jumped out of nowhere, stood by the fence, turned their hips to the dark nuns, and scolded, "you are the bad guys, and your whole family is the bad guys.”


“A… pahh!”

The four little nuns began to spit at each other again.

The kitten girl looked left and right, suddenly confused. Why does the Church of Light and Darkness fight by spitting out words?

At this moment, number 8 came out of the chapel, saluted Robb respectfully, and then said, "Mr. Robb, I have something to ask you."

Robb smiled and said, "Ask!"

Once again, the kitten girl was confused. It was the first time she had seen a Church of Darkness necromancer ask a Church of Light priest for advice. The priest of the Church of Light also had an attitude of "ask whatever you want, I will tell you everything." Isn't that weird?

In fact, she was not the only one confused. All the people in the yard also looked at this side with bewildered faces.

The ignorant faces of cats sure are funny!

The necromancer respectfully said, "Mr. Robb, you have helped the White Birch Town and Stone Canyon refugees, and you have arranged for them to make a living. I admire your means very much. Now I have 287 cat folk here. Their village had been destroyed, so they could only settle down in Westwind Town. I’d like to ask you if there’s anything you can arrange for them.”

Robb smiled and said, "what life skills do they know?"

The necromancer said very seriously, "they are very good at hunting. But there has already been a bit of excessive hunting around Westwind Town, and now almost all the living things on the mountain have been caught and fed to the spiders, cough……."

"They are also good at fishing, but Westwind Town is 4,000 yards away from the nearest river, so it is quite inconvenient to fish. To be honest, there are werewolves and guerrillas outside, and there are a lot of magic things hanging around. It won’t come as a surprise if a dragon suddenly appears. It would be too dangerous for them to fish four thousand yards from town. So now I feel quite distressed by this. I don’t know what to arrange for them.” (Authors Note: One yard equals 0.94 meters)

"So it’s like that! Let me think.”

A small thought appeared when hearing the word fish deep in Robb's heart.


Robb also has fishing skills, and, of course, they’re maxed.

However, there is a small difference between fishing and other skills. That is, when you max out other skills, you will lose motivation and feel tired of using them. Only fishing can still be fun while maxed.

Isn’t there a saying?

Why is the prince still fishing when his country was overthrown and his family killed?

Because fishing is good. It’s fun!

At the thought of this, Robb suddenly wanted to do some fishing.

“Ah!” With a long sigh, he said, "if only there were a river that could flow through my chapel yard, I could sit on my beloved stone stool and stretch out a long fishing rod to fish. It would be cool to catch a mutant fish and make it delicious.”

Number 8 perspired greatly, "Mr. Robb. Hey. Wake up. Don't dream in broad daylight. Think about how to help the cats."

Robb smiled, "I don’t have to think anyone. I've decided that the easiest way for me to be lazy while fishing is to create a river in Westwind Town. The cats can fish for a living if there is a river. Moreover, after making the river, we can also develop a series of water technologies and machines.”

Number 8 asked, “How will a river be made?”

“Dig a canal!” Robb smiled and said, "haven't you ever heard of canals? I have now decided that for the entertainment of the people of Westwind Town... no, wrong, to enrich the industry! I’ll dig a canal for Westwind Town, so the cat folks can fish and play in it.”

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