After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 860

Chapter 860: Dealing with the Giant Creature

Lord Nuolun quickly found himself in front of three elderly elf men. At that moment, the three old men were sitting in the reception room of a publishing house, each holding a manuscript, waiting to discuss publishing matters with the publishing house.

Suddenly, they saw Lord Nuolun enter with “Swift Wind,” rushing in like a gust of wind, causing a whirlwind in the reception room.

The manuscript papers held by the three old men were instantly blown up, flying around the room in chaos.

“Damn it!”

“Lord Nuolun, you’re heading for self-destruction.”

“You dare to attack our literary works? Are you trying to declare war on the elven race?”

The three old men jumped up simultaneously. Fortunately, having lived for over nine hundred years, their magic was certainly not lacking. They immediately used natural magic to suppress the gust of wind caused by Lord Nuolun in an instant.

They even made the papers floating in the sky fly back, page by page, neatly rearranging themselves.

To be honest, not even Robb would know how to do this. The magic he knows comes from the game, and the magic functions in the game were relatively rigid, limited to attack, healing, and support. They don’t have the ability to control and reset manuscript papers. If Robb saw this move, he would have to shamelessly go learn from the three old men.

The swirling whirlwind around Lord Nuolun subsided, revealing his gentlemanly smile, full of sophistication. He calmly and elegantly sat down in a chair opposite the three old men and even produced a cup of tea out of nowhere, holding it up. “Good afternoon, gentlemen! What are you busy with?”

The three old men were infuriated and fuming. “Nuolun, don’t pretend to be elegant. Your appearance just now, running in with sparks and lightning after cutting the power lines with a kitchen knife, has already betrayed your eagerness. Even if you try to present yourself as a gentleman now, it cannot conceal your inner anxiety.”

Lord Nuolun replied, “The old saying goes, ‘Old habits die hard,’ so I’ll cut to the chase.”

Fast forward!

When using wind magic to speak, the pace is fast. In an instant, Lord Nuolun made the three old men dizzy and overwhelmed. With old age, their reactions became slower, and their thinking also became sluggish. Lord Nuolun had already finished speaking and several minutes had passed before the old men finally understood the question.

“So, it turns out we need to deal with a large scorpion lurking underground! That’s easy.”

The three old men said, “We just need to send out a large number of druids and use magic that causes roots to grow abundantly underground. If the underground is filled with magical tree roots, it won’t be so easy for it to dig through.”

Lord Nuolun exclaimed, “That sounds great!”

The three old men laughed and said, “In our long lives as elves, we have encountered countless chaotic creatures. This is just common knowledge. By the way, there’s another good method: using water magic to wet all the sand and then using ice magic to freeze the wet sand. It won’t be as easy for the large scorpion to dig through the frozen blocks of magic ice as it is to dig through sand. If it can’t dig underground and can only fight on the surface, with the equipment we have in Westwind City, our soldiers should be able to take it down in no time.”

Lord Nuolun was immediately impressed and exclaimed, “Godfather once said that old habits die hard, and he was absolutely right.”

The three old men called for elven guards and instructed them to gather the magicians immediately.

In no time, a support force consisting of magicians from three different races was ready.

Lord Nuolun, dressed in a lunar robe and holding a staff of life, adorned with various master-level accessories, led a large group of magicians and dialed Elsie’s phone. “Open the gate, we’re coming over.”


A purple transmission gate opened.

Lord Nuolun quickly led his team through the gate. Not long after they entered the transmission gate, another new gate opened next to it, and Xuelu, Gorda, and Jike emerged from this new gate.

The three of them looked tired and disheveled, bearing the marks of their adventures on the new continent. They had spent several months exploring the jungles of the new continent, unable to eat properly or find a place to sleep. They frequently had to battle the tribes of Maya and engage in magical conflicts. It was only when they occasionally encountered the communicative Maya tribes that they could find a quiet place to rest.

However, despite their exhaustion, the three of them were spiritually fulfilled.

Especially upon hearing that Robb was going to raid the Demon King City, they became inexplicably excited. Just as they jumped out of the transmission gate and looked around, they noticed another transmission gate nearby. The three of them exclaimed with joy, “This must be the gate! Godfather opened it to receive us. Let’s go in.”

The three of them immediately jumped into the adjacent transmission gate.

Xuelu was filled with the expectation that upon jumping through, she would see Robb waiting for them with a smile. However, as soon as they jumped through the transmission gate, they were met with a scene of two armies facing each other.

On their side stood the troops of Westwind City and the Desert Kingdom led by Motra, while on the other side were a multitude of troops from the Desert Kingdom, along with the newly arrived Knights of the Kingdom of Norma.

Since the soldiers of Westwind had openly intervened in the internal conflict of the Desert Kingdom, the Kingdom of Norma no longer bothered to hide their rear support. Instead, they directly sent their stationed knights to join the battle.

A Norman soldier was laughing in front of the formation, “The rubbish soldiers of Westwind City are useless as long as that man is not here.”

Lord Nuolun stood at the forefront with an air of sophistication. “Good evening, sir! Although you currently appear arrogant, soon I will hang you from a five-speed ceiling fan and let you fully experience the taste of Westwind City’s specialized instruments of torture. If I have offended you, it was unavoidable, and I ask for your forgiveness.”

The Norman man froze for a moment. “Who is this again? I say, who is leading your army? One moment it’s Motra at the front, then Elsie comes out, and now some inexplicable fellow appears? Won’t you be in chaos with such disorganized command?”

“Of course not.” Motra, Elsie, and Lord Nuolun chuckled together. “Dealing with scum like you, who needs proper command? What’s wrong with a little chaos?”

Just as the three were speaking, Xuelu emerged from the side. “What’s going on here? I was supposed to be taken by Godfather to raid the Demon King City. How did I end up here? Can someone explain?”

Everyone remained silent.

The Norman man burst into laughter. “You still have such idiots on your side? You’ve come to the battlefield and have no idea what’s happening? Die, Sand King! Come and deal with these fools.”

As soon as the Norman man’s voice fell, a sand dune swiftly approached from a distance.

The Westwind soldiers immediately recognized it as the same giant scorpion from before, and they couldn’t help but feel nervous.

Xuelu, Gorda, and Jike were adventurers with deep knowledge of monsters. Seeing the situation, they exclaimed, “A large monster is attacking from underground. We need to come up with a plan quickly.”

Lord Nuolun sneered, “Don’t panic! We were prepared for this.”

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