After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: Stroke it!

Number 8 felt like he saw a ghost, "Dig a canal? You want to dig a canal with the population of Westwind Town?"

The population of Westwind Town now, even with the newly arrived cat folk, is only a little more than 2,000. With this manpower, not to mention digging a canal, it will be difficult to dig a man-made lake.

The nearest river to Westwind Town is four thousand yards south of the town. Not to mention that digging canals will make the workers tired to death.

Moreover, one of the pillar industries of Westwind Town is mining, which shows that the geology around Westwind Town is hard. After digging a few meters underground, there will be hard rock formations. How will it be possible to dig a canal?

Number 8 jumped up and shouted, "A human-dug canal will not look complete."

Robb knew what he wanted to say as soon as he saw his face. "I also know that digging canals is troublesome, difficult, tiresome, but how can I fish without canals? No, how can we move the fishing industry without a canal? How do we enrich the industrial structure of this town? How will we enhance the transport capacity of this town? With continuous industrialization, this town needs canals! "

Number 8 didn't bother retorting. He felt like he was talking to a psychopath.

Robb took out a map of Westwind Town, placed it on the stone table, then picked up a piece of charcoal and drew on the map, "Hmm. The canal has to be from the river four thousand yards away. It'll run through the south of the town and split into two, one passing my chapel and another leading to the mayor's waterworks. Then, we'll build two small wooden bridges here, and the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River will finally appear. "

He drew energetically, but Number 8 next to him kept shaking his head, [Thinking, this drawing of yours looks to be a big project, how much manpower will it take? If you’re in Bright Road, it may be possible to mobilize tens of thousands of people to work on it for a few months, but in Westwind Town, it’s a mere dream.]

Just then, a terrible roar sounded in the sky.

Robb and number 8 looked up together and saw three manticores descending slowly, one led by knights of the Royal Air Force, the other two were Gugu and Jiji, respectively, waving to Robb even before they landed. They saluted from a distance and said, "Respectable Mr. Robb. We’re here again."

When the manticore dropped to the ground, the two jumped alongside it, trotted to Robb's stone table, gave him a big salute, and sat down neatly opposite him.

Robb was happy to see them and said with a smile, "Sup, you've been gone for days. I wondered if you were trying to secretly make your own cream cake and not give me the crystal ball."

Gugu and Jiji thought, [You are too witty, aren't you? I can't believe you broke her Majesty's desire to develop her own cream cake.]

Robb shook the goose feather fan in his hand. "it's no use if you don't talk," he said with a smile. "I guessed that her Majesty had worked out how to make the cake but couldn't make the cream… Cake without cream is meaningless! Women don't like cake. They like cream cake."

Gugu and Jiji: “……”

The two looked at each other and said with a wry smile, "Mr. Robb, don't act so sarcastic."

The two men took out a wooden box, opened it carefully, held out a fist-sized crystal ball from it, and respectfully placed it in front of Robb, "this is the crystal ball you wanted."

Robb was so overjoyed since he was interested in everything he had never played with that he immediately took the crystal ball in his hand and stroked it twice. "it's not bad, it's great, but... This thing should be in pairs in order to be able to communicate over a long distance. What do you mean by giving me only one? "

Gugu said with a wry smile, "after all, this is a strategic item, and it has a very important strategic role in battle. If I give you a pair and you send one of them to East Gren to contact Mondra at any time, then it will be very bad. So, after much deliberation, her Majesty decided to sell you one so that you can play with it, and we won’t have to worry about the strategic magic item being used in places we don't want.”

Robb thought about this carefully but expressed his understanding that her Majesty had to weigh something at the strategic level. It was impossible to just give it away at random; otherwise, she would be bringing herself into the ditch.

"I understand, but I only have one crystal ball, so I can't play with it." Robb suddenly muttered to him, "how about I hack you to death and grab that crystal ball from you to make a pair?"

Gugu was startled and jumped, “That’s not alright!”

Jiji hurriedly said, "You can't use it. The crystal ball on Gugu can only be used to contact Number 1. It can't get in touch with your crystal ball. It's no use for you to grab it."

Robb said, "how do you use it then?"

Gugu and Jiji hurriedly said, "well, here's the thing. The other crystal ball connected to your crystal ball is in the hands of her Majesty the Queen. You can use this crystal ball to directly contact her Majesty when you want long-distance communication. "

It turned out that the crystal ball was given to Robb because her Majesty wanted to eat cake. On one hand, she did not want the strategic magic item to fall into the hands of outsiders, but on the other, she could not resist the temptation of the cake. Finally, she had to make a difficult decision. That is, to give Robb a crystal ball, but the connected crystal ball must be in her own hands.

She paid the price for her gluttony and came to monitor the crystal ball so that she could use her eyes to make sure that the crystal ball would not be misappropriated to do anything bad for West Gran.

This is her responsibility as a ruler, responsible for her country and responsible for her own actions.

"Really?" Robb smiled, "So, as it turns out, this can contact her Majesty. Ah, that is not bad. Men do not mind chatting with beautiful girls. So, how do I start this thing?"

Gugu, "when you want to contact her Majesty, as long as you stroke it three times, her Majesty will receive a hint. She will stroke the crystal ball over there three times as well, then you can talk."

"Likewise, when her Majesty wants to contact you, she will stroke the crystal ball three times on that side, and then your crystal ball will glow, and you will be able to make a call after you stroke it three times," he said.

Robb smiled and said, "I see! I feel like this crystal ball isn’t that smooth. Stroke it!"

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